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What the POF Auto Message Sender Bot Does
POF Auto message sender is a software program that is designed to do one thing and one thing only:
Deliver, to your Plenty of Fish inbox, Plenty of Fish singles who are interested in you.
On Plenty of Fish, or any dating site, the biggest eater and waster of your time is:
- Looking through singles profiles.
- Sending an introductory, 'hello' message.
- Sending ENOUGH of messages these messages so you have some single men or women to talk with and get to know. (Most guys on dating sites, unless they look like Tom Cruise, have to send between 7 - 10 emails just to get ONE reply back. No, it's not you. This is what most singles guys go through on dating sites.)
POF Auto Message Sender does ALL the work for you.
Instead of you spending all your time sitting at the computer sending messages to singles of, POF Auto Message Sender does this for you.
All you have to do is check your Plenty Of Fish inbox every once in a while to sort through all the messages, deleting the ones of people you are not intested in and saving the rest for fun times.
Operating Systems Compatible with POF Auto Message Sender Bot
POF Auto Message Sender can run on the following operating systems:
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 8.0
- Windows 7
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP Pro.
- Windows XP Home.
Linux Compatibility
How to run POF Auto Message Sender on Linux - run POF Auto Message Sender on Linux.
MAC Compatibility
Here are a few ways POF Auto Message Sender can run on MAC - run POF Auto Message Sender on Mac.
POF Auto Message Sender Software Satisfaction Guarantee
Don't like the way the program works? We will give you your money back. Don't like the way the software looks. We will give you an instant refund.
The worst thing in the world an online business can do is piss off it sites visitors and customers. If you don't like the software and we give you a refund, the worst thing you can say about us is 'their software sucks, but they gave me my money back.'

POF Auto Message Sender Automatic Mode
If you use POF Auto Message Sender in Automatic Mode, other than the one minute setup process of telling the software you advanced search settings, the ENTIRE process of introducing you to new singles on Plenty Of Fish is 100% automatic.
100% on its own, POF Auto Message Sender, once every 14 - 17 minutes, will perform your advanced search, locate the singles returned from the search who are Online Now and send them a message introducing yourself to them.
POF Auto Message Sender will work tirelessly, cramming your POF inbox with singles who have replied to your introductory email, until YOU TELL IT TO STOP!
The only downside to Automatic Mode is, because the software does not have eyes, it can't distingush the attractive singles from the unattrative. All you need to do to handle this is ...
- Go to your Plenty Of Fish inbox every once in a while.
- Delete the emails of the women you are not attracted to.
- Begin chatting with the hotties.
POF Auto Message Sender Manual Mode
If you use POF Auto Message Sender in Manual Mode you have complete control over who you message. While Manual Mode is not as fast as Automatice Mode, it is still a LOT faster than trying to meet singles of Plenty Of Fish without the software program.
The way Manual Mode works is ...
- You perform the POF advanced search via the web browser built into the POF Auto Message Sender bot.
- Look through the thumbnails of the members returned by your search.
- Click on the thumbnails of singles you want to message.
- A context menu appears that allows you to either view the persons profile (View Profile) or message them (Send Fast Message).
- When you click the Send Fast Message menu the software program goes to their profile page to email them and sends one of its built in messages or your own custom messages.
- The software program then instant returns you back to the profile thumbnails page where you were.

Table of Contents
Forget Copy and Paste Messages on Plenty Of Fish
Other dating software programs or apps use copy and paste messages, using the same message over and over or are limited to a few different messages.
This is BAD and will, at the very least, get your messages blocked or even get your Plenty Of Fish account DELETED! (reference)

Not only does POF Auto Message Sending contain hundreds of unique messages, but you can use your own custom messages as well so copy and paste problems will NEVER be a problem with this powerful POF dating bot.
Plenty Of Fish Email Message Secret - 'Online Now'
Messaging ONLINE NOW single members of Plenty Of Fish makes all the difference in the world when it comes to high percentage email reply rate.
If you want to get your message on POF read AND replied to, messaging them when they first come online is important for several reasons:
- When someone first comes online they are 'fresh' and motivated to meet someone. Why else would they have just come online to Plenty Of Fish? Sending a message to them when they first come online instantly satisfies their loneliness or desire to meet someone.
- They will receive your message WHILE they are online so it is much more likely to be read than the dead or old messages.
The problem with trying to message women MANUALLY, when they first come online, is you are not going to be on Plenty Of Fish, yourself, when most of the women, in your area, come online.
You can't sit at your computer all day trying to catch women when they first come online but POF Auto Message Sender can.
Sitting and waiting for the girls, in your area, to come online is EXACTLY what POF Auto Message Sender is programmed to do. This free's up your time to do whatever you wish while the software sends the introductory messages for you, all day long, or until you tell it to stop (because your inbox is too full).
POF Auto Message Sender is your personal Plenty Of Fish 'Terminator'
All you have to do is sign in to POF once a day, or whenever YOU want, to reply to any/all the emails from women who have replied to the first message POF Auto Message Sender has sent them for you.
Getting Single Women to Come to YOU
With POF Auto Message Sender auto clicker program you no longer HAVE to chase after girls with emails that struggle to get a response (you can if you still want to).
It is a numbers game. The biggest time eating involved with online dating is finding people that you are physically attacted to AND they are physically attracted to you and a connection is possible.
POF Auto Message Sender quickly, and with no effort or time on your part, finds these people for you and delivers them to your Plenty Of Fish inbox.
POF Auto Message Sender sends that first message to women so as your inbox gets filled with replies from these singles, obviously they are people who looked at your profile (isn't that the first thing you do when you get a message from someone?) and they like what they saw or they would not have sent you a reply message.
So NOW, when you log into Plenty Of Fish, you'll be spending your time TALKING to attractive people who you already know like you instead of wasting your time trying to FIND people who like you!
Will POF Auto Message Bot Get my POF Profile Deleted
No. Using POF Auto Message Sender will not, and can not, get your Plenty Of Fish profile deleted. Although Plenty Of Fish does not like anything on their website that can't click ads and make them money (like software programs or bots)
POF Auto Message Sender is specifically programmed to be random, varying and human-like in everything it does in these distinct ways:
- Amount of pause time between checks for new POF members coming online is different every time and ranges from once every 14 minutes to once every 17 minutes.
- Amount of pause time between sending the messages to users who are Online Now varies considerably.
- POF Auto Message Sender logs you back in to POF if you are logged out.
- All mouse clicks and keys pressed are done on a real web browser built into the program, not in the background like other POF apps.
- The content of messages sent to POF members varies considerably.
As far as Plenty Of Fish is concerned, POF Auto Message Sender looks, acts and smells just like a real person sitting at a computer.
Types of Messages POF Auto Message Sender Sends to Online POF Members
POF Auto Message Sender Mixes up and varies the messages it auto sends for you to prevent identical copy-and-paste. This is important for two reasons:
- So Plenty Of Fish algorithms don't think you are using a software program bot and your account stays intact and safe.
- What if a couple of girl friends on POF both get a message from you and they are both the exact same messages. Sending identical messages to everyone will kill your success.
You can also set up you own, personal, custom message instead of the ones already built into the software.
In addition this software sends one message and one message only to any single Plenty Of Fish member. This is important to prevent complaints of spam or harassment.
Here are several examples of the exact types of messages POF Auto Message Sender sends if you choose to use the built in, default messages instead of your own custom message:
- Hi. Just wanted to tell you that I love your profile.
- Have you had much luck with Plenty Of Fish?
- Loved your profiles 'About Me' section and look forward to hearing back from you.
- How do you feel about this dating site? I have met a few people but noone special yet.
- Hi there. Just messaging you to introduce myself.
- Hello there. Just wanted to introduce you to a great catch ;)).
- Liked your profile text description and would love to hear back from you.
Send your Own, Personal, Customized Message to POF Members
Although the introductory messages already built into POF Auto Message Sender are fantastic and work, you may wish to use your own, personalized, custom message. The custom message feature allows you to use spin syntax as well (recommended) so the same messages are not sent over and over. Instead, each person you message will get a fairly unique, not copy and paste message.
Spin syntax is a special way of structuring a sentence so that software with spinning software built into it, like POF Auto Message Sender, can create multiple, varied sentences from just one sentence! You can read how to do spin syntax or we can create this custom, spun sentence for you free of charge.