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🧾 Step-by-Step Instructions on The Best Way to Use Amazon Product Review Template 🖺

short url:

This web page has instructions revealing how to use this affiliate product review template 🖺.

If these instructions are not clear enough, you can view these additional tutorials (links open in new window) ...

Here you will find the actual online product review template 🗟.

Product/company basic information

1. In the name of the product being reviewed text box, enter the name of the product you are creating the review for. You should write the name of the product in proper case or title case format, for example:
Google AutoComplete Keyword Scraper Software
google autocomplete keyword scraper.

2. In the product owner name or company name text box, enter the name of the owner of the product you are writing this review for, or the name of the company that owns the product. If you do not know either of these, enter the direct link (not your affiliate link) to the website of this product you are writing this review for.

3. For the checkbox with the text that reads Link to Product in Product Description, check this if you want text that matches what you entered for a product name in step #1 above, to automatically be hyperlinked in the 150 - 300 word product description section of the review. This is recommended.

4. For the checkbox with the text that reads Open Link in New Window check this checkbox if you want the link to the product you are reviewing to open up in a new window. Generally, any link that leads your review readers to a site that is a different website from the one you are creating the review for, it is a good idea to open this type of link in a new window so the reader of your review does not lose his place on your review page.

5. In the text box that reads Url (usually an affiliate link), enter your affiliate link for the Amazon, Clickbank, etc. product. This is the link that will pay you affiliate commissions when the reader of your review clicks on it and makes a purchase of the product you are writing this review for.

6. For the text box that reads Title or tooltip text shown on link mouseover, enter the pop up text you want the reader of your review will see when the place their mouse over your affiliate link in your review. This should be a short description of the product you are creating your product review for. Don't be afraid to make it a little 'salesy' to really entice the reader of your review to click on it.

Here you will find the online product review template 🖺.

More Detailed Facts About the Product you are Writing this Review for

1. This part of the amazon product review template 🗎 creates a small, separate section that displays important, basic information about the website that sells the product you are writing the review for. This section is placed at the very top of the review and is done so in a very visually appealing and tasteful manner.

There are three different types of placements you can select for this section of the review:

  1. Centered, full width of the review. Example.
  2. Top left, half the width of the review. Example.
  3. Top right, half the width of the review. Example.

Choose one of the three option buttons that correlates to your desired placement of this part of the review.

2. Enter the domain registered on date. This is the exact day that the owner of the product you are reviewing registered the web address or domain name of his/her website. This information can be found by clicking the link to a WHOIS lookup next to this text box that reads Click here to look up.

3. Enter the domain expires on date. This is the date that their domain name expires. As an affiliate or a person reading the review you are creating, don't panic if this date is not far away. This does not mean that the website comes down and goes away on that date. It only does so IF the owner of the website does not update their domain registration. This information can be found by clicking the link to a WHOIS lookup next to this text box that reads Click here to look up

4. Enter the non-affiliate, direct url or web address to the website of the product you are creating a review for.

5. Enter the name of the product you are creating a review for. If you completed step #1 in section #1 above, this text field should already be pre-populated.

6. Enter the satisfaction guarantee of the product you are creating this review for. If the product you are reviewing does not offer a guarantee, you might want to consider choosing a different affiliate product to promote.

Here is the actual online product review template 🗎.

Keyboard Shortcuts & Text Formatting Options for Remainder of Review

Up until now, filling out of this product review template involved entering short, one line snippets of information about the website and owner of the product you are creating this review for. The remainder of this review is where you enter more in-depth, more lengthy information about the product itself.

To simplify and speed up this process, here are a few keyboard shortcuts and affiliate review output formatting options to keep in mind:

  • Keyboard Shortcuts
    • type pn + [SPACE] to automatically insert the products name (what you entered in step #1 in section #1 above).
    • type an + [SPACE] to automatically insert the author name or company name (what you entered in step #2 in section #1 above).
  • Review Output Formating
    • For paragraphs <p>, press the ENTER key twice after a block of text.
    • For lists <ul><li>, press the ENTER key once for each separate list item. At the end of your list, press the ENTER key twice.

Here is the amazon product review template 🗟.

Complete Description of Product you are Creating this Review for

Enter a 150+ word detailed description of the product you are creating this review for. This section should not be used for listing a products good or bad points as these 2 things are dealt with in the next few sections of your review creation. The purpose of this 150+ word description of the product is to make it extremely clear to the readers exactly what this product does and who this product is for.

There are buttons built into the product description part of the template which allow you to easily format sections of the product description including the ability to bold, italicize, underline blocks of text as well as create links.

Spin syntax is supported for the product description text.

Your Personal Experience with the Product your are Writing this Review for

If you've actually used the product or service that you are reviewing, enter details of your experience with the product. This is an opportunity to dramatically empower the sense of confidence of your review to your readers.

This is an opportunity to allow the readers of your review to be standing right behind you looking over your shoulder as they get to experience through you what it's like to use the product or service you're creating the review for.

There are buttons built into the your personal experience with the product part of the template which allow you to easily format sections of your experience using the product part of the review, including the ability to bold, italicize, underline blocks of text as well as create links.

If you do not have experience using the product you are reviewing, check the box that reads Check this box to ◽ not include this section.

Spin syntax is supported for the your personal experience text.

Here is the actual online product review template 🖺.

List of Reviewed Product Good Points

List all the good points about the product you're writing the review for. Remember to press the enter ENTER once between each list item so each positive item about the product is on a separate line. When you are finished with the list of the products good points press the ENTER key twice.

There are buttons built into list of products good points part of the template which allow you to easily format sections of the list of products good features including the ability to bold, italicize, underline blocks of text as well as create links.

Spin syntax is supported for the list of product good points text.

Here is the online product review template 🖺.

List of Reviewed Product Bad Points

List any of the things about the product you are reviewing that you don't like. This is an opportunity to create more trust with the readers of your review. Honesty here can pay big dividends.

Remember to press the ENTER key once between each list item so each negative item about the product is on a separate line. When you are finished with the list of the products not so good points, press the ENTER key twice.

There are buttons built into list of products bad points part of the template which allow you to easily format sections of the list of products not so appealing features, including the ability to bold, italicize, underline blocks of text as well as create links.

Spin syntax is supported for the list of product bad points text.

Here you will find the online product review template 🗟.

Other Product Alternatives to the Product you are Creating this Review for

This part of the review template allows you to accomplish a few objectives, one of them being to further build a sense of trust that the reader has for the review they are reading.

By making the reader of your review aware of other products, similar to the one you are writing the review for, you are showing the reader that you're not biased, while at the same time, creating a sense that you actually are trying to help them with honest information about the product being reviewed.

Of course nobody says you can't create affiliate links to the alternative products that you list in this section.

There are buttons built into list of product alternatives part of this review template which allow you to easily format sections of the list of alternative products including the ability to bold, italicize, underline blocks of text as well as create links.

Spin syntax is supported for the list of alternative text.

Here you can find the affiliate product review template 🖺.

Outputing the Finished Review

This is the most exciting part of your product review. Creating the output! The output is in basic HTML format so you can just copy and paste your review into any HTML supported editor, including Wordpress.

To output your review, select the number of spaces padding you want to the left of each line of code and press the button with the text Create Review from Template.

Not including the content you enter into the review templates tex boxes, the output is done in spin syntax format which means that every time you click the button, the review will be worded different, enough so that it will read as unique content.

There are a number of formatting options built into this review template:

Just below the review output text box there are 2 useful links:

If these instructions are not clear enough, you can view these additional tutorials (links open in new window) ...

Here you will find the actual online product review template 🗟.


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