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Ideal Dating Success Strategy For Plenty Of Site Success

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Ideal Dating Success Strategy For Plenty Of Fish Site ♥ Success

Click to Play Video About Perfect Dating Success Strategy For Plenty Of Fish Site ♥ Success
  • The Overall Best Strategy for Plenty of Fish Dating Success
  • Plenty of Fish Shocking Experiment
  • Why you Get so Few Replies to your Introductory Messages
  • How to Employ the Volume Strategy on Plenty of Fish
  • Bad POF Strategies to Avoid

The Overall Best Strategy for Plenty Of Fish Dating Success

If you are reading this page then I am willing to bet you have been a member of Plenty Of Fish and are very frustrated because...

  • It seems almost next to impossible to get women to reply to your initial emails to them. You send out 10 introductory emails and, if you are lucky, you may get one half assed reply.
  • The ones that do reply you message back and forth a couple of times and for no apparent reason they suddenly just dissapear. You wonder if you did something wrong. You didn't. You just don't understand what women experience on Plenty Of Fish so you don't understand the right strategy for dating success on Plenty Of Fish.

Plenty Of Fish Shocking Experiment

About 10% of the women on Plenty Of Fish are attractive enough that they get 90% of all emails sent. Think about that. We have conducted experiements on where we created fake female profiles to see what they experience. The attractiveness of the womens pictures we used, when creating these fake profiles were anywhere between 7 - 9 on the 1 - 10 attractiveness scale.

Every single one of these profiles received between 15 - 40 emails every day. Now you are probably thinking 'I wish I had that problem." You have to remember a women does not join a dating site to get laid. Women are much more selective and they are looking for quality, not quantity. What an ironic curse for both guys and girls:

  1. Guys are looking for quantity and don't get it.
  2. Women are looking for quality and instead get quantity.

Why you Get so Few Replies to your Introductory Messages

Women very quickly grow tired of so many message from so many guys that women merely skim the headline and thumbnail picture when reading their messages. In fact, more than half of guys first messages get deleted without even being opened. So to be successful on Plenty Of Fish you need one of the following:

  1. To look like Brad Pitt.
  2. To have a main profile picture that, somehow, really jumps out.
  3. The first sentence of your opening, introductory, email must really grab their attention.
  4. Email soooooooooo many women that even if you have a very bad response rate you will still achieve success.

Number three and number four are two things you DO have complete control over.

  1. Other than general hygiene, you can't control your looks.
  2. What type of opening message is going to jump at and speak to the girl will vary from girl to girl.
  3. The volume approach anyone can employ for online dating success.

How to Employ the Volume Strategy on Plenty of Fish

It is worth mentioning the Plenty Of Fish Fast software program which has both the 'Meet Me' and 'Auto Message Sender' modules to automate and speed up your dating results and success.

  1. Meet Me Module: this program clicks YES for you on the Meet Me section of Plenty of Fish. If you are unaware of what the Meet Me section of Plenty Of Fish, it is basically where you are shown a picture of single person on Plenty of Fish and underneath their picture are three buttons. One says YES, one says MAYBE and the third says NO. If you like their picture and would like to * them you click YES. No matter which button you click you are shown then next picture, etc. Anytime you click YES to a girls picture they are sent a notification about your interest. The Meet Me Module of Plenty Of Fish fast does the clicking for you. This program is set up to mimick human behavior in that it sometimes clicks the NO and MAYBE buttons and not just the YES buttons all the time. Let the software run for about one hour once per month and your inbox will become a place on POF you look forward to visiting.
  2. Auto Message Sender Module: this part of Plenty Of Fish Fast gathers details about the type of person (man or woman) you want to meet on Plenty Of Fish by means of the Advanced Search on Plenty Of Fish. The program then sits quietly in your PC system tray monitoring for when one of your search preferences first comes online. When this happens the software program sends them a short, nice first message. The idea is that by sending the message to them within a few minutes of coming online they will see the message come in when it does, see that you (in reality the software program) are online and thus an interaction is much more likely to be welcomed and responded to by her.

Whether you choose to do it manually or you use Plenty Of Fish Fast the choice is up to you but the bottom line is the best strategy for maximum success on POF is use of the Meet Me section and sending lots of message to people, ideally when they first come online.

Bad POF Strategies to Avoid

It is worth mentioning that a big part of your overall success on Plenty Of Fish or any online dating site is your profile itself. If your profile and your pictures are terrible then that is going to significantly lower your response rate whether you use the volume approach or not. Here are some sure fire deal killers to avoid.

  • No shirtless/semi nude pictures. No matter how wonderful and sexy your body is and how great your abs are women think of you as being too cocky when you show shirtless photos. The only way you can get away with this is if you engage in some hobby where your shirt has to be off such as you are playing volleyball on the beach etc. Just make sure that your picture is such that the person is not going to think you are just coming up with a lame excuse to have a shirtless picture.
  • No pictures with exe's. It makes the other person think you are not over them and is a turn off. It IS ok to have pictures of you with lots of girls such as a picture of you at a party. This makes you look social.
  • No pictures of you with your nice car. I know you want to show off that baby to the girls on POF but girls don't care about cars and the only ones that do are the ones that will peg you as a mark for being used. The best pictures are pictures that look natural where you are engaged in your hobbies and interests.



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