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How Anyone Can Catch A Cheating Boyfriend On POF With POF Username Search

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How To Catch A Cheater On Plenty Of Fish With Plenty Of Member

Click to Play Video About You Can Catch A Cheater On Plenty Of Fish With Plenty Of Member Search
  • How to Catch a Cheater of
  • Online Now Trick to Catch Cheating Spouse
  • Step by Step Catch Infidielty via POF Username Search
  • Find out When They Come Online
  • Find Other Dating Profiles They Have Online
  • Find Other Dating Profiles [text Instructions]
  • Find Other Dating Profiles [image Instructions]

How to Catch a Cheater of

First off, if a person is suppose to be in a committed relationship with you, why do they have a dating profile on Plenty Of Fish dating in the first place!? If you ask a person to remove their profile on Plenty Of Fish and they don't want to do that or they only want to hide the profile (which can all too easily be unhidden in a matter of seconds) then that, all by itself, is a clear indicator your partner is not 100% sure of and/or committed to the relationship.

If a Person has a POF or ANY Dating Profile and they are in a Relationship does that Mean they are Cheating?

Absolutely not. Notice I stated above that if they have a dating profile they don't want remove completely then it means they are either not 100% sure of and/or committed to the relationship.

  1. Maybe the relationship is new and they are not sure of its longevity for that reason.
  2. Maybe the person you are in a relationship with who has the dating profile has been rejected often so they are unsure for that reason.

Plenty Of Fish Online Now Trick to Catch Cheating Spouse

Now if your partner has a profile on Plenty Of Fish and you can catch them in the ONLINE NOW status then that is a clear indication of something to be suspicious of, infidelity-wise. Of course they could always respond with the classic 'I was just looking for the fun of it' or 'I wanted to see if that person I know is still on there'. If the person you are in a relationship with is 100% committed to you and has respect for you they will take down all dating profiles because that is what you want them to do.

If they are unwilling to remove their dating profile(s), for whatever reason or excuse they give, follow the instructions below to catch them, if not to catch them cheating, at the very least, catch them lying to you.

Step by Step Catch your Cheating Husband or Wife or Boyfriend or Girlfriend via POF Username Search

The purpose of the POF Username Search tools to catch a cheating spouse is to first verify they have a visible profile on Plenty Of Fish.

First Verify they Have a POF Dating Profile. Head over to the POF Username Search Tool. This link will open in a new window so you don't lose your place here. If you know their Plenty Of Fish username then enter it in the textbox. If you don't know their exact username then enter in the part of the username you are sure of. If you are not sure of any part of their username then try a username they are using for other accounts like E-mail, Twitter, etc.

POF Username Search Tool.
Image of POF Upgrade Hack POF Username Search Tool.
POF Username Search Tool.

If using the POF Username Search tool does not dig up a dating profile of theirs but you are still convinced they have one you can use another POF search related tool that does not require you to be logged into Plenty Of Fish or even have dating profile on their site with the POF Unlimited Search Tool.

POF Search Tool No Age Restrictions, No Account Required.
Image of POF Search Tool No Age Restrictions.
POF Search Tool No Age Restrictions, No Account Required.

What is great about this tool for finding someone fast is ...

  1. You don't have to even be a member of POF to use it.
  2. You can be ultra specific about location to narrow down results and make it faster and easier to find their profile. For the Location part of the form you can be as specific or as general as you wish. For example, instead of just entering Connecticut you can enter Torrington, Connecticut (if your cheating partner lives in Torrington CT, for example).
  3. You can be ultra specific about their age, right down to the exact age. This feature really narrows down the number of results returned to make it faster and easier to find him/her.

The one thing that can throw of the results of this tool is if they create a dating profile and lie about their age and location, but for the sake of this article and the behaviors of the majority, let's assume they are not lying on their Plenty Of Fish profile about their location or their age.

Find Out When they Come Online on Plenty Of Fish

If you do find their dating profile on Plenty Of Fish using either of or both of the search tools above, the next thing you want to do is be able to find out and get notified when and if they come online on Plenty Of Fish. You could go to the Plenty Of Fish, click the button at the top of the page labeled Online.

Catch Cheater POF Online Now Button.
Image of Catch Cheater POF Online Now Button.
Catch Cheater POF Online Now Button.

This will show you all the people near your IP address/location, who are online and active on Plenty Of Fish right now. Keep that web page open and refresh it several times during the day. With any luck, you will see them Online Now. If the person you think may be cheating does not live in your area then you will have to use something that tricks POF into thinking you are located in the same area as your potential cheating partner such as and IP changer or VPN.

The only problem with this is that is you don't have an account and/or are not logged in you only get to see the first page of results of people who are Online Now however use this following trick to bypass that


Enter the following url in your browser address bar: . Replace [number] with a page number. So to view the second page of Online Now results enter and for page 3 of results, etc.

Find Other Dating Profiles they Have on Other Dating Websites

If you do become successful at finding the cheating partners profile on Plenty Of Fish with one of the above methods, you can now take advantage of two additional tricks to find out more:

  1. Since you have found their profile on, you can see what their username is so you can search Google for that username and see what turns up.
  2. You can see other locations on the internet they may have accounts that you are totally unaware of using their dating profile images.

Find Other Dating Profiles They Have Online [text instructions]

  1. Navigate to the images they have of themselves on Plenty Of Fish. It is important you view the full size image and not the thumbnail. You can do this with each of their images by clicking on them.
  2. Right click one of the full size images.
  3. On the pop up menu that appears click the one that says Copy Image Address or Copy Image Location depending upon the browser you are using. You want the full url/web address to their image.
  4. In a different browser tab or window go to the Google image search engine.
  5. Click on the icon that looks like a camera which is called search by image.
  6. Paste/enter the url of the image you copied above.
  7. Click the search button.

If the search results turn up that exact same picture on other datings sites you can click to find out more.

Find Other Dating Profiles They Have Online [image instructions]

Catch Cheater POF Username Search Copy Profile Image Url.
Image of Catch Cheater POF Username Search Copy Profile Image Url.
Catch Cheater POF Username Search Copy Profile Image Url.
Catch Cheater POF Username Search Reverse Google Image Search.
Image of Catch Cheater POF Username Search Reverse Google Image Search.
Catch Cheater POF Username Search Reverse Google Image Search.
Catch Cheater POF Username Search Google Search By Image Input Textbox.
Image of Catch Cheater POF Username Search Google Search By Image Input Textbox.
Catch Cheater POF Username Search Google Search By Image Input Textbox.



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My Fiance has been cheating on me for years, on Plenty Of Fish and a lot of other dating sites. He used the user name ddksjx. Until l found out he denied it, of course. He has changed his user name and email address. JUST WANTED TO MAKE ANYONE AWARE OF THIS THATS BEEN INVOLVED WITH HIM. He's a LYING CHEATER!
Username ddksjx? He certainly is not very creative or original LOL.

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