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A Higher % E-mail ✉ Replies ❥ At POF Because Of 5 Profile Tweaks

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Get Many More E-mail ✉ Replies ❥ On Plenty Of Fish Because Of These 5 Profile

Click to Play Video About Reply To Lots More Message ✉ Responses ❥ On Plenty Of Because Of Five Dating Tweaks
  • Lots of Email Replies On Plenty Of Fish
  • Tweak #1
  • POF Tweak #2 Send Better First Messages
  • Example First Messages
  • Tons of First Messages in Spin Syntax Format
  • POF Tweak #3 - Don't Smile
  • Tweak #4 - No Copy And Paste Messages
  • Tweak #5 - Stay on the POF Site 24/7

Lots of Email Replies On Plenty Of Fish

Pof Inbox With Lots Of Email Messages.
Pof Inbox With Lots Of Email Messages.
Pof Inbox With Lots Of Email Messages.

Do you struggle to get replies from women on Plenty Of Fish? This is common. The main reason for it is about 10% of the girls on get 90% of the attention. This means that most of the girls you are emailing are getting so many emails that you are a needle in the haystack. This is common for most guys on all dating sites.

You have one of two choices:

  1. Start messaging the ugly girls.
  2. Apply these POF tweaks to get more replies. Tweak #1

Message people who are Online Now. The reason this is more effective is when a girl or guy is on the Plenty Of Fish website they are there because they are either feeling lonely or are in the mood to meet someone. In a sense, they are emotional vulnerable and available. Send them a message then and it is much more likley to be read and responded to.

In fact this is the core reason POF Auto Message Sender software is so successful at filling your POF inbox with more emails than you ever dreamed possible. The software targets people who are Online Now.

POF Tweak #2 Send Better First Messages

First off, there is no magic message to send someone on Plenty Of Fish that will magically make women fall to their knees for you but there is a psychological trick you can use to build the perception you are what most women are looking for.

Humans are creatures of imagination. We are constantly making mental images that cause us to feel emotions. Get a women on Plenty Of Fish to make positive and enticing images while she is reading your message and your response rate will increase. Here is a great opening message we found on the Virtual Dating Assistant website.

It looks like you have a good sense of adventure so let me ask you this: If someone were to offer you an all expense paid trip to anywhere in the world but you have to leave in the next hour, where would you go?

In fact this message impressed us so much we have incorporated it within the built in messages of POF Auto Message Sender. The reason this is effective is it subconsciously paints numerous pictures in a womens mind

  • The idea that you are wealthy enough to do this (even if you are not).
  • You are an exciting and adventurous guy.
  • You are a giver and romantic.

These are the thing almost all girls are looking for in a man.

Example First Messages

Here is a short list of the exact first messages that are built into the POF Auto Message Sender sofware. As you can see, they give the appearance the persons profile was looked at and that the messages are being sent by an intelligent human being.

  • Click:Not in my lifetime. Click:holy cow! Are you kidding me? Click:YIKES! I am finished. Click:this one seems different. That is a reaction to the last 4 dating profiles I read with the last one being yours. Your profile seems unique. You can call me [your first name]. Nice to meet you.
  • I love hearing hearing about other people's stories about adventures on singles websites. Do you've a good one to tell?
  • Hi ;) My name is [your first name]. I really enjoyed your singles profile text and pictures. Feel like talking?
  • From going over your profile I have a feeling you have a adventurous side to you so tell me; if I offered you a zero cost vacation to any location in the world, where would you want to go?
  • What's your idea of the ideal day all by yourself?
  • From your profile It seems like you are not at all a homebody so tell me - if someone were to give you a zero cost get away to any location you wanted, however you had to leave in one hour, where would you want to go?
  • What's your idea of the perfect weekend with your special honey?
  • Hi. I enjoyed your profile. Do you feel like conversing?

Tons of First Messages in Spin Syntax Format

Below are hundreds of messages grouped together in spin syntax format. You can copy them to your clipboard and then head over to the spin syntax tester page. Paste the contents of your clipboard into the main textbox and press the ↻ Spin ↻ button.

{{From{| {looking at|going over|reading}} your profile |}{It {looks|seems} {like|as though}|I {bet|have a {hunch|gut instinct|feeling}}|I'm guessing} you {{have a|are {one of th{e|o}se {people|singles}|someone} {with|that has} a} {{sense of adventure|adventurous side}|{wild|crazy} side}{| to you}|{are not {at all |}{boring|a homebody}}|like to get out} so{{ let me| I'll} ask you{| this}| tell me|}{ -|;|...| ->} if {{someone|I|a {guy|man|date}{| you were {interested in|attracted to}}} {were to {offer|give|provide}|{offered|gave|provided}} you|you were {offered|given|provided|handed}} a{{n all expense| fully| 100%} paid| free| {no|zero|{|$}0} cost} {vacation|get{ |-}away} to any{where| place| location} {in the {world|country|universe}|you {wanted|desired}}{, {but|however} you had to {leave|pack|pack and leave|go} {in one hour|right now|today|immediately}|}, where would {you go|that be|you want to go}?|{What do you {consider|think is}|What{'s| is} your {idea|fantasy|{|mental }picture} of} the {ideal|perfect} {day|week{|end}}{| off}{| {with your {|special }{honey|man}}| al{l by yourself|one}}?|{I {l{ike|ove} {hearing|to {hear|listen to}}|{experience|get} {a {rush|kick}|enjoyment}} {from|out of|listening to|hearing about}{| other} people's stories about {adventures|first {dates|get-togethers|meetings}} on {{dat{e|ing}|singles} {web|}sites|P{lenty Of Fish|OF{|.com}}}. {Do you{'ve| have} a good one to tell|{{Can|Would} you {t|T}ell|Share with} me a{n interesting| good| funny} one?}} |{Hi{.|!| {;|:})} {{My name is|I am} #FNAME#. |}|}I {really |}{liked|loved|enjoyed} your {dating |singles |}profile{| {description|text}| {description|text} and {photos|pictures}}. {{Look at|Check out|Read} my profile and {tell me|let me know}{,|...| - } |}{{Would you like|Care|Want} to {talk|chat|converse}|{Do you f|F}eel like {talk|chatt|convers}ing}?|Click:{I {really |definitely |}don't think so|Not {a {chance|way}{| in he{ck|ll}}| in {a {million|thousand|1,{000|0,000}} {years|lifetimes}|{my|this} life{time|}}}|No {way|no no no}}. Click:{{wow|OMG|omg|oh my God}|holy {sh*t|cow}}!{ {Are you|You{{'ve| have} got to| must} be} {{kidding|{joking|messing} with} me}?} Click:{YIKES|JESUS|CHRIST|Holy {***|**|*}}!{ {{get me|I am getting} out of here|I am {{done|finished|through}{| with dating}|becoming a priest}}.} Click:{hmmmmm|maybe|wow|{she|this one} {looks|seems|feels} {interesting|different|nice|normal}}. That{ is|'s} {a|my} re{-enactment of|action to} the {last|previous} {4|four} {dating |pof |POF |}profiles I {read|looked at|checked out} with {the last one being yours| your{s| profile }being the last{| one}}. {Your profile seems|You seem} {different|unique|normal}. {My name is|I am|You can call me} #FIRSTNAME#.{| Hi.| Hello.| Nice to meet you.| How are you?}}

POF Tweak #3 - Don't Smile

Believe it or not, there was an extensive study conducted by one of the dating site giants that concluded that not smiling in your photos increases the response rate of your messages.

Now when we say don't smile, we mean that any photos where you are looking directly at the camera, don't smile. Don't frown either, or look like you want to beat someone up. Just have a confident look on your face without smiling. Any other photos where you are not looking directly into the camera, where you are looking at something or someone else, it is OK to smile.

Tweak #4 - No Copy And Paste Messages

This is not really a tip that will get you more messages but will keep your Plenty Of Fish account active. Many don't know this but if you send the same exact message more than four times in a day, POF will block it. There is also a chance you can get your profile deleted by POF because their algorithms may detect you as a bot.

Tweak #5 - Stay on the POF Site 24/7

You don't actually have to be online 24/7, but keep your browser open on the site 24/7. The reason this is effective ...

  1. You show up as being Online Now and women email or respond to emails from guys who are online more than guys who are not.
  2. By being Online Now you show up at the top of search results so your profile will get more views and traffic.

The only problem with this is after about 15 minutes of inactivity the cookie that POF places on your computer will expire so POF will log you out. You will have to use some sort of browser add-on or software that will keep you logged into POF even if you are inactive for long periods. Again, POF Auto Message Sender takes care of this by logging you in every 15 minutes.



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