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How To Search 🔎 For Anyone On 🐟 Without Joining Plenty Of

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How Can I Search 🔎 For A Specific Profile On Plenty Of Fish 🐟 W/o Signing Up Plenty Of

Click to Play Video About How Can I Search 🔎 For A Specific Member By Name On 🐟 W/o Registering On POF
  • 5 Ways how to Search for Someone on Plenty of Fish
  • how to Search for Someone by Username on Plenty of Fish
  • how to Search without Registering, Joining, Signing Up
  • how to Search by Name on POF
  • Search by Interests on Plenty of Fish
  • Search POF by Email

5 Ways How to Search for Someone on Plenty Of Fish

This page is going to show you a variety of ways to search on Plenty Of Fish, beyond the obvious and limited search utilities already built in to Plenty Of Fish dating which include the POF basic and advanced search.

The main problem with the search features built into Plenty Of Fish is they limit you in so many ways:

  • You can only search for someone who is within 14 years of your age.
  • You can only search within limited distance range.
  • You have to have a Plenty Of Fish account which means joining and signing up on Plenty Of Fish and lots of people just want to search for someone without the huge hassle of having to create an account.

How to Search for Someone by Username on Plenty Of Fish

To search for someone on POF by username or screen name, simply use our free POF username search utility which also lets you search a lot of other social sites besides JUST Plenty Of Fish. This is the tool to use if you are looking for a SPECIFIC person on Plenty Of Fish. This tool allows you to search by username or profile name.

How Can I Search Someone POF Username Search Tool.
Image of How Can I Search Someone POF Username Search Tool.
How Can I Search Someone POF Username Search Tool.
With this simple tool you simply enter a username or partial username and any profiles that match will be shown to you. Click any of the search results to be taken to that persons profile without having to register on Plenty Of Fish.

How to Search without Registering, Joining, Signing Up

This is also extremely easy. If you are looking for a specific person use the POF username search tool mentioned above. This tool is what you want if you are looking for if you want to BROWSE Plenty Of Fish and check out members in your area without having to create an account on POF.

What is also great about this tool is it allows you to browse POF invisibly. If you have a POF account, make sure you are NOT signed in because if you are you WILL show up in their Viewed Me section. Assuming you don't have a POF account and/or are not logged in you won't show up in members VIEWED ME section.

POF Age Restriction Search No Age Limit Search Tool.
Image of POF Age Restriction Search No Age Limit Search Tool.
POF Age Restriction Search No Age Limit Search Tool.

To use this search tool:

  1. Select the sex of the members you wish to browse.
  2. Select an age (from 18 - 69 years old. You are limited to +/- 14 years your age on Plenty Of Fish. This tool removes this limitation).
  3. Type in a location. You can get as general or specific as you wish with this, meaning you can search POF by city or state.
  4. Select the relationship type the people that show up in search results are interested in. Meaning if you want to browse profiles of people who are only looking for casual/hookup, you can do that. If you want to browse members who want a serious relationship, you can do that.
  5. Press the Search button.

Two types of search results links are produced:

  1. Text based search results.
  2. Image based search results (this one makes it so the images of all matching members appear on one page so you don't have to endlessly click links and the back button to check out the members returned by your search results).
POF Image Search Results Lets you See Everyone on One Page
Image of POF Image Search Results Lets you See Everyone on One Page.
POF Image Search Results Lets you See Everyone on One Page

How to Search by Name on POF

If you want to search for someone by first name on Plenty Of Fish there are two ways you can do this.

The Google Search Approach

  1. Go to
  2. In their search box type personsname. Obviously, you replace personsname with the persons name.

Our Username Search Tool


The POF Username Search mentioned at the top can also be used to search for someone by a name instead of a username. The only issue is most people are not going to have their last name anywhere in their profile so if you are looking for someone with a very common name you are going to get a lot of search results.

Search by Interests on Plenty Of Fish

Not really sure if Plenty Of Fish has this built in to their website. If they do it is not obvious to find. Again, Google is our second best friend in this search (we ARE your BEST friend, aren't we?).

  1. Go to
  2. In their search box type the hobby/interest. Obviously, you replace the hobby/interest with the actual hobby or interest. So for example if you are looking people on POF who are interested in tennis you would type into the Google search box the tennis.

Search POF by Email

This one we have not figured out a hack for. This is probably not possible because:

  • Almost no one is going to put their email address directly in their dating profile.
  • Email addresses DO show up in the profile source code, except they are hash encrypted.

To view the persons hash encrypted email address on Plenty Of Fish it appears, at the time of this writing, you have to be logged in to see this ...

  1. Go to the profile of interest.
  2. Right click anywhere on the page, just make sure your mouse is not over an image.
  3. From the pop up menu that appears click View Source.
  4. Press CTRL+F on your keyboard which will bring up your web browsers search box.
  5. Enter "hashemail":. You will see something that looks like "hashemail": "d77b8fd678b67d8ed9cce01ed550520e154d89c2e57afcaeef32b208d"
POF Right Click Menu to View Source See Members Email
Image of POF Right Click Menu to View Source See Members Email.
POF Right Click Menu to View Source See Members Email.

If you can decifer that then you have figured out the secret to getting peoples email addresses on Plenty Of Fish. Other than that, E-mail addresses are stored in the Plenty Of Fish web database so if you want to try hack the POF database, good luck.

POF Member Encrypted E-mail Address in Source Code
Image of POF Member Encrypted E-mail Address in Source Code.
POF Member Encrypted E-mail Address in Source Code.



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Sujan Das
I want to buy this software. Before buying I want to talk with you.
Which software are you talking about Sujan? POF Auto Message Sender? ➲ ➲

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