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Plenty Of Fish ☑ Remain Signed In 🐟 How To Stay Signed In To Plenty Of Dating

short url: I Don't Get Logged Off 🐟 How To Stay Signed In To Plenty Of Fish Dating, Despite Innactivity

Click to Play Video About Plenty Of Fish I Don't Get Logged Off 🐟 How I Don't Get Logged Off Of Plenty Of Fish, Despite Innactivity
  • How Come Plenty of Fish Logged Me out
  • Why Stay Logged into Plenty of Fish?
  • Free Software Program to Keep you Logged into POF Dating
  • Other Possible Ways to Stay Logged into

How Come Plenty Of Fish logged me out

All websites you are required to log into, like Plenty Of Fish dating, automatically sign you out of their website after a certain period of inactivity. In fact, many websites will log you out after a certain period of time, even if you remain active on the site.

POF logs you out as well however, POF's automatic log out seems to be pretty quick. About 10 minutes or so of inactivity on Plenty of Fish and you'll automatically get logged out. The reason for this is security. The assumption is that if you're not active meaning, you're not clicking links or buttons and things, you must no longer be at your computer so you get logged out for your protection. This way no one could sit in your seat, after you have left, and start playing with your account on Plenty of Fish.

This is a great feature for some people but for some people it's an annoyance. For example I live alone so unless my dog knows how to work computer, this is never a concern for me so I want to stay logged into Plenty of Fish indefinitely until I decide I definitely want to be logged out. (I think my dog might be better at picking women on POF than me).

Why Stay Logged into Plenty Of Fish?

The biggest reason to stay logged into Plenty of Fish is that you're going to appear online to the other members. In other words, on Plenty Of Fish, when you do a search, the search results have text that reveal, in a general way, the last time a person was logged into Plenty of Fish such as:

  • Yesterday.
  • A week ago.
  • A month ago.

But there is also one that indicates that your online now and it says right next to that person's profile, in search results, Online Now.

POF Stay Logged In Online Now.
Image of POF Stay Logged In Online Now.
POF Stay Logged In Online Now.

The benefit of this is you're going to show up higher in the search results and will most likely be viewed more frequently by the other members hence, more profile views potentially means more emails, dates, etc.

People 'Online Now' Appear Highest in Search Results.
Image of POF Stay Logged In Online Now.
People 'Online Now' Appear Highest in Search Results.

Free Software Program To Keep you Logged into POF Dating

We have developed a 100% free software program called POF Stay Logged In, that automatically keeps you logged into Plenty Of Fish until you click a button in the software program which will stop keeping you logged in. To stay logged into Plenty of Fish dating indefinitely (or until you say otherwise) ...

  1. Download POF Stay Logged In.
  2. The first time you run the software program is going to ask you to input your Plenty of Fish username and password for obvious reasons. We personally guarantee your privacy is maintained and information is only saved for the purpose of keeping you logged into Plenty of Fish.
  3. Press the button on the program that says POF Stay Logged In. The text of that button will change to POF Log Me Out. You will remain logged into Plenty of Fish until you come back to the software and click the button again, which will log you out of Plenty of Fish.

Other possible ways to stay logged into

Head over to the Chrome Store. There is an extension called Staying Alive for Google Chrome. This extension seems to have lots of great reviews.

The 10% of not so glowing reviews seem to report that:

  1. The extension doesn't work reliably to keep you logged in.
  2. Because the extension keeps you logged in by reloading the page, it causes you to lose your data. Now for a site like Plenty Off Fish this isn't really important as the only intention here is to always appear Online Now.

Our only warning or security concern is that unlike the software program 'POF Stay Logged In', this extension can work for any website. So if you choose to install this extension Google Chrome or Android device be careful of the website you use it on. Keep identity theft in the back of your mind. Also, when you install any extension for Google Chrome, as the warning says this app can read and change webpage data.



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