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🎬 Video Instructions Revealing How to Use Unlocked Fire TV 🔥

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Text Transcript of Video Showing 🎬 Video Instructions Revealing How to Use Unlocked Fire TV 🔥

00:01 In this video I'm going to show you how to use a jailbroken, unlocked Amazon Fire TV stick meaning how to download addons to the Amazon Fire TV stick that will allow you to view premium content free like TV shows, the most recent or most current movies, and even adult content.

00:21 Now if you have an Amazon Fire TV device and it's not jailbroken and it's not something you really want to get into yourself we can Jailbreak it for you it's extremely inexpensive to do just ship it to us will get it jailbroken and unlocked and all set up for you and send it back to you within 48 hours just visit Right now it's just one of many of the apps that you can download and install to a jailbreak an unlocked Amazon Fire TV stick its called live Net TV hundreds of channels and look at all the channels showing up just in is one section of this one app. Talk about cutting the tie with the cable company. If you want us to jailbreak and unlock your Amazon Fire TV it is just $15 and the entire process takes about 48 hours to complete and send your jailbroken unlocked Amazon Fire TV stick back to you.

01:04 To be able to download apps and add onto a jailbroken Amazon Fire TV stick requires one of 2 special downloading apps that both should exist on an already jailbroken, unlocked Amazon Fire TV. One is called 'Downloader', the other is called 'Kodi'. Which one you use depends upon the add on or app you are downloading to your Amazon Fire TV. The instructions for the app or add-on that you want to download for your jailbroken Amazon Fire TV will tell you whether to use Downloader or Kodi.

01:27 The basic instructions for using the Downloader app to download an app or addon to your Amazon Fire TV are go to the home screen of your Amazon Fire TV. Use the navigation wheel to scroll to the right until you get to the menu item that lists all the applications installed on your Amazon Fire TV stick. Look for the app that is an orange rectangle with a large white down pointing arrow on the right half of the orange rectangle. Click on the Downloader app to launch it.

02:16 The basic instructions for using the Kodi app to download an app or addon to your Amazon Fire TV are go to the home screen of your Amazon Fire TV. Use the navigation wheel to scroll to the right until you get to the menu item that lists all the applications installed on your Amazon Fire TV stick. Look for the app that is a blue square standing on its side with a large white K within in it. Click on the Kodi app to launch it. The upper left corner of the Kodi application is a cog settings wheel which looks like a small gear 🏶. Click that. Select and click File Manager. Click on the menu item to the left that reads Add Source. Then you're going to be presented with a pop-up dialog box with <None> selected. Click that. Then you're going to be presented with the screen where you enter the URL or web address of the addon is going to be an APK file in most cases and obviously the URL or web address is going to be different for each addon for your Amazon TV.

03:14 To find good addons and apps that will let you watch all the premium content free, do a Google search for apps for jailbroken amazon fire tv and similar searches like that. Another good idea is find websites that sell jailbroken Amazon Fire TV devices with the jailbroken apps and addons already installed to them. You want to notice the names of these apps and then do a Google search for them. If you like what you read about the app or addon then download it to your Amazon Fire TV device.

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