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🧾 Technical Details on Hyperbolic Stretching by Alex Larsson

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This page will show you how to acheive your maximum flexibility in just 30 days with the Hyperbolic Stretching system.

This page will also show you how to use both the myotatic reflex and the inverse myotatic reflex to produce these impressive stretching results.

Official Hyperbolic Stretching System Website.

🧾 Technical Details on Hyperbolic Stretching by Alex Larsson

Stretching techniques are often debated fitness world particularly the merits of dynamic vs. Static stretching. There are several types of stretches active dynamic proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation pnf and now we can add Hyperbolic Stretching to that list.

Hyperbolic Stretching is an online program that promises to increase flexibility improve posture and relieve back and hip pain regardless of age or body type. In fact the program claims that if you follow it you should be able to do perform a full split in just one month.

But is this program legit we tested the Hyperbolic Stretching program for four weeks looked at the research and talked to experts to find out if it lives up to It's promises.

Hyperbolic Stretching is the name of a stretching program designed by Alex Larsson who markets himself as a flexibility and core strength expert but his credentials can't actually be found online.

His program combines several methods of stretching including a form of pnf stretching. With this type of stretching you use your reflexes to help you get a deeper stretch to improve flexibility. He also includes dynamic stretches also called active stretches and some Hyperbolic Stretching program as well.

According to the website the program relies on three principles to help improve flexibility. The first is called inverse survival reflex which is really the pnf concept of hold-relax. With this concept you put the muscle in a stretched position and contract the muscle without moving isometrically which then triggers a reflex that allows you to move deeper into the stretch.

To picture the first principle imagine a lying hamstring stretch with a partner. Your partner pushes against the back of your calf and ankle and at the same time you push back against their resistance. Then you relax your leg allowing the partner's gentle push to deepen your stretch.

Technically outside of the program the second principle is s. A. I. D. Or specific adaptation to imposed demands. Basically this means if you want to do the splits you need to actually practice stretches that mimic this motion.

Flexing and Strengthening Muscles to Stretch Them More

The third principle is using strengthening exercises to get your muscles primed for stretching. The program claims this not only makes your muscles stronger but also pre-exhausts your muscles for optimal stretching.

Do the principles actually help build flexibility let's jump into what the program consists of and our honest review.

The hyperbolic program is available to purchase online for 27 for instant digital lifetime access to the basic stretching program. The website advertises that it normally costs 199 but in the months we spent working on this article the price never went up. The program also offers a 60-day money-back promise if you're not satisfied with your results.

The actual program involves 8 minutes per day of a specific stretching routine 6 days a week for 30 days to see results. You must also choose between the male and the female versions as the programs are apparently different however it is unclear how.

In addition to these main videos there are also some bonus videos included that cover more on dynamic stretching upper body stretching a pike stretch routine folding over and touching your toes and the easy bridge stretch aka the backbend.

After signing up and paying you are emailed a link with access to the videos. You follow along with the beginner video for week one a new video that you use for weeks two and three and then a more advanced video for week four. Each week has a shorter explainer video and then the 8-minute stretching routine. As the weeks progress the stretches become deeper and more intense.

The main muscles stretched for the side splits are the hip adductors while you are mainly stretching the hip flexors and hamstrings for the front splits.

I work out frequently but I don't do a regular stretching routine. I do pilates twice a week however so I was fairly flexible before starting the program.

The stretches are uncomfortable after all you are stretching yet not painful. I had a difficult time with some of the hold-relax stretches for the hip flexors as you must push down into the ground with your knee and I found that uncomfortable. However I was able to use a mat for padding and work around it.

My flexibility improved quite a bit in four weeks. At the end of the program I was almost able to do the side splits and I had pretty much mastered the front splits though one side was more flexible than the other.

Results You Can Expect With the 4 Week Program

I did have one week during the four-week program where I was out of town so didn't do the full six days however I was overall impressed with my flexibility gains.

This program does offer other stretching programs included in the price including upper body stretches and dynamic stretches but I did not try those out.

Although being able to do the different types splits looks cool it also offers some real benefits. Stretching in general is very beneficial according to the national academy of sports medicine including helping to prevent injury preventing muscle imbalances promoting relaxation and even helping your muscles perform better.

Experts say that tight hip flexors and tight hamstrings can contribute to back pain. Stretching for the improve your flexibility and actually doing the front splits is a great way to stretch both your hip flexors and hamstrings. Keeping these muscles loose may help decrease and prevent back pain.

This program uses do the splits a form of passive stretching which a january 2019 meta-analysis in physical therapy in sport found effective in increasing hamstring flexibility.

However a march 2012 study in the journal of human kinetics also found that pnf stretching may decrease the performance of high-intensity exercise or sports. For best results do this stretching program after your sport or athletic activities not before.

This program also uses ballistic stretching or bouncing movement with the stretches. There is a risk of injury if done too forcefully and many trainers do not recommend ballistic stretching at all. A february 2012 review in the international journal of sports physical therapy states that ballistic stretching is no longer recommended because of It's link to injuries.

You also do some dynamic or active stretches as well as static stretches which the national academy of sports medicine says helps increase range of motion as well as decrease pain and stiffness.

I am a huge proponent of creating a habit of incorporating active stretching into your weekly routine says grayson wickham dpt physical therapist and founder of movement vault. With that said the Hyperbolic Stretching program isn't the most effective combination of stretching techniques.

Hyperbolic Stretching Vs Static Stretching

Grayson said he is not a fan of passive or static stretching due to It's effect on sports and athletic performances as well as being when we look at it from a common sense perspective why would we passively stretch to help us get better for active movements in life in the gym and in our sport this doesn't make sense.

He says he does like the active or dynamic stretching techniques incorporated in the hyperbolic program but noted that the stretches lack variety and the contraction holds should be longer during the hold-relax portions of the stretches.

Wickham says it is also important to be realistic about how much flexibility you can gain in four weeks. I am highly skeptical that someone can go from a beginner to doing splits in four weeks of performing their 8-minute routines wickham says.

The splits aren't exactly and jumping right into a brand-new stretching program can put you at risk of injury. Plus the splits aren't really necessary for day-to-day pain-free movement or athletic performance.

Lastly the Hyperbolic Stretching program has two different stretching routines for men and women which may be unnecessary. There is a lack of research on what if any differences in flexibility exist for different sexes.

A regular stretching program has many benefits. Hyperbolic Stretching uses pnf Hyperbolic Stretching in an easy-to-follow format that appears to be effective in increasing lower body flexibility. It also includes some dynamic stretches and static stretches which have some benefits. At 27 it is a program and the routines left me feeling relaxed and limber.

As far as being able to do the splits in four weeks that depends on your starting point flexibility and fitness level as well as your compliance with the program.

Use caution with the bouncing or ballistic stretching in the program to avoid the risk of injury. Unless you are an athlete or have been doing a regular stretching program you may want to avoid doing ballistic stretches altogether. Additionally it would also be better to perform this stretching program after sports or other athletic activities especially if muscle performance is a factor.

This program may not be for everyone so talk to your doctor if you have a preexisting condition have had a recent injury or are looking for stretches for older adults.

The Stretching Results Promised in 30 Days By the Hyperbolic Stretching Routine

The 30-day Hyperbolic regular stretching promises to give you impressive results. The assurance goes as far as offering a 60-day money-back guarantee if you see no results.

Short stretching lessons guided by bodyweight resistance exercises work on hip opening and increased pelvic strength. As you get your body to move beyond the boundaries of reciprocal muscle inhibition you increase the overall flexibility that should be maintained even outside of stretching lessons. That is the promise of stretching techniques.

Basically larssons stretching is hugely similar to the isometric stretching used as based by thomas kurz in his own book. However where the latter lacks clarity and terminology consistency the former covers the technique in understandable and clear language. The recently added short video explanation makes the course even more user-friendly.

This stretching regime is done in a safe way for all users who are generally healthy. Thus any stretching would be more beneficial than no stretching at all as long as you feel good and no pain bothers you you can safely continue stretching practices.

Overall the studies show that stretching routine before and after workouts have only a slight advantage. But add resistance and you get a program that's more effective.

An average Hyperbolic Stretching review isgenerally favorable. The official website shows It's product from the best sides. The beforeafter photos are quite impressive. You can see men and women posting their splits and describing the course has made them feel forget in just four weeks.

See for yourself note that the person just may be not flexible naturally and decide for yourself what side pro or con to believe.

There is also a is Hyperbolic Stretching legit reddit thread where people share some mixed reviews on the website and the program.

My verdict would be the following the full price of 199 is too pricey to spend on a program that can be substituted to some degree by free yoga lessons available online. You can also check the article we have on flexibility yoga as well however if you can get the full course plus an instructional video for only 27 you can increase your flexibility and read on Hyperbolic Stretching technique in detail for a reasonable price.

Hyperbolic Stretching is an online self-paced workout program that promises to help you improve your flexibility in just 4 weeks. You can buy the program from the website and follow the stretching videos at home.


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