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🧾 Details About Unlock Your Glutes by Brian Klepacki

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This page will show you how you can develop the sexiest backside quickly, within 30 days.

This page will also show you why squats and lunges are not the ideal way to develop your butt.


🧾 Details About Unlock Your Glutes by Brian Klepacki

Your butt is home to the largest most powerful muscles in your body. It basically acts as a support system and shock absorber for the entire body. And plays a major role in generating power and force in many movements. Not only that though but well-developed glutes just look good on both men and women. And yes for the guys out there we have insider confirmation that girls do take notice of force your glutes to grow. The problem nowadays we tend to sit a lot and for prolonged periods of time. Which is a great way to potentially forget how to activate your glutes. This is especially if you don't take action to counteract this.

And this can become problematic for some individuals. Why? because glutes inhibition and excessive sitting can often lead to lower back and or hip pain. This then worsens the whole problem. Research has shown that your body will tend to avoid using the glutes in response to any lower body pain or injury it has as a protective mechanism. And what often happens is that even after the pain or injury is resolved the body still remembers this pattern. And will still continue inhibiting the glutes.

Just so you know I make sure that nobody who signs up for my programs ends up with the dreaded pancake butt. I design each of my programs with the best science-backed exercises to target all muscle groups effectively including the glutes so you have a well-rounded impressive physique. Interested then.

World- renowned spinal researcher Dr. Stuart mcgill has looked into this topic extensively. And terms this phenomenon as gluteal amnesia. Now the main problem here is that as you forget how to use your glutes due to disuse or pain your body compensates. So now when youre.

... Other muscles will take over instead. Often times It's the hamstrings and lower back that take that extra load. This inhibits your glutes development. And it's not just that too this is also why we commonly see this pattern of weak glutes tight hamstrings and lower back pain. It can even get to the point where simple tasks that involve hip extension like walking or jogging will cause lower back discomfort. And that's because the glutes are essentially just turned off.

Symptoms that You Have Gluteal Amnesia and Need the Unlock Your Glutes Program

So long story short your glutes are important. And to find out if your glutes may indeed be needing some attention there are 4 key indicators we can look at. The following gluteal amnesia symptoms will help you see if you've indeed forgotten how to Unlock Your Glutes program.

Test 1: first do you generally have a hard time feeling your glutes working or contracting them during your lower body exercises and does your lower back and hamstrings tighten up instead then this is a good sign that your glutes aren'tactivating how they should be.

Test 2: Feel your hamstrings lower back or quads more than your glutes then this is an indication that your glutes aren'tdoing what theyre supposed to during hip extension.

Test 3: third are you exhibiting an anterior pelvic tilt posture from the side then your glutes are likely failing to pull your pelvis into It's neutral position due to weakness.

Test 4: and lastly do you sit for most of the day and have what ill just call flat butt syndrome then chances are your glutes could use some work.

Tested positive for one or more of those 4 indicators or youd just like to see better results with your glutes training then It's time to start awakening those glutes.

And to do so in this article were going to use a 4 step plan. Where. With the use of a few daily exercises well be able to gradually get your glutes firing harder and harder. To the point where youll actually use your glutes whenever you walk move and perform your lifts. Instead of having your lower back or other muscles compensate and work overtime as a result.

Once you're able to do that well progress this by going into a kneeling position. This time engage your core and place your hand on the glute of the down leg. Try to flex it as hard as you can. You should feel the contraction with your hand and your glute changing shape as you do so. Keep working until you can establish this. Now after you've run through a few sets of each of those and are able to successfully contract your glutes in each of those positions well progress to step 2. That's where well now work progress to activating our glutes against gravity.

And luckily dr. Stuart mcgill was kind enough to spend the time to personally guide me through each of these exercises to explain the setup and various cues that he found to work best to maximize glutes activation. These were all based on his several years of research.

Now if this alone doesn't activate your glutes very well and you feel it more in your hamstrings then you can experiment with the following cues. So experiment with these various cues and use them as needed in order to maximize the activation of your glutes. And as for sets and reps of these exercises dr. Stuart mcgill recommends 3 sets of 10 reps. But with each rep performed mindfully and with strong activation of the glutes.

Progressively Challenging Your Glutes

Now once you do get to a point where your glutes are back on and your hamstrings and lower back feel a little relieved as a result youll want to then start progressively challenging your glutes with more resistance and with different movement patterns.

This is a great low impact exercise that can be used to challenge the glutes in multiple planes. To progress it you can pull your knee up at the top and hold at this top position for 1-2 seconds.

Next is the goblet squat. This will be used to teach the glutes how to work with your other lower body muscles in a squat movement pattern. Use the various cues provided below and experiment with a weight shift progression where you descend to about the way down hold this position and then slowly shift your weight from one foot to the other side to side. This movement will help challenge all the neuromuscular compartments of the glutes.

If you're enjoying learning about the science behind exercise selection i. E. Why certain exercises are better than others for a particular muscle group then you're absolutely going to love working with myself and the bws team. In our 3-on-1 coaching program we walk you through the rationale of everything prescribed to you. Your training program diet etc. At the end of it you're going to achieve your full potential. And most importantly understand how you did it. Find out more about how my team of experts and myself and help you.

Lastly well use cable pull-throughs to teach the glutes how to work in a hinge pattern with the hamstrings. This will transfer effectively over to movements like the deadlift. It's also an especially useful way to start integrating the glutes in movements that produce power and force. These exercises are essential to get your glutes in the habit of knowing how to work together with your other muscles in various movement patterns. Then eventually youll be able to do your more demanding exercises like split squats barbell squats and deadlifts and gradually load them with more and more weight but this time with your glutes actually doing what they should be doing as opposed to having other muscles compensate. Until then however prioritize focusing on these progressions.

Now lastly although you will likely have success with the previous steps It's important that we don't overlook a potential root cause of all this too much sitting. Which is where step 4. This is where prevention comes in. Avoid prolonged periods of sitting where you aren'tusing your glutes at all. And instead get up and take a walk or have a stretch at least between every 30 minutes of sitting. And even better during your breaks perform what ill call a wake up exercise for your glutes.

This will just serve as a quick exercise to keep your brain in the habit of knowing how to properly fire and use Unlock Your Glutes throughout the day.

Glute activation workout daily movesglute bridges 3 sets of 10 reps with 5 second pause at topclam shells 3 sets of 10 reps per sidewake up exercise 10 reps with 5 second holds done 3-5 times throughout the daynow as your glutes activation improves and you've had success with the progression exercises eventually youll reach a point where these daily glute exercises for the most part will no longer be needed. That's because youll be able to activate strengthen and grow your glutes to a much greater degree through your main lower body exercises. But to get to that point It's absolutely vital that you stay consistent with the plan we've outlined.

When you discover the right way to Unlock Your Glutes everything changes. You can put the pedal to the metal on your gains. And you know when you've trained your glutes the right way as you're the proud owner of a strong round healthy butt.

What Happens If You Have Weak Glutes?

Weak glutes are often the hidden factor in most injuries including poor posture lower back pain knee pain hamstring strains muscle imbalances and lower body injury. Ever suffered a long-term injury that simply won't go away no matter how much you treat the area of pain it could be a cause of weak glutes. When your glutes lose strength it affects your whole body. Other muscles are forced to compensate causing imbalances and severe health consequences.

Everything flows from this area. Whether you're walking running climbing jumping stepping sitting or even just standing without moving your glutes are involved. The stronger your glutes the more efficient your movement.

If this is a shock to you don't worry - I've got your back. I've unlocked the secret to sculpting powerful glutes and a strong butt and in a moment ill share it with you.

You see everyone believes they have powerful glutes. But often their weakness is masked by strength in other areas. As soon as you isolate the glutes then the realization hits.

Compare this to sprinters who train at the compound. They have a laser focus on glute-specific movements. When faced with the same program their glutes deliver raw unbridled power and speed. If you want to understand how to explode your glutes look at these guys.

They misunderstand the muscle. They misunderstand how to activate the glutes. They misunderstand fundamental training principles. The glutes are made up of three muscles the gluteus maximus gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. Each plays a role in stabilizing supporting and mobilizing the legs hips and lower half of the body.

If you want shapely glutes you have to train all three planes of motion to get fullness - vertical horizontal and rotational. To fully develop your glutes your training needs to focus on two elements 1 glute-specific movements and 2 targeting all three muscles with all three exercise strategies in all three planes of motion.

By far the biggest myth holding you back is that squats lunges and deadlifts are glute exercises. Theyre not. Theyre leg exercises. They can activate the glutes incidentally but they're all about the legs. Instead they dedicate at least two sessions per week solely to hit their glutes. Their leg days fit around that. It makes sense when you think about it. Glutes are the biggest muscle in your body. They get to have their own day.

Glute Training Must Have Its Own Training Day

We've already learned that you're going to be training your glutes on their own day. You can get an extremely effective workout for one muscle group in as little as 15-minutes since you're targeting a specific area.

If you have a gym membership that's great but if you don't you can still develop your glutes with bodyweight exercises at home.

Study after study proves you can achieve serious growth through bodyweight exercises instead of heaving weights. You really can grow your glutes without setting foot in a gym although adding resistance can speed up progress.

Too much advice focuses on complicated movements that never really hit your glutes. Or the need to use 25 hard-to-find machines in your gym. I want to show you that seriously building your butt is as simple as a bodyweight plan.

The only time we notice there could be an issue is when we sit for too long and get a numb butt. Dead butt syndrome or gluteal amnesia occurs when your glutes stop firing as they should.

The technical term for this is inhibition. When you sit for a prolonged period your glutes aren't activated. They get weak and it has consequences for the rest of your body. Other muscles are forced to compensate for your glute weakness and this may result in lower back knee or hip pain.

When you look in the mirror wondering where your butt is and what more you can do this is it. You need to wake up your glutes. The key to unlocking your glutes is It's opposing muscle the hip flexor. You see sitting tightens the hip flexors preventing the glutes from firing.

To fire your glutes we use a two-step protocol. It involves a dealing with tight hip flexors first and b then re-activating the glutes. To re-activate the glutes we turn to a tool of physical therapists use to rehabilitate injured athletes neuromuscular activation. This technique restores the mind-muscle link between your brain and your glutes lost when you sit for too long and your glutes switch off.

Stretching and muscle activation in that order is the only way to kick your glutes into action from being dormant. So now we know what the obstacles are that are stopping you from getting the glutes you want It's clear why. The latest research proves that the exercise I'm about to share with you activates more muscle fibers in activate your glutes than any other exercise in existence.

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