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🧾 Instructions: Search for Videos On YouTube by Username

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This page is going to show you how to find anyone on YouTube searching for them by username.

The YouTube username search tool is the fastest and most effective way to find someone on YouTube.

🧾 Instructions: Search for Videos On YouTube by Username

  1. Go to any page on the youtube website.
  2. At the top of the page you will see a search textbox.
  3. Enter the username of the person you are interested in seeing all their videos. If some of the videos pulled up are not by the username of the person you are interested in, then perform the search again but surround the username with quotes.
  4. All of that persons videos will appear in the search results.

How To Search Videos On Youtube By Username- Manual Method#2

  1. Go to youtube.
  2. Click on a video by the username you are interested in. In this example we are going to pretent we are interest in all the videos on youtube by the username ScrapersNbots.
  3. Just under the video you will see persons username along with the publish date of the video.
  4. The username will be a clickable link. Click it. This will take you to their page.
  5. Look for a row of links near the top that reads  HOME  VIDEOS  PLAYLIST  . Click on the link that reads  VIDEOS .
  6. This will take you to that users page with all their videos.

How To Search Videos On Youtube By Username- Automated Method

This method is a little bit faster and involves the use of a software program called Viral YouTube Soft. This method allows to get all the tags of all of the persons video as well. If you are interested in finding all of a usernames videos for marketing purposes or you plan on finding all of a usernames videos on a regular basis this software will save you some time.

  1. Run Viral YouTube Soft.
  2. Click the View Competition button.
  3. Enter the username in the textbox that reads Keyword Phrase.
  4. Press the View Competition button. If you see some videos appearing that are not by that username you entered its because there are words in videos descriptions that match the username you entered in the textbox in the above step. To solve this simply surround the username with quotes.
  5. You can double click any of the video results that appear to go to that video on youtube or you select as many of the video results by that username as you wish, right click, and from the context menu get all the tags for all the selected videos.

Specialized Google Site Search to Find YouTube Member

Another method to find someone by username on YouTube is to do a specialized site: search. Simply type the following in the Google search box: USERNAME replacing USERNAME with the username you want to search for. This search tells Google to restrict its search results to just

YouTube Username Search Tool Online

There is a 100% free web based tool that can be accessed by any device that has internet access at youtube username search. Simply enter a username or partial username and any user/channel owner of that exactly or partially matches what you enter will appear in results that are clickable. Clicking any of the results takes you to the profile page for that member.


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