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🧾 📺 How to Improve Video Ranking 📈 on Using Open Transcript 🖹

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This page is going to show you how to improve the rankings of your YouTube video by using the text transcript of your video as content for your video description.

Using the YouTube text transcript in this manner also makes it easier for your video viewers to quickly navigate to different parts of your YouTube video by clicking timestamp links in your video description.

🧾 📺 How to Improve Video Ranking 📈 on Using Open Transcript 🖹

You may or may not be aware that you can view the transcription text of any of your uploaded YouTube videos. After you upload a video to YouTube, shortly there-after, YouTube provides a text transcript of your video (assuming there is speaking in the video). The text transcript is broken up into several second segments that act as bookmarks to different time spots in the video from beginning to end.

For video ranking and SEO purposes, since the text transcript is a word for word written text format of your video, doesn't it make sense to either include this text transcript in somewhere within the video upload?

Copy & Paste Entire YouTube Transcript Text as Video Comment Text Instructions

  1. Just under your YouTube video, to the right (as of the writing of this page) you will see three dots ...
  2. Click those three dots to expose a pop up menu.
  3. Click the menu item Open Transcript.
  4. On the top right of the page, the entire written transcript of your video opens up (above the related videos).
  5. Make sure your video is not currently playing or if it is, stop it.
  6. Using the scrollbar on the right side of the transcript window, scroll all the way to the bottom of the transcript.
  7. With your mouse, select the entire transcript text and then copy to your clipboard (CTRL+C Windows Command/⌘+C Mac).
  8. Make a comment on your own video by pasting the entire transcript (CTRL+V Windows Command/⌘+V Mac).
  9. When you post the Comment button, you will notice that the entire text transcript of your video is broken up into line by line sections that are each about three seconds long (video wise) along with the time position, as a hyperlink, next to each line. Move your mouse over any of the time hyperlinks and you will notice each one of those hyperlinked time stamps includes the full url to your video along with a timestamp query at the end i.e. &t=10s.
  10. This is fantastic for SEO purposes.

Convert the YouTube Text Transcript Into Clickable Chapters

To take the idea of using the YouTube text transcript for your video for SEO purposes a step further, you can also convert the entire text transcript into clickable, hyperlinked chapters!!

If you paste the clickable YouTube transcript converted into chapters and paste that into your YouTube video description you accomplish several objectives that are good for video SEO and your video viewers:

  • Your YouTube video itself will be subdivided into chapters.
  • You make it easier for your YouTube video viewers to fast foward or reverse to different sections of the video by merely clicking a link.
  • You boost your video SEO because now you have multiple backlinks to different sections of the video. You could potentially ping each section of the video.

Here is the link to the free online tool to Convert YouTube Transcript into Chapters.

Share the Video & Use Transcript Text as Content for Backlinks to the YouTube Video

While you have the entire transcript of your YouTube video already copies to clipboard, click each of the share buttons under your video to share the video. For the share services that allows you to insert additional content into the share like ...

  • Reddit.
  • Facebook.
  • Blogger.
  • Tumblr.

... Under the video, paste the entire transcript into the share service content edit window. Considering each of the hyperlinked time stamps, that is a lot of backlinks going back to your YouTube video and since it's YouTube created content, would we think and hope it is looked upon favorably by Google since Google owns YouTube.


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