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🧾 📺 Keyword Search Volume Volume 📈 Tools

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This page is going to show you how to do your own YouTube keyword research without paying money for a membership falsely claiming to provide you with accurate YouTube keyword search volume.

Simply use YouTube auto complete search results and view the first or top 5 videos that show up on YouTube for a keyword phrase or tag.

🧾 📺 Keyword Search Volume Volume 📈 Tools

If you have been searching for a tool that will show you the search volume or estimated visitor traffic for keyword phrases on video upload site, stop wasting your time (and hopefully not money).

YouTube is owned by Google. They are not and will never provide ANYONE with ACCURATE, reliable statistics about the number of people who search a keyword phrase on YouTube. Not going happen. Never has happened and never will happen.

Of course there is no shortage of websites, tools, apps and services, more than willing to take your money and hook you up to some unreliable, outdated, shady API that is, supposedly, providing you all this wonderful information about the amount of people who search YouTube for keyword phrases you enter. I wonder if the domain is still available?

... are just two that come to mind and are on the front page of Google for search terms related to YouTube keyword search volume.

How do we know this? We have been involved, full time, with affiliate marketing, since 2009. We are computer and internet/web design programmers. Think about it. if you were Google, why would you provide this information to anyone? If you owned youtube, would you provide this information to anyone?

Legit Info About Youtube Keyword Search Volume

Thankfully, you really don't HAVE to know search volume unless your whole reason for being on YouTube is to create one of those viral, one hit wonder, that have millions of views or something.

If your intent is to build an online following and a legit online business then videos that bring you 2 targeted views a day is just as valuable as the videos that attract 300 visitors a day. You should look at your YouTube channel as a store with many products (videos/information), some are hot sellers and some sell a little slower, but the sum of all your video traffic is what is important.

All you need to know is that a keyword phrase is getting SOME YouTube searches on a regular basis and this is, easily how to do that.

  1. Go to
  2. In the search box, begin typing the first word or two of your intended topic or root keyword phrase.
  3. As you are typing the YouTube autocomplete drop down will show you EXACTLY what people have typed into the YouTube search box before.
  4. To view more possible keyword suggestions for potential use in your video upload, continue to add words to your keyword phrase to reveal more keyword phrases YouTube is revealing that people have searched.
  5. When you get to the point where there are no more autocomplete suggestions, press the backspace button on your keyboard until you are back down to the first word or two and type in a completely different second or third word to create more suggestions.
  6. Keep repeating the above steps until your YouTube keyword list is large enough or your tired.

The formerly mentioned online YouTube keyword tools can automate this process for you and make it much faster for you but there is no way they can accurately provide search volume so keep your money in your pocket.

Find Out Keyword Search Volume On Youtube Free

You can get an idea of keyword search volume for a YouTube keyword by ...

  1. Typing one of the auto complete keyword phrases discovered from the process above.
  2. Press the enter key to actually perform the search on YouTube for the keyword phrase.
  3. See the visitor traffic volume for the first five video results.

If all of the first five videos show a ton of visitors then chances are you have a keyword phrase that gets a lot of searches BUT keep in mind you have to consider how much of that traffic is either ...

  • Purchased via fake visitors via a site like Fiverr.
  • Is subscriber traffic, meaning, they did not do a search for that keyword phrase in Google or YouTube but simply received a notification of the new video because they are a subscriber.


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