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🎬 Video Tutorial on Video 📽 File Seo Hacks to Increase SEO 📈 of Videos on YouTube and Google

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Text Transcript of Video Showing 🎬 Video Tutorial on Video 📽 File Seo Hacks to Increase SEO 📈 of Videos on YouTube and Google

00:01 In this video I'm going to show you some really awesome YouTube video file hacks that you can apply that should improve your search engine optimization and the visibility of your videos ultimately leading to more YouTube visitors watching your videos on YouTube.

00:20 Most people know that when you upload a video to, you enter your main keyword phrase in the video title, video description, video tag. This is pretty much common knowledge for most people, but one hack that people don't often consider, think about or know about is hacks that you can apply to the video file itself and I'm going to show you what I mean.

00:46 Take this video here for example. The main keyword phrase is youtube video file hack increase rankings. Most people, for the name of file like a video, they use words separated by dashes (name-of-video.mp4) sometimes people use underscores (name_of_video.mp4), but for uploading your video to YouTube, just use spaces (Name Of Video.mp4).

01:14 Notice how I use a space between each of the words of the video file name. This is because when you upload the video to YouTube, YouTube will automatically convert the file name into the video title, so this will save you a little bit of time. Another thing you want to do is make sure the first letter of each word is uppercase (Name Of Video.mp4). This helps give your video listing on YouTube more visibility. There's some theories that capitalizing the first letter of each of the words of the video filename boosts importance to the search engines. That's debatable but it still makes your video listing stand out in related videos on YouTube.

01:51 Another little kind of trick you can use that many people don't think about is inserting one or two ASCII art characters in there. This is the page that contains thousands of ascii art character codes that you can insert in your video and I'm just randomly going to grab a few just to kind of show you the effect.

02:30 See that right there, these few little tricks make such a huge difference. First off, you're including the main keyword phrase in the video file name, proper casing each of the letters, you're using spaces between each of the words, you're including an ascii character or two. All these things improve the video SEO as well as it making your YouTube video get a lot more attention on YouTube.

02:52 Now a real trick is you select the video by clicking on it. Click on the video again to make the filename editable so you can copy the video filename to clipboard. Right click the video. In the pop up context menu that appears click on Properties menu item. Click the Details tab.

03:07 Paste that main key word phrase WITH the ASCII characters into the title and subtitle. Give your video a 5-star rating by double-clicking on the 5th star. Add your main keyword phrase, WITHOUT the ascii characters, and then several related keyword phrases. Now for the video file tags in the video properties dialog box in Windows, don't separate tags with a comma. Keyword phrases here are separated with a semicolon.

03:52 Copy all of these tags or keyword phrases and paste them into the Comments section of the video file properties dialog. Scroll down the video properties dialog a little bit and then in these text boxes put in URLs to your blog post or any content you have on the internet that are directly related to the video that you're going to be uploading to YouTube. If you have several different online properties you can include a different url for each entry or you can just add one url for all of them.

04:49 Be sure to click the Apply button so all your YouTube video file changes you made are saved. NOW your video is ready to be uploaded to YouTube!!.


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