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Price Discounts 💲 for GoalsOnTrack (a simple web 2 app for setting goals) 📑 by Harry Che

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Price Discounts 💲 For GoalsOnTrack (a Simple And Elegant Web 2.0 App To Set Goals) 🎉 By Mr. Harry Che

Click to Play Video About Price Discounts 💵 For GoalsOnTrack (a Simple Web App For Setting Goals And Task Management) 📔 By Harry Che
  • GOALSONTRACK Price Discounts
  • How Come Many Prices for GOALSONTRACK?
  • What is GOALSONTRACK by Harry Che≟

GOALSONTRACK Price Discounts

Discounts for Goalsontrack are below and other products made by Harry Che.

Press to tick and select the option circle that is to the left of the discount price and book you want and click the Redeem Selected Discount button.

You might notice the same product is listed multiple times with different prices. Multiple Prices Explained?

 CB Product Name
(click to sort)
(click to sort)
Goalsontrack Standard - Yearly Massive Discount$48.00
Goalsontrack Standard - Yearly$68.00
Goalsontrack Standard Account$9.95
 CB Product Name
(click to sort)
(click to sort)
Goalsontrack Standard Account$9.95
Goalsontrack Standard - Yearly Massive Discount$48.00
Goalsontrack Standard - Yearly$68.00
Goalsontrack Harry Che Website.
Image of Goalsontrack Harry Che Website.
Goalsontrack Harry Che Website.

How Come Many Prices for GOALSONTRACK?

The explanation for the varying Goalsontrack prices is because Harry Che created varying checkout pages to test the affect of the varying price tags on sales. This is referred to, by marketers, as product testing. Harry Che kept adjusting the price to discover the sweet spot of profits and sales.

What is GOALSONTRACK by Harry Che≟

GoalsOnTrack is a web based application created by Harry Che that is a goal setting app whose interface employs and covers all of the major steps of highly successful people:

  1. Write the goal down: This simple act alone doubles your odds of success.
  2. Create a step by step plan: a step by step plan turns your large main goal into a subset of smaller, easier to attain goals, which has the effect of increasing motivation for follow through.
  3. Review previous sub goal successes: as you reach your sub goals, it is important to celebrate and enjoy your previous successes to help further motivate the completion of remain sub-goal steps.
  4. Involve or notify others of your future sub goals: this makes you feel accountable which in turn decreases the chances that you will fail to follow through on your sub goals.
  5. Build habits: habits are nothing but actions that have become so automatic that we no longer even have to think of them. This is one of the most important steps of reaching goals because, after all, if achieving a goal becomes an automatic habit, then so does success.
  6. Keep a goal journal: writing things down has in impact on the subconscious mind that ensures you are much more likely to follow through and succeed at your goals.

GoalsOnTrack is a system that integrates all of these proven goal strategies in a holistic approach you can use to achieve your goals.

GoalsOnTrack also comes with the following feature bonus items to help keep you on track of your goals:

  • How to Avoid Tension and Achieve Peace in Life.
  • As A Man Thinketh.
  • The Art of Money Getting or Golden Rules for Making Money.
  • Power Through Repose.
  • Tips and Tricks for Writing Success.
GoalsOnTrack Members Area for Setting Goals and Tracking Goals
Image of GoalsOnTrack Members Area for Setting Goals and Tracking Goals.
GoalsOnTrack Members Area for Setting Goals and Tracking Goals


Please help other people by sharing your experience with Goalsontrack in the comments section below.

  • Did Goalsontrack help to goal setting/goal management software?
  • Are you happy you decided to buy Goalsontrack or do you wish you didn't?
  • Do you recommend Goalsontrack?
  • On the 1 - 10 scale, how do you rate Goalsontrack?


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