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Substantial Discount 💲 for Housesitters Housecarers (find trusted house sitters to care for your reside at your home when your gone) 🏠 by

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Price Drop Discount 💲 For Housecarers Corporation's Housesitters Housecarers 🏠 (find Trusted House Sitters To Care For Your Most Valued Possessions)

Click to Play Video About Discounts 💲 For's Housesitters Housecarers 🏡 (locate House Sitters To Care For Your Possessions)
  • Housesitters Housecarers Purchase Discount Links
  • Explanation of More than One Housesitters Housecarers Price Tags.
  • What is Housesitters Housecarers by Housecarers Corp.
  • Housesitters Housecarers Reviews & Comments


Save big with this directory which lists all items being sold by the Clickbank vendor who is marketing Housesitters Housecarers. You can buy Housesitters Housecarers paying what you think is fair from the list below.

To take advantage of any of the coupons below, tick the checkbox next to the coupon you want and click the Redeem Selected Discount button.

You probably will observe that some of the same listings have different price tags. Confused?

 CB Product Name
(click to sort)
(click to sort)
Housecarers Discounted Membership Massive Discount$34.70
Housecarers Discounted Membership Aud$45$34.70
Housecarers Discounted Membership Us$$45.00
Housecarers Discounted Membership Us$$35.00
Housecarers Full Membership Aud$38.17
Housecarers Full Membership Cad$36.83
Housecarers Full Membership Gbp$38.72
Housecarers Full Membership Nzd$39.28
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$50.00
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$39.28
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$38.72
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$20.95
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$36.83
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$38.17
Housecarers Full Membership Zar$20.95
Verified Homeowner Supporters Membership$19.36
Verified Homeowner Supporters Membership$18.41
Verified Homeowner Supporters Membership$18.33
Verified Homeowner Supporters Membership$19.43
Verified Homeowner Supporters Membership$25.00
 CB Product Name
(click to sort)
(click to sort)
Verified Homeowner Supporters Membership$18.33
Verified Homeowner Supporters Membership$18.41
Verified Homeowner Supporters Membership$19.36
Verified Homeowner Supporters Membership$19.43
Housecarers Full Membership Zar$20.95
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$20.95
Verified Homeowner Supporters Membership$25.00
Housecarers Discounted Membership Massive Discount$34.70
Housecarers Discounted Membership Aud$45$34.70
Housecarers Discounted Membership Us$$35.00
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$36.83
Housecarers Full Membership Cad$36.83
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$38.17
Housecarers Full Membership Aud$38.17
Housecarers Full Membership Gbp$38.72
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$38.72
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$39.28
Housecarers Full Membership Nzd$39.28
Housecarers Discounted Membership Us$$45.00
Housecarers Full Membership Renewal$50.00
Housesitters Housecarers Website.
Housesitters Housecarers Website.
Housesitters Housecarers Website.

Explanation of More than One HOUSESITTERS HOUSECARERS Price Tags.

It is not uncommon for Clickbank sellers to produce different order pages to find out what the result is of the differing prices on profits. When the company of Housesitters Housecarers produces one of these test checkout pages, this page was kept on the Clickbank site. Clickbank Thief was used to find these discounted checkout pages from Clickbank.

What is HOUSESITTERS HOUSECARERS by Housecarers Corp.

Housesitters Housecarers is a membership website, by Housecarers Corporation, that connects people who need someone to stay at and watch their home with people who want to do housesitting for money. Housecarers has been in business since 2000.

Housecarers is basically divided into two sections:

  1. One for people who need a housesitter to watch over their property.
  2. One for people who want to earn money staying at a persons house, watching over it, feeding their pets, etc.

If you are looking for a housesitter you can search Housecarers ...

  1. By location.
  2. By Flexi-location (find a house sitter who may not live locally but does not mind travelling)
  3. By member username.
  • If you are searching for a house sitter:
  1. Go to Housecarers and list your house for free. You create an account by providing basic information such as your name, address of your home, etc.
  2. You can also be proactive and search for a house sitter from their website as well. You can also sign up to receive email alerts on house sitter candidates in your area.

If you are looking to be a house sitter ...

  1. You can create a free account which will allow you to get emails when a person in your area needs a house sitter. You profile as a house sitter will be displayed on their website.
  2. If you upgrade to a paid membership at Housecarers, which NORMALLY costs $50 for one year, you can then actively respond to house sitter needed requests enabling you to get paid to stay at and watch over a persons house (in your area or out of your area if you don't mind traveling). As a paid member you will also receive priority in terms of being shown at the top of house sitters search results as well as appear as a featured house sitter. Either one gets you a lot more exposure and more paid house sitting opportunities.

Looking through the list of members of Housecarers reminds me of a dating site. Each person has a profile page with their age, gender, an about me section, and pictures of the members. The people who want to be house sitters profiles also show the countries/states/towns they are will to be housesitters in as well as how long a time period they prefer/are available to watch a house (couple of days, week, couple of weeks, months, etc).

How much a house sitter gets paid is strictly between the house sitter and the people/person who needs a house sitter. The general house sitting rate, on average, is about $25 - $30 for a single day, or closer to $50 for overnight. House sitter fees for longer stays, such as weeks or months, is a bit less per day because the house sitter is getting a guaranteed, long term income. Keep in mind a house sitter does not have to do much of any work except feed any animals, bring in the mail, perhaps some light cleaning, taking the trash out on trash night, water plants, etc.

If you become a paid member of Housesitters Housecarers from their website you will pay $50. Use one of the discounts above to save a lot of money.

Members Area to Find Houses to Sit for ‌in your Area
Image of Members Area to Find Houses to Sit for ‌in your Area.
Members Area to Find Houses to Sit for ‌in your Area

Housesitters Housecarers Reviews & Comments

Do you, or someone you know currently own Housesitters Housecarers?

It would be thoughtful of you if you would verbalize your experience with Housesitters Housecarers in the comments below as this can provide valuable feedback for those thinking about getting the Membership. Your thoughts of this Membership matters and you just may help someone.


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