The differing discounts for Speak To Spark Arousal can be seen below as well as other products (e-books and/or software) made by Jessica J..
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You might notice the same product is listed multiple times with different prices. Multiple Prices Explained?
Speak To Spark Arousal Jessica J. Website.
Speak To Spark Arousal Jessica J. Website.
How Come are there Different Price Tags for SPEAK TO SPARK AROUSAL≟
The reason there is varying Speak To Spark Arousal prices is because Jessica J. created several varying checkout pages (with different prices) to notice the impact of the differing prices on sales. This is referred to, by sales people, as market testing. Jessica J. adjusted the price until he/she found the perfect price.
What is SPEAK TO SPARK AROUSAL by Jessica J.≟
Speak To Spark Arousal is a manual created by a lady names Jessica J. that shows you how to bypass a womans logical part of her brain and activate the unconscious, sexual drive trigger in a women so you can get her. The Speak To Spark Arousal website claims this discovery contained in Speak To Spark Arousal is based on hard science from research labs at MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard and other Universities.
Speak To Spark Arousal claims to reveal:
- How to get direct access to womens sex drive without having to touch her, hence the name of the item, Speak To Spark Arousal.
- How to use the secrets in Speak To Spark Arousal, even on women who is a total stranger you just met.
- How to use it on a woman who is just a friend or in the 'friend zone'.
- How to use it on an ex-girlfriend, even if she has a boyfriend.
The whole supposition of Speak To Spark Arousal program is that the manual was created and written based upon all this scientific research on how to override a womans rational mind to spark arousal in her, no matter who she is, which to us sounds like a real load of BS. This does not mean that Speak To Spark Arousal is not worth the price, discounted or not. Just the whole idea that a team of scientists have gotten together to discover the foolproof way to get into a womans pants is highly unlikely.
Speak To Spark Arousal also states that when the sexual arousal part of a womens brain is triggered or activated it causes the rational, decision making part of her brain to shut down, which may or may not be true. The websites goes on how they tested these scientific techniques of arousal on guys who were geeks and/or virgins, etc.
When you puchase and download Speak To Spark Arousal you get all of the following female arousal publications:
- The Speak To Spark Arousal main publication.
- The Friend Zone Escape Hatch.
- Natural Conversation Starters.
- PDF Worksheets and Cheat Sheets.
The Full Speak to Spark Arousal Download Package
-Speak to Spark Arousal main publication
-The Friend Zone Escape Hatch
-Natural Conversation Starters
-PDF Worksheets and Cheat Sheets
Full Speak to Spark Arousal Download Package
-Speak to Spark Arousal main publication
-The Friend Zone Escape Hatch
-Natural Conversation Starters
-PDF Worksheets and Cheat Sheets
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