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Discounts 💵 for Specforce Abs (special forces core training secrets to sculpt six pack abs and flat belly) 💯 by Todd Lamb

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Huge Discounts 💲 For Specforce Abs (special Forces Core Workout To Create Defined Abs & Flat Belly) ♺ By Mr. Todd Lamb

Click to Play Video About Discounts 💲 For Specforce Abs (create A Six-pack & Flat Midsection) 💪 By Mr. Todd Lamb
  • SPECFORCE ABS Discount
  • How Come Differing Price Tags for SPECFORCE ABS≟
  • What is SPECFORCE ABS by Todd Lamb?
  • SPECFORCE ABS Customer Feedback


Below are the discount prices for Specforce Abs by Todd Lamb Some of these downloadable products are massively discounted from the normal sales price.

Press to tick and select the option circle that is to the left of the discount price and book you want and click the Redeem Selected Discount button.

You might notice the same product is listed multiple times with different prices. Multiple Prices Explained?

 CB Product Name
(click to sort)
(click to sort)
Accelerator - Specforce Abs$59.00
Specforce Abs Massive Discount$19.00
Specforce Abs$29.00
Specforce Abs - Black Ops$49.00
Specforce Abs For Women$19.00
Specforce Abs For Women$29.00
Specforce Accelerator - Women$39.00
Specforce Accelerator - Women$39.00
Specforce Alpha Complete Bundle$97.00
The Six Pack Secret - Men$37.00
The Six Pack Secret - Men$27.00
The Six Pack Secret - Women$37.00
The Six Pack Secret - Women$27.00
Tone Your Tummy - Men$27.00
Tone Your Tummy - Men$37.00
Tone Your Tummy - Men$37.00
Tone Your Tummy - Men$27.00
Tone Your Tummy - Women$27.00
Tone Your Tummy - Women$27.00
Tone Your Tummy - Women$37.00
Tone Your Tummy - Women$37.00
 CB Product Name
(click to sort)
(click to sort)
Specforce Abs For Women$19.00
Specforce Abs Massive Discount$19.00
Tone Your Tummy - Men$27.00
Tone Your Tummy - Women$27.00
The Six Pack Secret - Men$27.00
The Six Pack Secret - Women$27.00
Tone Your Tummy - Women$27.00
Tone Your Tummy - Men$27.00
Specforce Abs For Women$29.00
Specforce Abs$29.00
Tone Your Tummy - Men$37.00
Tone Your Tummy - Men$37.00
Tone Your Tummy - Women$37.00
Tone Your Tummy - Women$37.00
The Six Pack Secret - Men$37.00
The Six Pack Secret - Women$37.00
Specforce Accelerator - Women$39.00
Specforce Accelerator - Women$39.00
Specforce Abs - Black Ops$49.00
Accelerator - Specforce Abs$59.00
Specforce Alpha Complete Bundle$97.00
Specforce Abs Todd Lamb Website.
Image of Specforce Abs Todd Lamb Website.
Specforce Abs Todd Lamb Website.

How Come Differing Price Tags for SPECFORCE ABS≟

The explanation there is varying Specforce Abs prices is Todd Lamb created a few different purchase pages (with different prices) to monitor the affect of these differing prices on sales. This is called as market testing. This means you can get Specforce Abs at ANY price you desire from above 😊 Any of these order pages may be taken down by Todd Lamb without any advance warning so do not wait.

What is SPECFORCE ABS by Todd Lamb?

Specforce Abs is a core training fitness program by Todd Lamb, that shows you how to define, sculpt and flatten your core and Todd Lamb has a rather unique, indirect approach to getting a flat core with training as he states that training your abdominals in a direct way with traditional exercises like sit-ups and crunches, can actually make your stomach look bigger and result in injury (mostly to the back) as well. Specforce Abs also produces results as much as 3 times faster than conventional ab training.

Specforce Abs teaches 5 specific abs training factors:

  1. Abdominal Armoring.
  2. Asset Stacking.
  3. Fixed Angle Contraction.
  4. TQ Workups.
  5. Strategic Target Selection.

The core training secrets revealed in Specforce Abs can be used by both men and women. Todd Lamb learned about these abdominal training methods while he was an SSF soldier in the Canadian Military. When core training is NOT done properly (ie situps, crunches) it can actually cause accelerated aging.

Here is why improper ab training can cause accelorated aging:

  • Walking Hunched Over: a condition called Kyphosis. Poor abs training causes overactive upper abdominals that pull the upper body forward.
  • Bulging Pot Belly and Back Pain: improper ab training causes an over tightening of the hip flexors. When you shorten and/or tighten hip flexors due to improper core training, you pull the pelvis forward and down which gives the appearance of a sagging belly and can actually make you look fatter than you really are. This can result in back pain as well.
  • Spinal Disc Damage: intra-discal pressure occurs as a result of improper core training because conventional abdominal training exercises over flex your spine forward.

Specforce Abs has specific core exercises that attack the following sections of your midsection:

  1. Rectus Abdominis.
  2. The Obliques.
  3. The Posterior Chain.
Specforce Abs Core Training Manuals
Image of Specforce Abs Core Training Manuals.
Specforce Abs Core Training Manuals

SPECFORCE ABS Customer Feedback

It would be help to other people with the decision to buy (or not) Specforce Abs by sharing your personal experience with Specforce Abs in the comments section below & answer some questions about Specforce Abs ...

  • Did Specforce Abs really help to create six pack abs and flat stomach?
  • Are you satisfied you decided to order Specforce Abs or do you regret it?
  • Can you recommend Specforce Abs?
  • On the 1 - 10 scale, what grade do you give for Specforce Abs?


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