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Discounts 💲 for The Bad Boy Blueprint (picking up girls program that triggers a womans obsessive side & forces girls get turned on by you) 👠 by Mr. D. Cortez

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Discounts 💰 For The Bad Boy Blueprint (picking Up Girls Program Forces Girls Come To You) 👧 By Mr. D. Cortez & Mr. P. James

Click to Play Video About Discounts For The Bad Boy Blueprint (picking Up Girls Program Forces Women Approach You) 💋 By Mr. D. Cortez
  • THE BAD BOY BLUEPRINT Price Discounts
  • How Come Differing Price Tags for THE BAD BOY BLUEPRINT≟
  • What's THE BAD BOY BLUEPRINT by Dean Cortez & Patrick James≟
  • THE BAD BOY BLUEPRINT Customer Feedback


Discount purchase pages for The Bad Boy Blueprint are below as well as other digital items produced by Dean Cortez & Patrick James.

Press to tick and select the option circle that is to the left of the discount price and book you want and click the Redeem Selected Discount button.

You might notice the same product is listed multiple times with different prices. More Than One Price Explained?

 CB Product Name
(click to sort)
(click to sort)
Automatic Obsession Words Complete System$67.00
Bad Boy Immersion Video Training$97.00
Complete Seduction Mastery Audio Course$29.97
Sexual Peak Performance$67.00
The Bad Boy Blueprint - 50% Discount Massive Discount$23.50
The Bad Boy Blueprint + Free Bonuses$47.00
 CB Product Name
(click to sort)
(click to sort)
The Bad Boy Blueprint - 50% Discount Massive Discount$23.50
Complete Seduction Mastery Audio Course$29.97
The Bad Boy Blueprint + Free Bonuses$47.00
Sexual Peak Performance$67.00
Automatic Obsession Words Complete System$67.00
Bad Boy Immersion Video Training$97.00
The Bad Boy Blueprint Dean Cortez & Patrick James Website.
Image of The Bad Boy Blueprint Dean Cortez & Patrick James Website.
The Bad Boy Blueprint Dean Cortez & Patrick James Website.

How Come Differing Price Tags for THE BAD BOY BLUEPRINT≟

The reason for all the differing The Bad Boy Blueprint prices is Dean Cortez & Patrick James created a few differing purchase pages to monitor the affect of prices on sales. This allows anyone to purchase The Bad Boy Blueprint at any price you desire from the list above 😊

What's THE BAD BOY BLUEPRINT by Dean Cortez & Patrick James≟

The Bad Boy Blueprint is a picking up girls course by Dean Cortez & Patrick James, that claims to have the secret to closing down the logical part of a womans brain and making the obsession part of her turn on. This supposedly happens when you activate your bad boy edge (whatever happened to being yourself).

So here is another one of those seduction guides that tell you you can't express your real feelings for a girl and tell her you like her and you have to play like you have tons of girls just lining up at a chance to lay in bed with you. The Bad Boy Blueprint is supposedly going to show you how to make women uncontrollably horny and attracted to and there is nothing she can do to stop it. Really? Women aren't really this stupid and controllable are they?

I am not saying that The Bad Boy Blueprint does not have some good information and dating advice that might make you more popular with girls. I am just saying at what point do you just stop the nonsense and be yourself. With all the STD's running rampant today, do you REALLY want to sleep around with a ton of women? To me, there just seems to be better hobbies out there.

The The Bad Boy Blueprint sales page goes on to say that The Bad Boy Blueprint is so powerful that it is female mind control and sexual hypnosis and should be banned! Thank God Clickbank has a 60 day money back guarantee. The one good thing I can say about The Bad Boy Blueprint and any other seduction and picking-up-women guides out there is that if it acts to provide a man with more confidence to approach a women, then The Bad Boy Blueprint has done its job.

Of course, like all the other female seduction guides out there, The Bad Boy Blueprint bashes all other picking-up-chics guides saying they are weak and outdated but The Bad Boy Blueprint is the latest and most powerful system out there for getting the girls to fall all over you.

Dean Cortez & Patrick James claims there is an 'activation trick that will cause a women to approach you and because you used this 'activation trick' she suddenly won't be able to stop thinking about you and having you inside her. WOW. What BS! Then The Bad Boy Blueprint goes on to demonstrate 'real life' examples of this pick up system like this dorky guy gets this hot Hooters girl to dump a muscles UFC fighter for the dork because he activated his bad boy edge and the girl was powerless over him 🤦. In fact, The Bad Boy Blueprint is SOOOO powerful that even girls who are normally stuck up and snooty will fall to your feet and worship the male chauvinist, women disrespecting pig that you are.

I am not saying there is nothing worthwhile in The Bad Boy Blueprint, I am just sick and tired of seeing this same crap theme for picking up girls all over the internet. People like Dean Cortez & Patrick James will saying just about anything on their web pages to get you to fork over your money.

While there may be some truth to the unfortunate fact that many women respond more positively to men who treat them like crap, do you really want to be one of these guys just to score with some poor girl? A meaningful long term relationship will probably be more satisfying to your soul in the end. I went through my own phase of bedding tons of girls and looking back, most of it was pretty empty and meaningless.

The Bad Boy Blueprint comes with several bonus publications:

  1. How to Have Fearless Conversations with Women.
  2. Rewire your Brain for Unstoppable Success with Women.
  3. The Same Night Lays Roadmap.
  4. Threesomes.
  5. The Advanced Secrets of Sexual Cold Reading.

If you want to get an idea of Dean Cortez & Patrick James seduction tactics, many of which you will find in The Bad Boy Blueprint, take a look at the following E-books by them:

Other seduction and dating guides by Dean Cortez, if you want more laughs, include:

The Bad Boy Blueprint Download Package Ebooks, Audio & Videos
Image of The Bad Boy Blueprint Download Package Ebooks, Audio & Videos.
The Bad Boy Blueprint Download Package Ebooks, Audio & Videos


Have you (or a friend) purchased The Bad Boy Blueprint? Please help others if you could take a minute to share your experience with The Bad Boy Blueprint in the comments section below.

  • Did The Bad Boy Blueprint really help to seduction program makes girls come to yo?
  • Are you happy you decided to order The Bad Boy Blueprint or do you regret it?
  • Would you recommend The Bad Boy Blueprint to other people?
  • On the 1 - 10 scale, how do you rate The Bad Boy Blueprint?


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