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Vert Shock Jump Training Adam Folker Website.
![Vert Shock Jump Training Adam Folker Website. Vert Shock Jump Training Adam Folker Website.]()
Vert Shock Jump Training Adam Folker Website.
More About Differing VERT SHOCK JUMP TRAINING Prices.
The reason for all the varying Vert Shock Jump Training price tags is Adam Folker made a few differing order pages, with different prices to discover which price produces the most sales and earnings. When one of these purchase page is produced, it is retained on the Clickbank website. Clickbank Thief software was employed to scrape these discount pages from Clickbank.
Vert Shock Jump Training is a course, by Adam Folker, that shows you how to add as much as a foot (8" - 15") to the height you can jump vertically to increase your effectiveness in any sport, including basketball. Muscles are made up of fibers. There are slow and fast twitch fibers in your muscles, including your leg muscles (the ones that make you jump). The key to rapidly increasing vertical jump lies in the fast twitch muscle fibers. In your thighs there is a sub set of fast twitch muscle fibers called Type II B muscle fibers. These fibers are the most explosive and fastest and by using the exercises in Vert Shock Jump Training (via plyometric training) you will be targeting these fibers for the most rapid increase in vertical jump height.
Most other vertical jump training systems do not, specifically, target the Type II B fast twitch fibers but instead use overtraining of all the fast twitch. While this will work at increasing your vertical jump height, it does not work as well as targeting Type II B fast twitch fibers and under training instead of over training.
Vert Shock Jump Training is safe and effective no matter ...
- What your current age is.
- How high you can jump now.
- How naturally athletic you are (or aren't).
- How much other type of vertical jump training you have done before. If you have not targeted the Type II B fast twitch fibers of the legs with plyometric training, then you have not done vertical jump training.
By using Vert Shock ...
- You cut down your overall training time.
- Reduce any risk of injury from vertical jump training.
- Get more results (jump higher) more quickly.
Vert Shock is broken down into 3 phases of training:
- Pre-Shock Phase: this phase lasts for the first week. During this phase your vertical jump will increase up to 3 - 5 inches.
- Shock Phase: this phase which is 6 weeks long and is the core of the Vert Shock program. Your nervous system is literally 'shocked' into leaping higher and adding several more inches to your vertical jump height.
- Post-Shock Phase: this phase is also a week long. In this phase, everything your nervous system has learned during the previous 7 weeks gets cemented in to your nervous system and becomes a part of muscle memory.
Once your purchase and join Vert Shock Jump Training, as a member you have access to:
- Quick Start Guide so you don't have to waste a lot of time reading a lot of unneeded stuff. Begin adding inches to your jump within a few days.
- Pre-Shock Phase workout plan.
- Shock Phase workout plan.
- Post-Shock Phase workout plan.
- Step by Step Vertical Jump Training Videos so you know exaclty how to do every single exercise correctly for fastest jump height gains.
- Vert Tracker to easily track your vertical jump gains as you go.
Despite the fact most likely more than worth every single dollar, but you should know that if you order Vert Shock Jump Training from their site and you will be asked to spend more than you have to. Save money by using any of the discount options shown above and save.
Vert Shock Jump Training 3 E-books + Bonus Jump Publications
![Vert Shock Jump Training 3 E-books + Bonus Jump Publications. Image of Vert Shock Jump Training 3 E-books + Bonus Jump Publications.]()
Vert Shock Jump Training 3 E-books + Bonus Jump Publications
Vert Shock Jump Training Reviews & Comments
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