Video of Sentence Blender Spinner
This video shows how to use Sentence Blender Spinner software to turn one peice of content into hundreds of articles.
Images of Sentence Blender Spinner Software
Sentence Blender Spinner Program Features
- Double the Uniqueness of Spun Content with 2 Layers of Spinning ➀ Spinning Words and Phrases within EACH Sentence. ➁ Mixing up the Order of Sentences with EACH Spin.
- Supports Unlimited Nested Spin Syntax {similar to|{{just|exactly} |}like} this{| example}}.
- Includes {Sentence|Phrase|Word} Spin Syntax Assistant.
- Save Unlimited Versions of Spun Content to File in Just Seconds.
- Includes 100% Technical Support (like all our software) + Full, Step by Step Instructions.
- Call Scrapers〘N〙Bots at (860)795-6538 with Any Questions about Sentence Blender Spinner.

Spin Content on ➁ Completely Different Planes for 95%+ Unique Content
Sentence Blender Spinner spins content BOTH Horizontally (phrase and word spinning within each sentence) AND Vertically (the order of sentences is different with each spin).
You may be thinking "how is it possible to mix the sentences up and have them still be readable and make sense?"
The Trick is to make EACH sentence a self standing sentence that is not dependant on the previous or next sentence to make sense. If this seems confusing to you, watch the Video of Sentence Blender Spinner which shows you exactly how this works.
This double spinning algorithm allows you to truly create almost 100% unique non duplicate content. In fact we guarantee content you are about to create with Sentence Blender Spinner will pass Copyscape with flying colors.
Unlimited Layers of Nested Spin Syntax
Sentence Blender Spinner supports full spin syntax of each of your sentences at unlimited depths, referred to as nested spinning.
With deep level nested spinning you magnify the power of unique, non duplicate, content creation. To give you an example of nested spin syntax here is regular spin syntax:
This basic level of spin syntax can give you these types of sentence variations with Sentence Blender Spinner.
- content creation is a necessary facet of online marketing.
- content creation is a important facet of internet sales.
- article marketing is a necessary facet of online marketing.
Although the addition of sentence blending with this level of sentence spinning adds to the power of the uniqueness of the generated content, this level of spin syntax is weak.
Here is an example of multi layer depth level sentence spinning:
The power of this deep level nested spinning makes a HUGE difference in the potential output.
- creating blog posts is a necessary part of online marketing.
- writing web pages is how top earning affiliate businesses attract people to a online website.
- content creation is how affiliate marketers attract visitors to a blog.
- producing blog posts and web pages is universally known to be how affiliate marketers attract people to any online site.
- writing blog posts and web pages is how the best online marketers get high volume visitor traffic.
- article writing is how you attract people to a website.
Now imagine creating content with 12 - 15 sentences like this and ADD to that Mixing up the ORDER of the Sentences (sentence blending).
This is the awesome power of Sentence Blender Spinner Software.
Import Whole Articles with a Click
Sentence Blender Spinner allows you to copy and paste a whole piece of content, separating each of the sentences individually for spinning and blending. This saves you the time of having to copy and paste each sentence, individually, into each of the text boxes. This is a huge time saver if you want to copy and paste a piece of content someone else has already created in just seconds.
To help clarify, watch this short video below.
Save up to 999 Blended/Spun Copies
You can create and save up to 999 unique copies of your blended/spun content to file. Build up a whole library of content with Sentence Bender Spinner which you can "drip feed" to Wordpress, Weebly, Tumbr, etc. for months or years to come. You could even sell these articles as they will be unique enough they will not be seen as or detected as duplicate content.
Watch this video to see how easy and fast it is to save your blended/spun content.
Operating Systems Compatible with Sentence Blender Spinner
Sentence Blender Spinner can run on the following operating systems:
- Windows XP Home.
- Windows XP Pro.
- Windows Vista.
- Windows 7.
- Windows 8.
- Windows 8.1.
- Windows 10.
Linux Compatibility
How to run Sentence Blender Spinner on Linux computers - run Sentence Blender Spinner on Linux.
MAC Compatibility
There are several ways Sentence Blender Spinner can run on MAC computers - run Sentence Blender Spinner on Mac.
Download Sentence Blender Spinner Software
- Sentence Blender Spinner costs a one time charge of just $19.
- There are no monthly or future upgrade fees.
- Payment is made through Paypal. You do NOT need a Paypal account to purchase Sentence Blender Spinner.
- Immediately after payment Paypal will direct you to the download file so you can now begin using Sentence Blender Spinner immediately.
Click the button below to get started. If you have any questions Call Scrapers〘N〙Bots at (860)795-6538 or contact us through one of our other numerous contact channels.
Sentence Blender Spinner costs a one time charge of $19 and is backed by our no strings guarantee and your purchase is also covered via Paypal Protection Guarantee.
Sentence Blender Spinner Satisfaction Guarantee
Don't like the way the program works? We will give you your money back. Don't like the way the software looks. We will give you an instant refund.
The worst thing in the world an online business can do is piss off it sites visitors and customers. If you don't like the software and we give you a refund, the worst thing you can say about us is ″their software sucks, but they gave me my money back.″

Sentence Blender Spinner Technical Support
Here are step by step instructions on how to use Sentence Blender Spinner Software.
If at any time you have questions about this software program and how to use it we will gladly provide you unlimited technical support by whatever channel of communication is best for you which includes:
- Phone (860)248-5425. (text or call)
- email.
- Skype. scrapersNbots
- Viber.
- The live chat box in the lower right hand corner of all pages on this website.