Spin Syntax for the Word/Phrase ☾WILL☽ or ☾IS ABLE TO☽.
Here is nested spin syntax you can use for the word/phrase ☾WILL☽ or ☾IS ABLE TO☽. |
- {{has been|is|was} {p{reci|urpo}sely |{explicit|{liter|specific}al}ly |}{{c{onstruct|reat}|design}ed|made|set up} to|can|does|should|will} copy to clipboard
Here are examples of using the spin syntax for the word will or is able to in a sentence 10 times so you can see the different spin syntax variations. re-spin
- Article spinning will make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
- Article spinning does make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
- Article spinning will make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
- Article spinning has been designed to make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
- Article spinning does make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
- Article spinning can make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
- Article spinning should make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
- Article spinning will make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
- Article spinning will make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
- Article spinning does make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
- Article spinning can make creating lots of articles a lot faster and easier.
Why Spin Syntax for the Word ☾WILL☽or ☾IS ABLE TO☽?
At We are absolutely amazed at the useless rubbish in terms of article spintax output ie those you might see at blogs like Fiverr. Many supposed SEO experts think content spinning is no longer effective but this is totally untrue, assuming it is set up thoroughly enforcing three or more sentence variations for each sentence and deep level spin syntax.
Any place in your content there is the word WILL or IS ABLE TO, replace that word with the above spin syntax (if/where contextually/semantically appropriate).
You can view all phrase synonym spin syntax. These phrase spin syntax replacement can be used in any spinner program including Sentence Blender Spinner.