How to Get ⓕ ID # of a Profile from Facebook ⓕ
This technique will allow you to find what your own Facebook profiles user id # is as well as anyone else's user id on Facebook.
In most cases, you don't have to be logged into Facebook or even have a Facebook account to be able to extract the user ID of a Facebook member.
- Navigate your web browser to the Facebook page of the account you wish to get the Facebook user id from.
- At the very top of their profile page they will have a profile header image.
- Click that image (NOT the small round image in the center, but the larger image that the small round image is on top of). When you move your mouse over the persons Facebook header image you will see in the web browser status bar a url that contains that persons Facebook ID number.
- Click on that image which will cause only their profile header image to load in the web browser.
- Look at your web browsers address bar.
- You will see the url/web addresss that looks something like
- The part that comes after
is the user id number of that Facebook account.
Click Facebook Header Image at Top
![Image of Get Facebook Id Of Person Click Facebook Header Image Top. Image of Get Facebook Id Of Person Click Facebook Header Image Top.]()
Click Facebook Header Image at Top
Facebook ID # In Header Image Url
![Image of Get Facebook Id Of Person Click Facebook Id In Header Image Url. Image of Get Facebook Id Of Person Click Facebook Id In Header Image Url.]()
Facebook ID # In Header Image Url
More About Facebook User ID Numbers
Most people on Facebook today have a vanity url, mean that the url or web address to their Facebook profile page usually contains their name, ie
, however everyone on Facebook also has a profile id # that is unique to each Facebook account.
Using our Facebook page as an example, our Facebook acount user id # is 10152358101831513
. You could navigate to either of the following Facebook urls in your web browser ...
- (called a Facebook vanity url).
Both these Facebook urls will both go to the same exact page.
Why Does Anyone Care to Know What the User ID is of a Facebook Members?
From an information gathering point of view, the unique Facebook ID number of a Facebook member allows you to do a lot more than if all you have is the Facebook members vanity url. Having a Facebook members unique user ID USE To allow you to do a lot more stuff than now because of Facebooks ever increasing security.
Having the Facebook user ID # of a Facebook member allows you to/use to allow you to ...
- View private photos of that Facebook member.
- View private video of that Facebook member.
- View private profiles of that Facebook member.
- View private posts of that Facebook member.
Most of the stalkerish types of things can't be done on Facebook anymore because of tightened privacy and security on the Facebook website.
Do you remember not too long ago Facebook was under the gun because of a privacy security breach that exposed lots of private Facebook member data to people who should not have this information? The is a big part of the reason these Facebook privacy hacks no longer work. Facebook does not want this bad publicity.
Still, getting the user id number of your Facebook account or someone elses does have certain value.
Most of the things you use to be able to do with a Facebook user id you can only do by becoming a friend of the person on Facebook whose private stuff you want to see.
Online Tools to View Private Facebook Data
There are tons of websites that supposedly have tools where you input a Facebook username or Facebook ID number, hit a button and you are provided the promise you will be able to view all kinds of hidden and private stuff on a persons Facebook account.
We had a web page that contained a tool that helped you view private Facebook photos and videos that did work at the time but no longer does, again, because of increased Facebook security and privacy practices.
Trust me, most of these 'view Facebook private stuff' sites are bogus. They are merely scams that attemp to get you to sign up for an offer of some some with the promise that doing so will provide you the reward of viewing the persons Facebook private stuff. Just more garbage that litters up and pollutes the internet and in some cases, even worse.
Without question, if you come across anything on the internet that asks you to download something to your computer to view Facebook private stuff, DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT NO MATTER WHAT!! It could be a virus or an endless redirect loop but I guarantee you that any page that asks you to download something to your computer to have more power on Facebook is useless and perhaps even malicious.
Browser Extensions or Addons to Stalk Anyone on Facebook
We searched for these Facebook browser extensions at the Chrome store that promise to give you more snooping and private viewing power on Facebook.
When entering the search terms Facebook
or Facebook Private
or Facebook Spy
or similar search terms in the Chrome store, very little came up and the couple of things did had a lot of reviews saying that the tool use to work but no longer does. Sorry folks. It is not 2010 anymore.
If you Want to View Someone's Facebook Private Stuff
There are a few tricks you can use that could get you into a Facebook users 'back door' and allow you to view private stuff.
- Request to be their friend. Once you are there friend on Facebook you will have access to a lot more of their information. Even if the person has no clue who you are there is still a pretty good chance they will accept your friend request.
- Do a Google reverse image search on their profile pictures. This could uncover a lot of information about this Facebook account holder at other internet websites. Don't underestimate the power of this trick.
- Copy the Facebook username of the person you want to snoop on to your computers clipboard. Do a Google search with this username and see what you come up with. Again, an oftentimes very valuable trick that will reveal a lot of stuff about that Facebook member.
Share Facebook User ID Tricks or Secrets you Know
Are you more Facebook tech savvy than most? Do know of secret stuff you can do with a Facebook user id that most people don't know or would love to know?
Share you Facebook tricks or tips in the comment form below. If they really work and are not spam, we will likely post them and even post a link to your website, if you wish.
No doubt, having the ability and power to be able to view peoples private stuff on Facebook is intoxication and exciting. It is understandable and it gives you an idea of what motivates a hacker to be a hacker. With Facebook security now tighter than ever, maybe it's just better to respect peoples privacy on Facebook. If they don't want you to view private stuff, respect that.