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🧾 Step-by-Step Instructions on The Right Way to Use Extract ALL Links 🔗 from a Web Page Online Tool

short url:

This page contains more detailed, text based, step by step instructions on how to use this free tool to get All Links from Web Page.

If any of these instructions are unclear to you, you can refer to the following additional instructions (links opens in new window so you don't lose your place on this page).

This is the online tool to get all links from a web page.

🧾 Step-by-Step Instructions on The Right Way to Use Extract ALL Links 🔗 from a Web Page Online Tool Tool

To use this free online tool to get all links from any web page ...

  1. Enter the URL/web address you wish to get all the links from, in the get all links from web page tools green textbox. The url can start with either ...
    • http://
    • https://
    • http://www.
    • https://www.
    • www.
    The URL you wish to get all links from can be any page from almost any website.
  2. Click the button with the text that reads Get All Links from Web Page
  3. .
  4. All the URL's/links for that web page will fill the larger white textbox in a few seconds. Note: if the page contains more than one link to the same URL, this tool does not filter out duplicates. You can use our free Remove Duplicated from Text tool.

NOTE: the following options below for the 🧾 step-by-step instructions on the right way to use extract all links 🔗 from a web page online tool are not visible until AFTER you have captured links from a web page.

Filter Links Displayed from The Web Page you Links from

After the links are displayed in the larger output text box, you can easily filter which links to display or remove from the listbox. For example, if you are extracting all links from a website, maybe you only want to display internal links pointing to the website and hide any external links. To do this ...

  1. Enter in the orange text box.
  2. Press the button with the text Show Only URLs Containing button.

At any time you can re-display all the URL's captured by clicking the button with the text Show ALL URLs.

Convert Grabbed Links to HTML Code

You can easily encapsulate all of the URLs that have been captured in HTML code so of the URLs because clickable links by clicking the button that reads Convert URLs to HTML Links.

Options for formatting the output HTML code include ...

  • If you want the links, when clicked, to open in a new window, check the checkbox with the text that reads Configure HTML code so links open in new window.
  • If you want the output HTML code to be formatted in spin syntax format, check the checkbox with the text Output in Spin Syntax Format.

Use this Grab All Web Page Links Tool to Find Secret Parts of Websites

I accidentally stumbled across this idea when I happen to input the web address of to see all the links on their website. When I looked through a rather large list of links from that website, I noticed they had a deals section of their website that I never knew existed.

One of the links that came up was I decided to put that URL into this tool and over 100 different links related to deals on appear that I never know existed.

The idea here is use this tool to find parts of any website that you may have never known existed. I find this use of this tool to be pretty exciting and useful.

Get All Links on Page Javascript

Getting all the links from a web page using pure Javascript (no Jquery) has the one limitation that pure Javascript can only get all the links from the current web page. In other words, due to what is call the same-origin policy, pure Javascript can only scrape the links of the same page the Javascript code resides.

Getting all the urls from the current web page is actually amazingly simple and uncomplicated. Just use the Javascript code below.

// Create a TextArea on your Web Page with the id of 'txtareaLinks'
// i.e., <textarea id='txtareaLinks'></textarea>
var varOut="";
var x=document.links.length;

If any of these instructions are unclear to you, you can refer to the following additional instructions (links opens in new window so you don't lose your place on this page).

This is the online tool to get all links from a web page.


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