website logo. 227 Darling st., Torrington CT., 06790   (860) 407-2687‬   Better Business Bureau

Auto-Complete Scrape 1000's of Keywords 7 or More Words Long, Zero Competition

Simply Enter a Root/Starting Keyword Phrase, Make a Couple of Simple Selections, Sit Back as you Watch the Software Fills Up with 0 Competition, Google Auto-Complete, Long Tail Keyword Phrases

Arrow pointing to software download button.
only $17
Google AutoComplete Keyword Scraper software is compatible with Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP Pro + Home

The Easiest, Fastest Way to Scrape Thousands of Extremely Long Tail Keyword Phrases that Will Bring Website Traffic to YOUR Website

Finding out the words and phrases people are typing into Google is the lifeblood of any online business, but what about ...

... Getting Long Tail Keyword Phrases (6, 7, 8 words long or more) Nobody Else Has or Even Knows About?!

Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper has a special algorithm that causes Google to reveal ...

  1. Keyword phrases that nobody else has.
  2. Keyword phrases that are EXTREMELY Long Tail (6, 7, 8 words long and even longer).

What is Google Auto Complete and Why is it Important for Getting Awesome Keywords?

Navigate your web browser to the Google search engine and begin typing in any words into the search box. As you type...

  • Do you notice the dropdown box showing as many as 10 keyword suggestions?
  • As you keep typing, adding/removing/changing letters/words, notice how these keyword phrases in the dropdown change?
  • Do you have any idea WHY Google is showing all these keyword phrases to you?

Animation Showing Google Auto Suggest Dropping Down Keyword Suggestions as you Type.

Google is Showing you Exactly What Other People, in the Past, Have Typed into Google that is Closely Related to What YOU Have Typed!

Read that statement again. Read it one more time. Google is SHOWING YOU what other people have typed in Google. This means if you create content around any of these keyword phrases there WILL BE an audience for those keyword phrases!

List of Google Auto Complete Keyword Phrases Scraped on Fast Mode [A - Z]

In a hurry to get a bunch of long tail keywords, fast? Then simply set the software to scrape insert the letters of the alphabet A - Z between each word of the keyword phrase.

For the Fastest Scraping, Select Scrape BETWEEN each word of the keyword phrase and insert A - Z to Invoke the AutoComplete Dropdown for Scraping.

Using this setting, with a starting/root keyword phrase of long tail keyword, Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper scraped 198 keywords below in just 90 seconds.

List of Google Auto Complete Keyword Phrases Scraped on Deep Mode [Aa - Zz]

Want to get the deepest, most untapped, 0 competition keyword phrases?

To scrape the largest list of the longest tail keyword phrases that no one else knows about, that have no competition, select the A - Z, Aa - Zz, 0 - 9 options.

Using these settings, with a starting/root keyword phrase of long tail keyword, Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper scraped 429 keywords below in about 20 minutes.

Quickly Filter the List of Auto Complete Scraped Keywords to Keep Only the Keyword Phrase Gems

After Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper software finishes, right click the list of keyword phrases it has scraped and select the menu item options. This displays a dialog box that allows you to quickly only keep the exact keywords you want.

Right click keywords list options menu item.

Keyword filtering options include:

  • Only keep keyword phrases that are at least...
    • 5 words long or more.
    • 6 words long or more.
    • 7 words long or more.
  • Only keep the keyword phrase that contains any specific word or set of words you specify.
  • Only keep the keyword phrase that DON'T contain any specific word or set of words you specify.

Options dialog box allows you to filter keyword phrases so you only keep keywords that are at least X number of words long and/or DO or DO NOT contain specific words in them.

Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper Features

Image of Auto Suggest Scraping Options to Fine Tune What is Scraped from Google Auto Suggest.

Control What's Scraped & How

You Have Fine Tuned Control Over what gets Scraped from the Google Auto Suggest and How it's Scraped.

Image of Google Auto Suggest Keyword Scraper Keyword Filtering Options.

Advanced Keywords Filtering

Advanced Filtering Options that Let you Remove/Keep Keyword Phrases Based Upon How Long Tail they are as well as Word Filtering - Only Save Keywords that DO or DO NOT Contain Specific Words.

Image of Options Menu that Lets you Select Google Country for Keyword Scraping.

Select Google Scraping Country

Select your Desired Google Country for Auto Complete Keyword Scraping.

Image of Built in Google Related Keywords Provides Ideas for Other Root Keyword Phrases.

Related Keywords Ideas

Built in Google Related Keywords Modules Gives you Ideas for Additional Root Keyword Phrases to Help you Build the Hugest List of Long Tail Keywords.

Image of Built in Preposition Modifyers to Stimulate your Imagination for Even More Root Keyword Ideas to Build and Expand you List of Scraped Keywords into the Thousands.

Keyword Modifyer Module

Built in Prepositions/Word Modifyers Like how to, where, best, cheapest to Stimulate Imagination for More Root Keywords to Expand your Keywords Lists into the 1,000's.

Image of YouTube Auto Complete Keyword Scraper Included as Bonus Software with Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper.

FREE YouTube Scraper Auto Complete Keyword Scraper Included, 100% Free with Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper, as Bonus Software..

Details About the Five, Simple, Fast Steps to Get Tens of Thousands of Extremely Long Tail Low Competition Keyword Phrases

Enter a good, root or starting keyword phrase. The software has a creativity module built in that helps stimulate your imagination for additional starting keyword phrases to create the largest list possible of very long tail, ZERO completition keyword phrases. Select your Google country for auto complete scraping. Google Auto Complete Scraper has every major country in the list including United States (most often recommended), Argentina, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Brazile, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Philliplines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden Switzerland, UK/England Select options for scraping the Google auto complete such as where to insert letters to invoke the auto complete dropdown for scraping. Press the green START button to begin scraping the auto complete. Scraping can be paused or stopped at any time. Enjoy and profit from the longest list of thousands of the longest tail keyword phrases you have ever seen, 6, 7, 8 words long and longer.

Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper Images

Click any of the thumbnail images of Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper to view full size image with description of image.

Google AutoComplete Keyword Scraper Program when the Software First Loads.
When Hovering your Mouse Over your Root/Starting Keyword Phrase Textbox, to Help Stimulate your Imagination for Additional Starting Keyword Phrases to Build your Long Tail Keyword List even Larger, a Pop Up Dialog Box Reveals Related Google Searches and Preposition Modifyers like 'who', 'what', 'where', 'when' etc.
Dialog box that lets you keep only the keyword phrases that match your desired criteria such as the number of words in the keyword phase, words that must or must NOT be in the saved keyword phrase, etc.
Google AutoComplete Keyword Scraper Program can insert letters/numbers BETWEEN each word of the keyword phrase (to invoke the auto complete keywords for scraping) as well as replace any desired words of the starting keyword phrase. Auto Complete Keyword Scraper is bonus software that is included with Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper, 100% FREE.
Auto Suggest scraping can be stopped or paused/resumed at any time.
Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper Software Program.

A Long Tail Keyword is Valuable Because it is

  • More Specific: When someone types a long tail keyword phrase/search into Google, it means that person has a more specific idea in mind, in terms or what they are looking for. When it comes to online sales, this means the persons is likely much more ready to make a purchase. This is just one of the advantages of long tail keywords. If someone types into Google 'running shoes' (a short tail keyword) it indicates they have a general idea of what they are looking for. But if someone types into Google 'how much do Mens Nike React Element 55 running shoes cost?' (a long tail keyword) it shows they know EXACTLY what they are looking for so the purchase of that product is likely much more imminent. If you are an affiliate or internet marketer that lists those running shoes on your blog or website, you are much more likely to make a commission from a sale.
  • Going to Cause More Specific Ads to be Displayed on your Website or Blog: If you display ads on your blog or website that earn you commissions, if someone persons a much more specific and long tail keyword, it is going to cause much more specific ads to be displayed on your blog or website. Example of an ad for specific product generated by long tail keyword phrase search. Going with our previous long tail keyword search example of 'how much do Mens Nike React Element 55 running shoes cost?', imagine if someone clicks a search listing for that keyword phrase and lands on your web page. Now imagine if there is a display ad on your site for Mens Nike React Element 55 running shoes with a picture of those shoes with the ad showing them on sale for $20 off. It is MUCH more likely they are going to click on that ad and you will make a commission that way.

How Many Words in a Long Tail Keyword?

Generally speaking, a keyword phrase that is 5 words long or longer is considered a long tail keyword. To a certain extent, what is considered long tail is niche dependant. In other words, a niche that has low competition overall, a 4 word keyword phrase could be long tail as the term long tail is as much about low competition as it is about how many words contained in the keyword phrase.

As far as online marketing is concerned, the more words in the keyword phrase the better because it means less competition and more specific intent on the part of the person doing the Google search. Some internet marketers are concerned that a keyword phrase with too many words in it isn't going to get enough searches to be worth creating content around. While it may seem more appealing to go after that 3 word keyword phrase that gets 50,000 searches a month, the competition agains all the other websites is going to be fierce. A better bet is to go after the keyword phrases that have 6, 7 even 8 words in them. While these really long tail keywords may only get 50 or 100 searches a month, The content you create around these long tails is much more likely to show up on the first page of Google with little to no competition.

How to Find Long Tail Keywords with Low SEO Difficulty

After you have used Google AutoComplete Keyword Scraper to find a high VOLUME of keywords, you then want to right click the list of scraped keywords and click the options menu item. This will open a dialog box/window that allows remove unwanted keyword phrases quickly. In the section with the header text Additional Keyword Selection Options ... check the checkbox with the text That are at Least .... Checking this checkbox will enable a combo dropdown box with three options:

  • 5 Words Long.
  • 6 Words Long.
  • 7 Words Long.

Remove any keyword phrases that are not at least 5 words long or longer.

Select any one of the three. This will cause the program to remove any keyword phrases it has scraped that are not at least 5 words long or longer. This simple act alone will leave you with keyword phrases that have a lower SEO difficulty because they will be long tail keyword phrases.

The next step is to move all of these remaining long tail keywords to the programs Long Tail Keyword Competition Tester module. This part of the software program performs an allintitle:, allinurl:, and allintext: specialized Google search which will reveal which of the keyword phrases have a very low number of web pages that are optimized for each of the keyword phrases. After this part of the software completes, keep all of the long tail keyword phrases that get an overall SEO difficulty score of either A or B. Now you will be left with a list of keyword phrases that are all at least 5 words long and have very few web pages optimized for each of the keywords phrases. Creating content around these keyword phrases and ranking well with them should be very easy and you should have little to no SEO difficulty for these keyword phrases.

How to Use Long Tail Keywords in Content

When creating content, be it a blog post or web page or even YouTube video, don't make the mistake of trying to rank for more than one keyword phrase at a time. Pick ONE keyword phrase and make the content of the entire page tightly and narrowly focused around the ONE keyword phrase. Here is where and how to put the long tail keyword phrases in your content:

  1. Once in the page title. If you are using Wordpress, this means putting the keyword phrase in the textbox that reads Enter Title Here. This will automatically cause that keyword phrase to also be placed in ...
  2. The url/web address of the web page.
  3. The tag of the web page. Make this the only tag for the page. Remember, you want that web page to be TIGHTLY focused around that ONE keyword phrase.
  4. Once in the first paragragh and once in the last paragraph of the web page/blog post.

Forget keyword stuffing. If you pick the right keyword phrases, which you have already done in the previous steps, keyword stuffing is not only not necessary but can actually hurt your pages SEO rankings.

Why are Long-Tail Keyword Terms so Important to SEO

The term SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization is the answer to that question. Think about it. What is search engine optimization? Search engine optimization means optimizing your web pages and website for the search engines. You can optimize a web page for a short tail keyword phrase just as easily as a long tail keyword phrase...

  1. Put the keyword phrase in the page title.
  2. Put the keyword phrase in the url of the web page.
  3. Put the keyword phrase in one or two of the page header tages (h1, h2, h3).

The DIFFERENCE though is the amount of competition. There are going to be hundreds of thousands of web pages that are SEO optimized for a keyword term like 'german shepherd'. That means Google, and other search engines, have to decide between your web page and thousands of others. Might as well play the lottery. But how about the long-tail keyword phrase 'train german shepherd puppy to jump through a hoop'? Chances are there are going to be very few web pages out there optimized for that exact keyword phrase. That makes the search engines decision to put YOUR web page on the first page of search results a lot easier and a lot more likely.

Google Autocomplete Settings

As far as the Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper Google autocomplete longtail keyword tool is concerned, possible settings that affect how this Google autocomplete longtail keyword tool scrapes keywords ...

If you're Looking to Scrape Some Keywords Quickly ...

In the What to Insert Between Each Word of Keyphrase section:

  1. Select A - Z.
  2. Make sure the other two options, Az - Zz and 0 - 9 are UNCHECKED.

In the Where to Insert it section:

  • Select Between Words.

For the Fastest Google AutoComplete Scraping Settings, Select Scrape BETWEEN each word of the keyword phrase and insert A - Z to Invoke the AutoComplete Dropdown for Scraping.

If you're Looking to Auto Complete Scrape the Largest List of Long Tail Keywords, many Untapped, Unused Keyword Phrases ...

As far as the Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper Google autocomplete longtail keyword tool is concerned, while this process is going to take a lot longer for the software to complete, IT IS WORTH THE WAIT!

In the What to Insert Between Each Word of Keyphrase section:

  1. Select A - Z.
  2. Check Aa - Zz.
  3. Check 0 - 9.

In the Where to Insert it section:

  • Select Both.

To scrape the largest list of the longest tail keyword phrases that no one else knows about, that have no competition, select the A - Z, Aa - Zz, 0 - 9 options.


Feel free to submit your comment below. Anything that does not contribute and is just spam will automatically be deleted. Questions marked by * are required. Comments are checked by a human to make sure they are not spam/automated and are on topic and related to 〘Google Auto Complete Keyword Scraper〙Scrape 1000's of Key Phrases 6, 7, 8 Words Long, Little to Zero Competition.
Hi, I found you today and I had a couple of questions. I see that you have 'Google Auto Complete Scraper', and 'Infinity Google Keywords.' Could you go explain the differences and why I would need/want both?
You do not need both programs. Infinity Google Keywords software scrapes from the google related keywords while auto complete scraper scrapers from the auto complete. The Google AutoComplete Scraper has been updated and advanced significantly from the sales page and now includes the Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker as well.
Ever hear of something called 'Keyword XP Pro?' I tried this tool out for a while (when it worked - didn't work all the time) but the 'support' they have says Google changed something in AdWords, and now it won't be up and running for some time.
Google Auto Complete Scraper has nothing to do with backend api dependencies like Google Adwords. Google Auto Complete Scraper literally scrapes from the front end of Google by input keyboard press events. You can see a video at
Keyword XP Pro also chooses buyer keywords, (as in things that were being searched for right now - today,) but had the added benefit of showing trends and the months that the words were popular, ect. An excellent feature. KWXP seemed awesome, but I don't think it will be revived. Ever hear of KWXP? If so, does this seems like something SNB would create/re-create? Just curious. (Good videos on the products by the way.) Thanks for your help!
The included Long Tail Scraper software also includes a link to Google Trends page for each keyword. We are pretty confident you are going to love our software and there is not way you can't love the price! Thanks for your great questions Turk. Helps keep us aware of what is important to customers.

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