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🧾 Text Instructions on The Right Way to Use How to Open Several Copied Links 🔗 Single Click

short url:

This page has more detailed, text based, instructions revealing how you should use this open 🗊 several copied links 🖇 in new tabs.

If needed, you can view the following other tutorials (links open in new window so you don' lose your spot on this page) ...

Here is the actual how to open multiple hyper-links 🖇 online.

🧾 Text Instructions on The Right Way to Use How to Open Several Copied Links 🔗 Single Click

This tool allows you to Open Multiple Links/Urls with a Single Button Click. If you have numerous links/urls you want to view in your web browser it can be a real hassle without this multiple link opening tool. This multiple link opening tool has been tested with all the major web browsers including Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera.

Open Multiple Links Instructions

  1. Enter your list of multiple urls in the green text box on the page with the open multiple links tool.
  2. Make sure each URL/web address resides on a separate line.
  3. Make sure each URL starts with http:// or https://.
  4. Press the button that reads Open Multiple Links.

Enable Opening of Multiple Links in Different Web Browsers

Depending upon the browser you are using, its default settings may prevent the opening of multiple links in multiple tabs. Bypassing that for the use of the open multiple links at the same time tool is quite easy. Each of the tabs or windows that are opened to display each URL are considered popups. Nowadays, most browsers prevent or block popups by default.

How to Enable Opening of Multiple URL's Google Chrome

In Chrome, if popups are not enabled, when you click the Open Multiple Links button, on the right side of the address bar you will see the message that the popups were blocked. To the left of the actual text, Pop-up Blocked, you will see a small rectangular icon (refer to the image below). Click that icon to display the option to enable pop ups for

How to Enable Opening of Multiple URL's Mozilla Firefox

In Firefox, if popups are not enabled, when you click the Open Multiple Links button, at the top of the web browser, just below the address bar, you will see a thin strip appear that reads Firefox prevented this site from open X pop-up windows with x being the number of urls you are trying to open at the same time. On the right side you will see an Options button. Click that to enable pop ups for

How to Enable Opening of Multiple URL's Internet Explorer

In IE, if popups are not enabled, when you click the Open Multiple Links button, a thin strip will appear at the bottom of the browser window. The strip reads Internet Explorer has blocked a pop-up from To the right you will see a Allow Once button. You can either click that or click Options for this Site button.

How to Enable Opening of Multiple URL's Opera

In Opera, if popups are not enabled, when you click the Open Multiple Links button, you will see a small message window appear in the bottom right side of your screen. Allowing the opening of multiple links is as easy as clicking that small window.

How to Open Multiple Links or URL's in a Single HTML Link or Anchor Tag with JavaScript

Writing your own code to allow for the opening of multiple web addresses, each in their own browser tabs, is not too difficult to pull off and requires just a tiny bit of Javascript.

The HTML code for the actual link:

  • <a href="javscript:funcOpenMultiple()">Link Text</a>

The above HTML code for the link instructs the web browser to go to the JavaScript function funcOpenMultiple() instead of navigating to an actual URL or web address. The name of the function does not have to be funcOpenMultiple(), it can be anything you want but we are using that JavaScript function name for this example.

Here is the JavaScript code. Don't forget to surround the below code with the starting <script> tag and end it with the closing </script> tag:

  // replace the urls below with your desired urls. Enclose each url in quotes, comma between urls
  var arrUrls = ["", "", ""];
  // code loops through each of your urls and opens them in a new browser tab
  for (var i = 0; i < arrUrls.length; i++){[i], "_blank");}

If needed, you can view the following other tutorials (links open in new window so you don' lose your spot on this page) ...

Here is the actual how to open multiple hyper-links 🖇 online.


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