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❔ Questions and Answers on Learn How to Use Plenty Of Fish© Dating ❤ Username Search

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Hi, I think my partner is on POF. He has set up an email account in someone elses name and i believe that email is linked to pof. Is there anyway i can find out of that email address is linked to a POF account? Many thanks!
I would do a google search for the email address. You probably won't find any results from POF but if he is cheating I am willing to bet he is using that same email address for other dating sites which may turn up in the Google search results for the email address.
I know you wont post this like ya didnt post my other post however I think this is a joke ive asked ya on this site before about the name showing here, the female Profile is same name but Not the same pics shows someone else pics even a guys pic on this site and also how ya are saying :No Results" but there on the date site of POF, so if i may ask is would it be possible that if ya can can ya calculate and get it right to find the Female and be the same female and profile pic who clicks on "Meet Me"?
The problem is the results you are viewing here are Google search results. It can take Google up to a week or even longer to update changes to a website. In other words, the search results you are seeing here are up to a week old and in same cases old. Spank Google, not us.
Em Vee
How long before a Pof profile could be found on google? A friend found a picture of my bf on Pof and now she’s blocked from his page. He’s claiming it’s not him, it is pretty suspect because when we first started dating he didn’t have a pfp on Pof, but this new page does.
Generally takes about a week for Google to index/update content for any website. If he deleted his profile it would not show up on Google anymore after a couple of weeks. Sorry for the delayed response..
Dated 9/24/19. POF just did another update. Last week was able to search google by typing "username" pof. And now this no longer takes you to the Users POF profile. Any thoughts on a new way to get around the update from POF that won't let you view the users profile without logging in. This is how I was searching the Meet Me's that came in through email... just last week!!
Yup - that was part of the latest pof update that also temporarily broke the POF Message Sender Program. I don't really think there is a simple way to get around this because it is server sided programming that redirects to the sign up page and if you know how to manipulate server sided code you will be a rich man.
May I ask ya why when I search the meet me on here there pic is different then the one I find on POF mine is different Pic also?
The lag time between Google search results update and the actual results on the POF site. You see a pic in the search results it could be up to a week old and profiles and pictures on change by the tens of thousands daily.
Need to set the record straight. If you get contacted by a man in Burlington, Ontario on POF by the username liv2laugh2love is a narcissist, cheater (was married and cheated on his wife with two of his coworkers) doesn’t care if your married, he has no moral code at all. Lies! You can’t believe a word out of his mouth, or trust him, he’s constantly on his phone. Like it glued to his hand! Can’t let this one out of your site because can’t be trusted to be loyal and faithful. Not to mention he’s completely self absorbed and selfish. Ladies do not date this man named Gregb aka gwegerb aka roger gregory his initials are GRB. Ladies you’ve been well warned now. Always do your due diligence.
You have warned everyone to stay away from this guy. Are YOU taking your own advice? I know it hurts and burns you up like hell and you feel so powerless and you feel like a fool for seeing the signs for so long and not ending it sooner. One of the worst feelings in the world. I recently had that happen to me with a girl named Natalie Beatham of Torrington CT. One thing I did to help me get over it is I created and entire website to document everything that happened with us from beginning to end and made sure to include, multiple times, her full name and the town and state she lived in so that when people do a google search for her my webpage comes up on the first page of google. That is a legal way to get even.
POF username not working properly, as im literally looking at a profile and yet put the name in here and it states no results..go figure that one out lol
No actually that is a glitch, not ours. My username also does not show up EvansFromHeaven. Not really sure why POF chooses to show who it shows in its searches and until our purchase of is complete we can't fix it.
Hi over the past few months I have messaged a few different girls on POF who I’m pretty sure are real profiles and if I say hey how you doing then so many times that I’ve lost count I will get one message back saying hey I’m good thanks and u? Then I reply back and I never get another message back from them I just wondered if you think it’s possible that POF maybe doing that one reply just to keep me interested in the site a bit of a kind of hang in there thing because why would all these girls bother replying once and then never again? The amount of times it happens it couldn’t be just a coincidence that all these girls only ever reply once could it?
Yes I know exactly what you are talking about. It is rather frustrating and doesn't really make sense. I have come to the conclusion that attractive women are just getting so many emails every day from so many guys that they all serve as distractions making them forget about you.
I can accept your explanation of why some names do not work in the POF user name search but please explain why when I searched my pof username it came back as no user by that name found less then 30 seconds from leaving pof site. So either fix this site or take it down since this site NO LONGER WORKS AS U STATE.
We have NO control over what Google or shows. Sorry about that.
Be careful, women, of a African American male who goes by the name of Tony. He is a felon and is married. Lied to me and stole from me!
Thank you for that information Kerry.
Just wanted anyone to know that there are definitely filters in place in the messaging system for males. certain words, regardless of their context will prevent the entire message from going through... despite the page saying "message has been sent". so, guys; always check your phrasing and break out a thesaurus if you have to! Gals; well, don't be upset! he may not know his last reply didn't get sent to you.
WOW. We never knew that. Thank you Buck!
I looked up a username on pof and on the site it says it has been deleted or pof removed it so why is the profile still show up when you search the name.
Because when a profile gets deleted, the search database is not updated immediately. It generally gets updated every few days or so.
I tried POF Username Search today (7/8/19). I clicked on the link of the user it found but POF went directly to it's main sign in page ( instead of the user's profile page. Are you aware of this problem?
The reason this happens Bob is the POF profile has been deleted. When you click on a search result that has not been yet updated as no longer existing, POF redirects you to the main page of their website.
What will happen if my plenty of fish profile has not been signed into since 2013 will it get deleted pics profile etc forever or will it still be on the site i cant remember the email i used to sign up to it.
That is a damned good question Joe and no one has ever asked that before. I don't know. Knowing what I know about POF I would IMAGINE they will not delete your profile no matter how long since you last logged in. The reason being that the main source of revenue for is ads and the more pages on their site the better because it means more potential ad clicks.
Answer me this Ya? I got this email after emailing them when they deleted me in the email I also told them I was right in the middle of talking to a nice sweet female "Why did ya delete me again" I asked? Mind ya 4 times already...and they sent me this. Mon, 29 Apr, 15:13 "Hello, Thank you for taking the time to email the safety of our users, we have an automated system in place which flags suspicious activity on POF. Regrettably, your account was mistakenly flagged by this system, and deleted. We apologize for the inconvenience. We have reviewed your account, and you will be able to sign up for a new account successfully. Please wait 2-3 hours before trying to create a new account - our system needs time to ensure you do not get flagged again. We appreciate your patronage, and hope you register a new account with Plentyoffish." So I asked them why do ya have an auto Flag and they replied by saying I was mistakenly flag and there so sorry I asked them why do they have an auto flagger and they said they cannot disclose any information on that... My Question is Why do this, why are they still a site? Heck there's nudity females pics on here but they dont get flagged...........Just Curious in Okla
We are actually surprised you got an email response at all. Plenty Of Fish wants to make things as automated as possible. Computer code does not have to be paid $x per hour while human beings do. While a human being would not incorrectly flag and delete an account like yours, bottom line, it is all about keeping expenses as low as possible which means keeping humans out of the loop as much as possible.
This tool isn’t working properly hasn’t been for a while now I can’t even find my best mate on here when he’s sat next to me!! Am talking to someone now and searching his name to test it and nothing 🤷‍♀️
This tool merely displays what is indexed by Google on, obviously we have no control over that. I know my username does not show up on the search either EvansFromHeaven. The internet is a mystery.
So may I ask for those beautiful females who have sexy pics and are porn girls wanting us to look at there pics on the nude site Why do they Favorite us on Pof?
Mike, its because when they favorite you, they hope you will take notice and view their profile and/or message them. When you do, they have a software program that auto replies with a web address to another website for which they are paid an affiliate commission if you join. They are not really women who created the profiles, they are men just looking to make money.
Mike, it is not that people have fake photos when you search from Google.. it is because Google seems to show incorrect images of POF id's on this search. My own profile if searched here shows some guy who IS NOT ME! Try it for yourself with your own profile or POF users you know and you will find the images that Google shows of those uers are wrong!
Very good point Tony.
Guys from Oklahoma watch out for this user: lliu645 from Berlin Oklahoma she has a fake pic. If ya see her Serch her pic on google image ya will find that the pic from her is an article year ago
Thanks so much for the tip Mike. There is actually a really good blog post on spotting a fake POF profile
For the last 2 months this tool has found no results with about a dozen searches..! I think POF is just lying with these Meet Me requests.
POF may be putting out SOME false meet me requests but I am sure a certain percentage of them is valid. Keep and mind thousands of profiles are added and removed from POF every day so it is a pretty hard site to keep up with in terms of accurate search results.
Although SNB (Scrapers〘N〙Bots) seems to be better than competing search engines, I still cannot call up my own POF profile page on it, after putting in my username. This, of course, means that a non-upgraded user can't respond if I click yes on "Meet Me". Am I doing something wrong?
No Alex. You are not doing anything wrong. It is the same with my Plenty Of Fish profile. It does not show up on searches even though my POF profile has been alive and active for more than a year. We have no control over the POF search engine OR the Google search engine. Sorry about that.
I have a problem and I don't know WHAT is going on. Maybe someone hacked YOUR stuff?? I have NO idea. All I do know is (and it's happened a couple of times) I get a "wants to meet me" and I plug in her name to your ***AAAWWWEESOOOOMMMMME😀😀😀😀***name search. 2 times it's been someone I find attractive. So I click to go to her page and it is MOST DEFINITELY NOT the same lady. I'm talking...HIDEOUS looking. The name that just did it to me was Stewartelizabeth. When I go to her supposed page on pof/pos😉😂, This OTHER woman's pics are there and her title just states "NO". If it IS someone messing with you, I though you should know. Anyway, thanks again for ALL that you do. Sincerely (as ALWAYS), Michael😊
Michael, what is going on is about 2 months ago completely removed the API related to username search which means the only way to search now is to tap into the Google API. The problem with Google is it only updates its search results about once per week. During that time many users are deleted and added. What is happend is the profile id (string of numbers) of the person you see in the search results on this page have been transfered to another user. So when you click on the search results here you are being directed to the new user and not the one in the search results.
Hi. I had an account on pof created yesterday. And today I cant login. It keeps saying email or password is incorrect. I even tried resetting buy I receive no emails to reset password. Please help me. The username is amazinggrace1990
Clara, once the POF automation deletes your account because it false flags it as a spamming account there is nothing you can do. You will need to create a new account. Follow these tips to prevent deletion of your POF account in the future.
If your here searching for ithealsme from Burlington, watch out this user is a notorious cheater, porn Addict, liar, I mean lies about everything. If you have any contact from this user RUN FOR THE HILLS because he’s going to use you for anything you and house! He is a con artist and will love bomb to make you believe your his everything and then will dump you if something better comes along....beware of ithealsme aka gwegerb. I caught my ex husband using this site to cheat on me and had been cyber sexing women on for years! Thank you
Sorry to hear about the infidelity Angel29again. Glad you were able to catch him though. Good luck.
Beware of people like my husband (soon to be ex) with bogus profile
That's one of the uses of this tool. Is to find the people to beware of.
I found him, bjt when I click it goes to pof login? What the heck, I know it was hidden
I have to say, I am ashamed to say I do not know if a hidden profile would cause that to happen. I do know that if the profile does not exist (is fake/was deleted) it will redirect to the POF login page.
So if I may ask, If i'm getting all these bots who are half naked on there profile wanting me to go to there porn sites, I know there scammers or POF wanting us guys to upgrade and never see them again only to trick us into paying, My question is, Is there a way i can keep all them bots from Favoring me?
The fake profiles with the half naked chics are not the doings of POF. These are just regular people trying to sell their affiliate stuff through POF. ① Log into POF. ② Click the FAVORITES button/link at the top. ③ Click WHO FAV'D ME. ④ Remove anyone you wish who has fav'd you. I do not know of a way to mass prevent or block favoriting.
So if there's no results are they bots? They have ligit pics and seems to be a good profile some i encounter will want email or my number which i dont give out. just curious.
It could be ①The profile never existed and Plenty Of Fish is making you think you are more popular than you are so you pay for an upgraded membership. ②The profile was real and existed but was deleted (by themselves or Plenty Of Fish) so by the time you go to look at it the profile is gone.
POF was been a great thing for me. I just wanted to thank yall
You gots to love the English language 😕
Plenty of fish was bought by thats why plenty of fish sucks now, and many changes made to monetize everything. Don't pay for their bullshit site. search for a new dating site.
AGREED!!! 100%! (notice the word greed contained in agreed)
Searched a few who have supposedly selected want to meet me and nothing comes back
Could be fake profile or one that was deleted by the time you tried to look at it.
POF search by username now gone.....Tried the one above....And so far only 2 out of 30 have existed.....My guess is that POF is sending out loads of fake....Wants to meet you links.... See the pattern here ? Emma_988465 wants to meet you! Emma_556235 wants to meet you! Janet171964,Janet251790.... All a scam to make you pay........
Yes, some are probably BS but also keep in mind that POF gets tens of thousands of new profiles added AND removed every day so I am sure there are people who sent genuine want to meet you's but by the time you went to their profile it was deleted, by the user or POF.
Hi, Could you please let me know why the search returned multiple results back, usually these results have same username and a picture in front. But those pictures are not the same in each link/result? Thanks!
Hey H.C. it's the same answer to your previous question. The result are Google results and their crawler bot is 1 - 2 weeks behind internet reality which ends up resulting in mixed results, especially with large websites, like POF, where mass amounts of content are updating and changing every day.
I used the search and it return multiple links with bolt username. Each link has different picture in front of the link, but if I click the link, it took me to POF the same profile regardless of the different picture. Why the link has different picture next to the link that all have the same username?
Because Google sucks compared to the POF search engine which POF discontinued. We are looking into a solution.
I havent been able to use the free tool as it keeps showing NO RESULT, now these are names of members who are clearly on the site and you can look at their profile onsite , but enter their name in your name search and you get NO RESULT ??? I cant understand this one !! please explain
As of April 1, 2019, Plenty Of Fish removed the php code behind the username search tool. This means the tool is now displaying Google search results. These results are only updated when the Google crawler bot, the bot that crawls the internet to find and categories billions of web pages, does not update their information every day. This is why the information in this POF username search tool has lately been displaying outdated results. We are working to update our POF Username Search Desktop software program so it works again.
What would cause a profile to appear in your search, but the URL does not work? I tried going from one user profile, and changing the user ID to the user ID from the URL in the account your search revealed. Does this mean the account is now deleted but google still has the result?
Unfortunately POF COMPLETELY removed both the interface and background code to do a username search so the results on this page are now Google results so you are absolutely correct in your assumption David. We are working on creating a new POF username search tool that works despite's best attempts.
Hi, Just curious if it's possible to make a tool like this for Thanks!
It absolutely is possible to make a tool like this for or almost any website.
POF tries a lot of tricks to get you to sign up. But I don't think creating fake profiles and meetme's is one of them. Those are other parties, not POF, creating those profiles. If you engage with them, they will quickly try to get you to sign up on another site (sex cam etc) if you want to continue a conversation with them. The reason they do not exist when you try to search for them is because PEOPLE, like me, have already reported the weasels to POF as soon as they reared their slimy heads and POF rightfully deleted them.
You know - that is a very good point I and many others never thought about. I am sure thousands of profiles come and go every single day. Could be a little bit of what you said and a little bit of deceit aheem (clears throat) marketing on the part of Plenty Of Fish. Who knows.
Trying to search for my husband on POF. He has an account under the name 'VerbalDiarreah'. Can you confirm if it’s still active for me? I don’t have an account and can’t check.
Unfortunately I cant because as of 3/31/2019, POF removed the ability to username search directly. This app is using the google search at the current time. We are working on a new software program to still be able to perform the username despite What you could do is a google search for "VerbalDiarreah" (WITH QUOTES) and not only will see if he is on pof or not you may see if he is on other bad sites. Interesting username LOL.
I deleted pof account but now go on pof username search my picture profile comes up and details and removed it months ago.
That is called Google. LOL. When the POF API is down or not working this tool uses Google to search Plenty Of Fish. Google is sort of like the shadow of the internet, it follows, sometimes far behind, the real thing. Eventually Google will figure out your POF page is not longer there and remove your profile/pictures.
I noticed for a while that the search shows the wrong photos of the person. Noticed this with people i know already when searching them and today searched for myself and there's a picture of some guy WHO IS NOT ME!
It seems that POF has now not only deleted public access to username search but all the code/api for username search as well. This is their further attempt at MAKING you have to pay to upgrade to view members who want to meet you. We are working on a software program that WILL circumvent this.
Hi, is there a way to tell if someone changed their username vs deleting their profile?
Good question Jay. The only thing I can think of is since Google is about a week behind us in POF search results, do a search for the old username in Google, ie oldusername. You can also click the Tools tab in Google search results and mess with the date range, ie, past week, past month, etc.
Hi. I’ve been chatting with a guy on POF. The last time I messaged him was last night. And gone to look this morning and all the conversations and his profile have gone. His user name was carvanman (Ken)
Vicki - yes we did a username search for him and came up with nothing. I would suggest using our anonymous pof search tool. Enter his age and city and state. Then check THOSE search results. If you find his profile in the search results, if when you click it it does not take you to his profile but to a generic POF page, it means his profile was deleted, by either Plenty Of Fish or him. Also, try search his username in Google. Maybe you can find him somewhere else on the internet that way.
Hi I didn't find any luck using this search engine, im trying to find this girl I was talking to her name is Sarah8291dg on POF I think her account got deleted and I don't know why, we just started talking wanting to know if I'd keep in contact with her in 5 weeks until she gets back home from getting her Masters Degree and I replied and her profile, messages, and her being on my favorites she just disappeared! She seemed very sweet, please help me somebody!
Dan, I performed a username search for her on this page and I did a google search for Sarah8291dg and even did a Sarah8291dg search. Are you absolutely sure that is the correct username? Nothing comes up with all three searches.
I used the search tool with a username and found who I was looking for. What happens if I click on their username (it looks like a hyperlink). Does it take me to their profile in ZpAiF? And if so, will they be able to see that I viewed their profile?
I am sorry, I don't know what ZpAiF is. The only way they will be able to see you viewed their profile is if the web browser that is launched, when you click on the link, has recently been logged on to Plenty Of Fish. If you are not logged into Plenty Of Fish, they will NOT know you viewed them BECAUSE you are not logged in.
I have received 157 meet me notifications in the last month, but none of the profiles existed. Is anyone on the site real?!
Dannie, I would say to ignore the Meet Me's you get. Concentrate on sending out emails to women and wait for email replies. Remember, any reply where they are trying to get you off of Plenty Of Fish right away is a scam. No real person is going to do this right away.
Plenty Of Fish? Is there a difference between http and https? I ask because I thought that there could be a fake plentyoffish address that is trying to lure you into giving your account name and password? When i receive emails with blah blah left a doesn't allow me to click on it to get to the site...i literally have to copy and paste to browser but the address begins with http not https? I was under the impression that http addresses are not secure and could possibly be a fake copy of pof?
Most websites that are secure https have it set in their htaccess file that all http addresses automatically forward to https. I checked this out in my browser and POF does this as well. If you are navigating to what SEEMS like a Plenty Of Fish site and you don't see the https in the web browser, then double check to make sure the website IS and not something that looks like it like or something like that.
WHO...**EVER!!!** stated, states, thinks and/or believes that MOST of the times you get an email letting you know that someone is interested in you is legitimate is a MORON. 90% being fakes, lies, and deceipt is being GENEROUS...It seems to be more like 98% to 99%...To reiterate..... Approximately 98%/99% of ALL of the emails sent to ANYBODY informing them (you) that someone is into you in ANY way, shape or form is PURE BULLSH*T. This site...tool and the guy who put this all together deserves a MEDAL for exposing these SCUM who PREY on people's loneliness to stick money in their GREEDY pockets. If it wasn't for THIS way to find the TRUTH, I would NEVER use POF..... MORE LIKE **POS!!**😊. If you wanna send ME *ANY* message (ESPECIALLY if you're a beautiful female near me 😄LOL)...kidding....well..... mostly 😋lol.....but seriously if anyone wants to send ME a message, I (UNLIKE POF) have NOTHING to hide. My name in POF is "Gentleloverpleaser" and my email is used to rescue real live Capuchins Monkeys and my #1 little buddy's name was Flash, just in case you were wondering😋😊😎). Good luck to ALL of you but you should check EVERY name with this AWESOME tool...And to the owner (who I conversed with once quite a few months ago and who seemed to be very polite, helpful and a true gentleman), Thanks again. 😊 Oops...forgot to ask you something. I go it this message from this hottie on Zoosk and LIKE a DUMMY, I joined ($30....dumb dumb dumb) JUST to send HER a message BACK........Welllll........POOF!!!!........SCAM. NOT EVEN THERE. I'm gonna contact them and if I get nowhere, I'll call my card company and see if they will do something about it. Do you have any ZOOSK things like you do with POS....... oops....POF😊?
Well that is one hell of a comment! We should hire this guy to write for us. Thank you for the kind words, by the way. My name is Evan. I am not sure that 98% of meet me emails are fake on POF but there certainly are quite a few. The world is becoming more and more about profits than people. As far as Zoosk, issue a chargeback with your bank. This will be a serious bad mark on their business credit and is not something they want so that is the best way to get even.
A guy I was chatting to told me he deleted his account, but when I on POf and go to my messages I still shows up in my inbox and when I click on his pic to view his profile I can still see everything. I just, honestly, want to know if he lied about deleting his account. If I can still see messages and am able to view his profile then how is that even possible if he "deleted" his profile?
It is possible you are able to see it because you are actually viewing your web browsers cache which means files for his profile might be stored on your computers disk. Your best bet is to use a different browser than you normally use or clear your current browsers history or cache.
Jeff K.
I've tried the search tool several times but nothing is coming up. What gives?
I am pretty sure there is no member of plenty of fish with the username FUN+PHILLY+GIRL.
rex 11
What gives is pof sending out fake messages and likes to get me to go premium? because i get the email that someone has sent me a message or favored me. then check with the tool it shows them as a user then i message them then it shows that i didnt send any messages so i use the tool again and they dont show up as a user any more?
I am not sure about the fake likes but I do know that quite often people get emails saying member xyz wants to meet you and then when a username search is performed for that username the profile does not exist.
I might be late in the game here but another trick is to download an older version of POF using an Android phone. There are sites you can download previous versions of apps. This is how I search on my phone. Any username in these formats: namenumbername or name/random letters or nunbers and nost usernames with underscores and names are fake profiles - this is obvious by looking at the photos - model chicks wouldn't be on that site. Sometimes they will use average photos to be clever. From time to time they just use porn stars or scenes from pornos those are obvious. Most Meet Me / Added as Favorite reponses are fake. And to be honest I been on there way too long 90% of the women have no real interest in meeting anyone or you need to be power lifter / CEO / college educated / GQ type. Yes I am jaded.
First off Erik. Love the tip about download and older POF app to get access to features they use to have for free. As far as being jaded, no you are not jaded, you are accurate. You don't want to have anything to do with that 90% type anyway Erik so they are doing you a favor by removing their stinky asses from your life!
The 'Meet Me' fakes aren't really fakes. They are real women looking for let say intimate companionship. Also, POF just updated their site so you can no longer view user pages without logging in.
Not really sure where you are getting your info from. Some of the Meet Me's ARE fakes to get people to join aka fake interests in your E-mail and you CAN still look at POF profiles without logging in or even having an account. I think this tool is pretty much a testament to that fact.
Will this search find a username if the profile is currently "hidden"? As in, they deactivated it, but didnt delete it.
This we are not sure of. Sometimes even visible profiles don't show up in the POF username search, why this is we are unsure but guess its because POF limits the total number of results it displays so if your search produces more than that number of results it wont show.
I just signed up to POF and tried using this tool to search several usernames from emails I received that said "'So and so' wants to meet you" or "You received a message from 'So and so'". 90% of the usernames in the emails are bogus. As far as I can tell there are a LOT of fake profiles being created by POF just to get people to buy into their subscription service. What a scam. Are they any reputable, legit online web sites for meeting people?
In short, Mike, all human beings (most) are not reputable or honest. I firmly believe God made a mistake putting humans on the planet. All we have done is risen up to think we own the planet which is displayed by the overall disrespect we display towards all other life forms and even the planet itself. Now we are seeking other planets, like Mars, to inhabit and destroy.
I am trying to register on pof.But I always get this message that My username is only allowed to have letters A through Z . ETC...hOW CAN YOU HELP.
You are running into that issue of no usernames work. Read Can't Find a Username on Plenty Of Fish.
Seeing the same pattern of names hitting the meet me option. 2 names similar, underscore, and some numbers such as: JennasJenna_67000 JasminesJasmine_91426 KarlasKarla_31389 will get a bunch of these every night.
Not sure what you mean. Do you mean you are getting these types of emails from Plenty Of Fish or that you are getting the same results from our search engine? If you are getting all these similar username emails from POF its because you are being baited. Quite often the usernames POF sends you in the emails are fake username just to get you to join POF. Then if you search for them after paying for an upgrade and don't find them, POF will just tell you the profile was deleted or they removed their profile. If a username does not show up with this search tool then that username does not exist on POF.
This is a joke, I enter multiple names and nothing comes up.
Well Chuck, that is because you are entering names like Riphardbeper_copeaderlo. I am PRETTY sure there is noone on the planet with that username.
I agree with others it appears POF is allowing fake profiles, and may encourage them to use the meet me option. I will get 8 meet alerts in one day. Only 2 or so point to a person. I understand it takes a week or so for google crawlers to index so holding some of the alerts for follow up. Seems fraud persons generate a new account all with similar profile, then say additional pictures at site www.????? then run through and trip the Viewed me alert, and run through the meet me section generating additional alerts for the user to review.
The sad thing is the site is already so huge and so profitable. When is enough money, enough!
This is a great site. I found a cheating bf. Is there any way to view their correspondence? Or people who he has tried to meet? He's even wearing my son's shirt in a picture, in my backyard. Such a lier.
It's NOT the 1960's anymore, that is for sure.
Your program worked great before you changed it a couple weeks ago. Now it misses at times. When I go on Pof and look I can see them but it doesn't show here. It may be somewhat hard to fix though because the problem seems to be only on the slutty girls who get banned fairly fast...which is good because I don't want to see them anyway! lol
Well here is the problem. We had to change it because POF made it so the search results page is all javascript and first checks to make sure its a web browser and not a bot visiting. This forced us to change to Google search, which is delayed by about a week, hence profiles showing in search that are no longer there when you click on the result. That is why we tell people to download the Desktop POF Username Search software for Windows because the software program DOES have a built in web browser. We are trying to figure a way around this issue.
How are suppose to meet anyone if no one replies?
It's a number games Danie. Of course a lot of it has to do with your profile and pictures but either way its a numbers game. Just get out a lot of messages. That is why we invented POF Auto Message Sender software.
How do you catch someone cheating using this site?
The POF Username Search tool alone won't prove someone is a cheater Jolydna BUT if you are in a committed relationship with someone they SHOULD remove their active dating profiles from dating sites like Plenty Of Fish. Using the above Plenty Of Fish username search tool, if the person you are in a relationship with shows up in the search, that should raise a red flag in your mind. Take a look at How to Catch a Cheating Spouse using the POF Username Search Tool.
Most searches are returning zero results. I have been copying and pasting user name into this page immediately I receive POF email that the person has said they want to meet me. Does this mean there's a bug or does it mean POF are inventing people in order to entice me to pay to join?
That is EXACTLY what it means Peter.
Your username is only allowed to have letters A through Z, underscore (_), certain accented characters, and numbers 0 through 9. No spaces or other characters are allowed.
That is 100% correct Rohit. Except I wonder if other characters are possible via hacking.
S Griffith
How can I look on pof, if I don’t know the persons username, and I don’t want to sign up or register?
In that case Google becomes your best friend with a search like city Connecticut 3* year old female or city Connecticut 3* year old female All my kids are over 18
POF is now ripping people off. The moment you upgrade your account gets deleted. I'm so disappointed.
The worst part is your account deletion was totally automated and not done by a human. Something you did tripped the spam/scam filter which caused the automated account delete. POF is becoming a bit too automated. But, hey, if you have millions of customers I guess you don't have to care about making people happy anymore because you are already rich.
Using this tool will allow you to see who selected the "meet me" feature, but also helps you see that pof sends you fake "meet me" notifications to try to get you to upgrade. "FRAUD"
Shocking, isn't it Mike. Another thing we found out. If you pay to have your profile featured on POF, guaranteed, you will be 8.6 times more popular - check out youtube view hidden web page content. Who can you trust?! (We recently found out there is NO LAW requiring an individual to pay Federal Income Tax. Search YouTube for 'irs fraud no law')
How can you tell if someone voluntarily leave POF vs being kicked off the site by POF due to violations of policy?
That is an EXCELLENT question Dee. I don't think there is any way the average person could know or find that out. One would have to know how POF runs and handles profiles, internally, to be able to know that. You could probably know if someone hid their profile versus deleting it because by hiding the profile, it should still show up in Google searches a week or more later. If the profile has been deleted (either by the profile owner or by POF), it will not show up in an internet search.
Two step meet me process. When clicking yes, users are immediately, without option, taken to the possible prospects profile. Then a radio button confirming that profile has been read BEFORE processing. I'm tired of being told someone wants to meet me only to discover they haven't even looked at my profile. It promotes shallowness.
pj - not really sure what you are referring to. On, when you click YES or NO you are taken to the next image of a person with the YES, NO and MAYBE buttons. Are you referring to a different dating site?
is there a way to search for a plenty of fish member by email address?
Not that we yet know of Kim. If this would be possible then POF would be look at a huge security breach issue. Anything is possible though.
NOT WORKING properly since you added this Spam thing! Either hangs or displays shortened page with no result even when the name exists. This happens most of the time for me using Firefox
Tony, nothing in the code is causing this so we suspect it a temporary server issue. Fatcow must be updating things or performing maintenance on the servers. We dropped the pause down to 4 seconds. The software version of this tool is worth the $7, has no pause and never hangs or boggs.
Just found cheating partner on this site, can't proof it though, as he's such a liar and chea
Cheating is just way too common today. It's really sad.
Caught my bf cheating using this, such a great site - thank you.
Glad to be of help Stacey.
New User
While this is great, I found one flaw. If user name starts with an _ it will not find it.
That is something we were not aware of. We will have to check that out and fix that. Thanks New User. Update 6/26/2018: we looked into it and the API at the Plenty Of Fish website does not support the _ character as the first character in username searches. I am not sure if this is because there are no username that begin with the underscore or if there is an error in the API itself but this issue is not ocurring because of any errors in programming on our end. Thanks for the head up New User.
Thomas Franks
Is there a way to search email address?
Anything is possible, but I would hope POF is secure enough that this is not possible LOL. I think am going to look into it though.
Pseudo Anonymous
Amazing tool. Fast. Reliable. and most important - - it works in TOR browser! Pls keep up the good work. Respect. Thank You.
Thank you very much for the kind words Mr Anonymous. We are always looking to improve so look for new features in the future.
Lately been getting an error page when trying tpo access this search tool "Error 500" from a Gator Page of some sort?
Hostgator has told us the cause of the 500 errors is we are getting too much traffic/using too much bandwidth. Soon to update to dedicated hosting so there is no longer this issue. Sorry to the POF Username search users. Bear with us.

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