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🧾 How You Can Use HTML WebPage Builder 🗟 Tool

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This page has detailed, instructions on how you can use this html web page builder 🗟 online.

If these instructions are unclear, feel free to check out these video and image instructions (links open in new window so you don' lose your place on this page) ...

Here is the simple webpage builder 🗟 online app.

🧾 How You Can Use HTML WebPage Builder 🗟 Tool

This Simple Web Page Builder Online tool allows you to create SEO optimized web pages quickly without having to know any HTML whatsoever and without having to download any file or program to your computer. When you are finished creating your web page you output it as htm, html or php and download it.

You first have to decide if you want to create a full, complete, SEO optimized web page that will include the header and footer HTML code including a web page title, web page description, keywords, etc, OR you just want to output HTML code for the content you enter and format below.

To Create a Fully SEO Optimized Webpage Complete with Title, Description, Keywords, etc

  1. In the web page title textbox enter a title for your web page. This should be the keyword phrase you want to show up on the first page of the search engines for when people type that keyword phrase in the search engines. Should be between 5- 10 words long.
  2. In the web page description textbox. enter a description of what this web page is about. This should be about the length of a sentence, about 20- 25 words, and should include the main keyword phrase/web page title once.
  3. In the web page keywords textbox. enter the keywords/keyword phrases for this web page. Be sure to separate each keyword/keyword phrase with a comma ,. Be sure to include the main keyword phrase/web page title once.

Instructions for Creating the Actual Content/Text/HTML Code of the Webpage you are Building

This web page maker tool automatically senses the type of content you are trying to create by looking at each section of text. This web page maker examines each block of text that is separated by 2 carrige returns.

For this reason, it is important that after each section of text, you press the ENTER key TWICE. Based upon the formatting, layout and length of each section of text, this web page maker will automatically insert h2, paragraph, and list html tags before and after each section of text.

  1. Type and/or copy & paste the article you are creating into the HTML editor textbox which is the lightly green colored textbox.
  2. For each section of text you want to be separate from the other text and have reside on its own line, be sure to press the ENTER key on your keyboard TWICE at the end of that section of text. In other words, make sure each section of text is separated by 2 carriage returns.

Formating the Appearance of the Text your Web Page

To format the appearance of any of the text for your web page, Select the text you want to format with your mouse and press one of the buttons just above the light green textbox ...

  1. Pressing the Bold button will convert the selected text into bold text like this.
  2. Pressing the Italics button will convert the selected text into italicized text like this.
  3. Pressing the Code button will convert the selected text into fixed width, code looking text like this.
  4. Pressing the Link button will allow to make a link to another webpage out of the selected text.

Instructions for Outputing the Webpage you are Creating

  1. Select the Create HTML/Web Page Only for Content Created option button if you only want to output the part of the web page that is exactly what you created in the light green colored html editor textbox.
  2. Select the Create Full Web Page with Title, Description, etc option button if you want to output an entire web page complete with title, description, keywords, etc.
  3. If you select the Create Full Web Page with Title, Description, etc option button, a checkbox will appear with the text Use my own custom HTML template.

Using your Own Custom HTML Template to Create a Web Page

Using your own custom HTML template with this free online web page maker allows you to create the exact type and style of web page you want with minimal effort. Make sure you insert the following slug placeholders in your custom HTML ...

Place the following text in your template:

  • Insert #title# in your custom HTML template, anywhere you wish the web page title, from the web page title textbox, to be inserted in your custom HTML template.
  • Insert #description# in your custom HTML template, anywhere you wish the web page description, from the web page description textbox, to be inserted in your custom HTML template.
  • Insert #keywords# in your custom HTML template, anywhere you wish the web page meta keywords, from the web page keywords textbox, to be inserted in your custom HTML template.
  • Insert #html# in your custom HTML template, where ever you wish the HTML code created from the article you create in the HTML editor textbox, to be inserted in your custom HTML template.

Uploading your Custom HTML Template

  1. Select/click the Create Full Web Page with Title, Description, etc option button. This will cause a checkbox to appear with the text Use my own custom HTML template Click the checkbox to check it. This will cause a small button to appear with the text Choose Files.
  2. Click this button the text Choose Files. A open file dialog box will appear. Navigate to your custom HTML template on your device and double click to select it. All of the code contained within that file will appear in a light red or pinkish text box. Again, make sure you insert placeholders in your custom HTML document so that the web page #title#, #description#, #keywords# and HTML code for the web page your are creating here (#html#) appear in the correct/desired location of your web page.

Selecting File Extenion Type for your Web Page & Downloading

If you wish to download your finished web page, you have the choice of downloading the web page as either .htm, .html or .php file.

  1. Select the type of webpage you wish to output. You can choose to create a web page with a .html, .htm, .php extension. Note: this only applies if you are going to download the web page to your computer. If you are only outputing the HTML code to the HTML output textbox then you can skip this section.
  2. If you wish to download the web page to your computer then click the button with the text that reads Create/Show/Download Web Page. Clicking this button will create the web page in the filetype you selected above (.html, .htm, .php) as well as output the HTML code of the web page you created to the HTML output textbox.
  3. If you only wish to output the HTML code of the web page you created and don't want to download the file to your computer, click the button with the text that reads Create/Show HTML for Webpage.
  4. The HTML code for your web page will appear in the white HTML code ouput textbox. If you pressed the button with the text that reads Create/Show/Download Web Page, a file download dialog will appear so you can save the web page file to your computer or laptop.

What to Do with your Newly Published Web Page

If these instructions are unclear, feel free to check out these video and image instructions (links open in new window so you don' lose your place on this page) ...

Here is the simple webpage builder 🗟 online app.


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