This page is going to show you how to create full body, SEO optimized description text for your YouTube video descriptions.
This free tool to creates a description text in your YouTube videos that is going to make both Google, YouTube and the viewers of your video happy. YouTube allows for a pretty sizable video description and you should take advantage of this.
🧾 Free Description Builder Template for Copy & Paste
- Fill in the textboxes below with information requested.
- Click the Create YouTube Description Button.
- Copy and Paste into YouTube Video Description Text Box.
- Tip: to boost the visibility of your YouTube video in YouTube video search results you may wish to insert a few special, attention getting characters in your video title or description.
What a Good YouTube Video Description Will do
A good, SEO rich video description will ...
- Help both Google and YouTube understand what your video is about and help them properly index your video in their search engines. Make sure you videos description is not spammy, keyword stuffed, and created for the purpose of trying to trick Google and YouTube into thinking your video is about something it is not. Google and YouTube's technology is far enough advanced these days that attempting black hat SEO is only going to hurt you.
- Contains links to online properties you own like your website or blog.
- Contains links to other YouTube videos very close to the same topic your video is about.
Our YouTube Video Description Builder Template accomplishes all of these objectives.
Why Bother Using a Template to Create YouTube Video Descriptions?
- Using a template to build your YouTube video descriptions saves time. A good part of the text that makes up your YouTube description is going to be the same for all your videos. This YouTube Description Builder Template uses nested spin syntax for these parts of your video description to ensure unique content.
- By using a template for your YouTube video descriptions you won't forget anything in your YouTube descriptions. Humans forget, software and templates do not.
- Using a template ensures your YouTube video descriptions maintain a certain structure that your channel subscribers will get use to and appreciate as this makes it easier for your video viewers to find what they are looking for.
This YouTube Video Description Builder is based upon the YouTube Video Description Builder Software built into Viral YouTube Software software
Importance of a Good Description For Youtube Videos
An important part of uploading a video to YouTube, or any other video upload and sharing website, is creating a title and description which both contain the main long tail keyword phrase you want your video to get noticed and traffic for. Think of each of your YouTube videos as your web page. SEO is just as important for your YouTube videos as it is for any other website or web page.
The most time consuming task is creating the videos description, even for someone who types fast like me. The description for your video is not something you want to skimp on either. Although you may do well with a video that only contains a thoughtless sentence or two, you are much more likely to rank your videos if they are lengthy (just like a blog post) and full of good meat, like your main long tail keyword phrase as well as LSI synonyms.
In fact, it is the video description, which is the one SEO element of a video upload and share websites, that you have full opportunity and control to give the search engines AND YouTube something to really grab on to as far as letting them know what your video is about and why they should show it off to the world. This copy and paste YouTube Description Builder Template does this for you without you having to break your hump.