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Over 72,900 Chinese Symbols (㌗, 䒑, 汶 Etc.) And Their Ascii Codes For Copy And Paste

short url:
  • What you can do with these 72,800+ Chinese Character Symbols
  • How to Select/Copy any of the Chinese Ascii Character Codes
  • 72,800+ Chinese Characters and their Ascii Values

Ideas of What can be Done with These 𝟟𝟚𝟘𝟘𝟘 Asian and/or Chineses

  • Use, when possible, in lieu of images which will reduce the number of server requests.
  • Dress up your communications to express yourself.
  • Do you've got a website? Use them in article and blog post headlines to make your search engine listings pop and stand out.

How to Select/Copy One of these Asian or Chinese ASCII Character Codes

  1. Mouse over the one(s) you want. You will see the character gets surrounded with a border.
  2. Click on it and a small window opens with the desired image and the ascii character number alongside it.
  3. Copy it to clipboard.

Alt Codes for Well Over 72,800 Chinese symbols

On this page is the listing of almost every existing alt symbol for various types of Asian and Chinese symbols. Click any of the ASCII characters to copy the character code.

㤿 㥿 㦿 㧿 㨿 㩿 㪿 㫿 㬿 㭿 㮿 㯿 㰿 㱿 㲿 㳿 㴿 㵿 㶿 㷿 㸿 㹿 㺿 㻿 㼿 㽿 㾿 㿿 䀀 䤿 䥿 䦿 䧿 䨿 䩿 䪿 䫿 䬿 䭿 䮿 䯿 䰿 䱿 䲿 䳿 䴿 䵿 䶿 ䷿ 丿 乿 亿 仿 伿 使 便 俿 倀 夿 奿 妿 姿 娿 婿 媿 嫿 嬿 孿 宿 寿 尿 屿 岿 峿 崿 嵿 嶿 巿 帿 广 庿 廿 弿 彿 徿 忿 怀 椿 楿 榿 槿 樿 橿 檿 櫿 欿 歿 殿 毿 氿 汿


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