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How To Change Up Words In Sentence Structure And NOT Mess Sentence Meaning

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How To Alter Sentence Structure Without Altering The Meaning Of The Sentence

Click to Play Video About How To Alter Words In Sentence And NOT Alter The Meaning Of The Sentence
  • Article and Sentence Spinning and Re-writing for 2019 and Beyond
  • Step ① Create Multiple Variations of the Each Sentence
  • Step ② Insert Optional Sentence Qualifiers
  • Step ③ Create Multiple Variations of Entire Phrase Blocks Within the Sentence
  • Step ④ Spin Syntax on the Word Level

Article And Sentence Spinning And Re-writing for 2019 and Beyond

Before 2013 you could do sloppy and thoughtless article spinning with only simple changes to spin syntax but nowadays you really have to put serious quality into your article spinning set up. This means:

  1. Creating multiple (3 or more) variations of each sentence.
  2. Adding optional qualifiers within the sentence.
  3. Creating spintax variations of larger chunks of text/phrases within the sentence (phrase spinning).
  4. Creating multiple variations of individual words.

One issue that comes up again and again is the issue of getting lost regarding forgetting if you missed a opening or closing bracket. The more in depth and thorough your spintax, the more this becomes an issue. The best way to approach article spinning to avoid this is start from the top down, mean create spin syntax variations larger blocks of text and work down to smaller blocks, i.e.:

  1. Whole sentences first, then ..
  2. Optional qualifiers in each sentence, then ..
  3. Blocks of text and phrases within the sentence, and then ...
  4. Create spin syntax on the word level.

Note: While you are working on spintax for your sentences, it is helpful to use the free spin syntax tester every few minutes to make sure the output that will be created from your spintax set up is turning out the way you want to.

Step #1 - Create Multiple Variations of the Each Sentence

Although each sentence can basically say the same thing, better results will be achieved if you can try to change the meaning a bit as well. For example:

  • I am going to the store to buy some ice cream.
  • I am having a craving for ice cream so I am getting in my car and driving to the market.
  • Since they are having a sale on Ben & Jerry's, that is where I am headed right now.

So the resulting spintax on the sentence level now looks like:

Even though the general meaning of each sentence is the same, there are significant changes in the overall sentence structure for good results.

While you are in the process of construction of the spin syntax for the sentence, to help you stay organized and not get lost with opening and closing brackets, format the above sentences like this for now:

Although with this example we have three sentence variations you can do as many as you wish but for spun content creation 2017 and beyond you want at least three variations of each sentence to ensure search engines see your spun output as unique and human generated.

Step #2 - Insert Optional Sentence Qualifiers

An optional sentence qualifier can greatly add to the uniqueness of the article, in the eyes of search engines and duplicate content checkers. A sentence qualifier is adding an optional phrase, usually at the beginning or end of the sentence, that appears in some spins and not others. The added phrase is optional because the sentence will make perfect sense with or without the qualifier.

Going back to one of our original example sentences ...

  • I am going to the store to buy some ice cream

... an example qualifier we can add to the beginning of the sentence could be

  • Once it stops raining out.

So WITH that qualifier our sentence becomes ...

  • Once it stops raining out, I am going to the store to buy some ice cream.

Do you see how that sentence makes sense with OR without the qualifier and using the qualifier or not using it dramatically changes the context of the sentence, content-spinning-wise?

Spin Syntax-wise, we add the qualifier at the beginning of the sentence like this:

  • {Once it stops raining out |}I am going to the store to buy some ice cream.

So with some spins the output would be ...

  • I am going to the store to buy some ice cream

... and with other spins the output would be ...

  • Once it stops raining out I am going to the store to buy some ice cream.

Do you understand how this works?

We can also add an optional qualifier at the END of the sentence, i.e. ...

  • then I am going to relax and watch some T.V..

With that qualifier at the end of the sentence we get ...

  • I am going to the store to buy some ice cream then I am going to relax and watch some T.V.

Spin Syntax-wise, we add the qualifier at the end of the sentence like this:

  • I am going to the store to buy some ice cream{| then I am going to relax and watch some T.V.}.

Spin Syntax-wise, adding the qualifier at both the beginning and end of the sentence our spintax structure looks like this:

  • {Once it stops raining out |}I am going to the store to buy some ice cream{| then I am going to relax and watch some T.V.}

JUST by adding a sentence qualifier at the beginning and end of each sentence we get the following possible spin outputs:

  • I am going to the store to buy some ice cream.
  • I am going to the store to buy some ice cream then I am going to relax and watch some T.V.
  • Once it stops raining out I am going to the store to buy some ice cream.
  • Once it stops raining out I am going to the store to buy some ice cream then I am going to relax and watch some T.V.

Feel free to test this out for yourself at the Spintax Generator page.

So let's now add the optional sentence qualifiers to the beginning and end of each of our three sentences. Building on our previous example here is the spin syntax I have so far.

Just by using the little known concept of optional sentence qualifiers, at the beginning and end of each sentence, DRAMATICALLY increases the uniqueness of the spun output.

Step #3 - Create Multiple Variations Of Entire Phrase Blocks Within The Sentence

We now will work with phrases, trying to create unique variations of the largest blocks of text possible and then narrow down to the smaller blocks of text. By creating as much potential, unique content as possible, starting with larger blocks of text and then narrowing down, mathematically, we significantly increase the uniqueness of our content with each spin.

Continuing on with our previous example sentence, which now reads ...

  • {Once it stops raining out |}I am going to the store to buy some ice cream{| then I am going to relax and watch some T.V.}

... I will first apply spintax to the largest possible blocks of text. I have highlight the new, phrase spintax in light green. Notice I create synonym variations of whole phrases ...

  • {Once {it stops raining out|the rain lets up|this storm leaves} |}I am {going to the store|headed down the street|getting in my car} to buy {some ice cream|something delicious and loaded with calories|something healthy to eat}{| then I am going to {relax and watch some T.V.|take a much deserved break|put my feet up and enjoy the night}}

Each of the new phrases I have entered say something similar but yet different enough that the theme of the content changes enough that there is no way it will be seen as duplicate content to humans, let alone search engines, although search engines are getting almost as smart as humans.

Doing the same thing with my all three sentences from the previous example results in the following spintax output ...

Just with what we have done so far we could almost stop applying spin syntax to our three sentence variations and we would be able to create dozens of unique, spun, variations, but with what we will do next with our sentences will allow us to output hundreds of unique variations with the push of the button of our favorite content spinning software.

While putting THIS much effort and time into our spin syntax might seem to be too time consuming or boring keep in mind, the fact that if you properly set up your spin syntax in the way we are doing here, you will be able to create SO much unique content that you will literally be able to create and publish hundreds or even thousands of spun versions of our content and it will ALL be unique, readable and make sense, so hang in there. The extra effort will be MORE than worth it!

NOTE: I seriously urge you to test your spintax often and save your latest, error free, version of the spin syntax first so you can avoid the dreaded 'forgotten opening or closing brackett' nightmare.

We are now going to apply spin syntax to smaller blocks of text.

Again, working with the original example sentence, below is the sentence with spin syntax applied to smaller blocks of text, with the new spin syntax highlighted in light green ...

  • {Once {it stops raining out|the rain lets up|this storm leaves} |}I am {going to the store|headed down the street|getting in my car} to buy {some ice cream|something {delicious|loaded with calories|delicious and loaded with calories}|something healthy to eat}{| then I {am going to|will|look forward to being able to} {relax and watch some T.V.|take a {much deserved|desperately needed} break|put my feet up and enjoy the night}}

Notice how I add further uniqueness by taking phrases with the word AND and chopping to the left and right for spintax variations, so for example ...

  • something delicious and loaded with calories

... can be chopped left and right like so ...

  • something {delicious|loaded with calories|delicious and loaded with calories}

... so now the possible outputs for just this phrase, at this point ...

  • something delicious
  • something loaded with calories
  • something delicious and loaded with calories

Doing the same thing with my all three sentences from the previous example results in the following spintax output ...

Step #4 - Spin Syntax on the Word Level

At this point our spintax is so thorough what we have is better quality spin syntax than 95% of anything out there, but lets apply the finishing touches by create spun variations of single words.

You are now finished setting up this sentence for proper article spinning 2017 and beyond. Our sentence is now SO deeply and thoroughly set up with nested spin syntax that on average, you would have to spin this same sentence more than 1,000 times before you would get the exact same sentence again AND I COULD HAVE made above nested spintax even better if I wanted to.

Below is a screenshot from the showing that when I insert all three, fully spun sentences in the spin textbox it shows a uniqueness of 300% - 600%!

Spinner Uniqueness Output Over 600 Percent.
Spinner Uniqueness Output Over 600 Percent.
Spinner Uniqueness Output Over 600 Percent.

To recap we have:

  • Taken a single sentence and created two additional variations of it so we now have spinning at the sentence level. go to
  • Inserted optional sentence qualifiers at the beginning and end of each sentence for further uniqueness of each of the three sentence variations. go to
  • Created spun variations of phrases within each of the sentences. go to
  • Created multiple spun variations of individual words. go to

It may seem a bit overwhelming that all this work was for just one sentence BUT if you want to be able change a sentence around for article spinning and have it be seen by both search engines and people as unique content then this is what is required in this day in age where search engines are getting almost as smart as people. The upside to this is once you have finished this process for all the sentences in your article or web page you can create hundreds or even thousands of versions of that piece of content across the web and THAT will be a huge time saver.


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