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How to Make your Own Disposable Email 📧 Yahoo, Gmail, Mailinator

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  • How to Create Disposable Email Address 📧 in Gmail
  • How to Create Disposable Email Address 📧 in Yahoo
  • Mailinator Disposable Email Addresses 📧
  • How to Make your Own Disposable Email Address 📧 - Create your Own Domain and Website
  • How to Make your Own Disposable Email Address 📧 - Use Existing Disposable Emails

How to Create Disposable Email Address 📧 in Gmail

Creating disposable or temporary email addresses in Gmail is real easy. It is a simple matter of creating slight manipulations to your current Gmail email address. In reality, even easier than creating a disposable email in Gmail is creating a fake email address which means you never have to delete it. For example our Gmail account is

There are 3 ways to create unlimited disposable email addresses within Gmail:

❶ Enter periods anywhere within the part of the Gmail address up until the @ sign.

Examples ...


❷ Enter a + sign and whatever text you want between the end of your email name (scrapersnbots) and the @ sign.

Examples ...


❸ Additionally, we can add periods anywhere in there as well.

Examples ...

  • scrapers.n.bots+some.thing.else@gmail.

This second method of creating disposable email addresses within Gmail provides you with more power and flexibility in that you can more effectively track the origins of emails sent to you with the second method of creating disposable email addresses in Gmail.

For example, lets say you join the Plenty of Fish dating website and you want to see if they sell your email address to others. Simply create the disposable Gmail address of (using our Gmail address as the example) If we get any emails to that email address then we know POF is cause of the spam.

Additionally, this second method of creating disposable email addresses in Gmail provides us with literally limitless options for disposable Gmail addresses. In fact the second method is more than overkill for our needs regarding creating disposable, trackable email addresses within Gmail.

How to Create Disposable Email Address 📧 in Yahoo

Yahoo mail does not offer anywhere near the flexibility as Gmail for creating disposable email addresses but you can create disposable email addresses with Yahoo Mail:

  1. If you don't have a Yahoo Mail Plus account, you will have to upgrade for Yahoo Mail Plus which costs around $40 for a year. The other downside to Yahoo for creating disposable email addresses is Yahoo Mail Plus ONLY allows up to 500 concurrent disposable email addresses at a time.
  2. After you have upgraded to the Yahoo Plus account, log in to Yahoo mail log in.
  3. The the gear icon ⚙ for Yahoo Mail settings.
  4. In the drop down menu that appears click on the link More Settings.
  5. Click on Mailboxes.
  6. Scroll down until you see Disposable Email Addresses.
  7. Click the Add button underneath.
  8. Create or delete disposable email addresses as you wish.
Yahoo Disposable Mail Settings, More Settings
Image of How To Create Disposable Email Yahoo Mail Settings More Settings.
Yahoo Disposable Mail Settings, More Settings
Yahoo Mail Mailboxes Disposable Email Addresses
Image of How To Create Disposable Email Yahoo Mail Mailboxes Disposable Email Addresses.
Yahoo Mail Mailboxes Disposable Email Addresses

Mailinator Disposable Email Addresses 📧

Mailinator is unique in that you can create any disposable email address you want:

  1. All Mailinator disposable email addresses end with Think up anything you wish to come before the @ sign. That is your new disposable email address.
  2. To access your Mailinator inbox simply go to the Mailinator website.
  3. At the top, in the text box that reads Enter Public Mailinator Inbox, enter whatever you specified in step #1 above.
  4. Click the GO button.
  5. You will be directed to your inbox. Keep in mind if you chose something before the @ in step #1 that anyone else is using, you will see their mail in your inbox as well. For this reason try to come up with something unique for step #1.
Mailinator Enter Public Mailinator Inbox
Image of How To Create Disposable Email Mailinator Enter Public Mailinator Inbox.
Mailinator Enter Public Mailinator Inbox
Mailinator Disposable Email Inbox
Image of How To Create Disposable Email Mailinator Inbox.
Mailinator Disposable Email Inbox

How to Make your Own Disposable Email Address 📧 - Create your Own Domain and Website

There are several ways you can create your own disposable email addresses.

You can create your own website, which involves purchasing a domain name and web hosting, and then log on to your web host cpanel and add or remove email addresses on the fly, as often as you wish. Your emails domain would be your websites domain. To really make your own disposable email addresses personalized you could purchase a domain name that is your name, so if your name is Henry Tillman, you could purchase the domain and then all your disposable email addresses would end with

For example, at our website,, any email addresses we create will always end in, But at any time we can log on to our cpanel account and add as many email addresses as we wish. They are disposable in the sense we can delete email accounts we create any time we want.

Using this option, of having your own web hosting, offers you the most power and flexibility in terms of creating as many disposable email addresses as we wish and have them be any email address we wish.

How to Make your Own Disposable Email Address 📧 - Use Existing Disposable Emails

Here is a list of around 30 disposable email services. You could also do your own internet search for disposable email addresses. You could also do a search for free web hosting with email. That way you could create your own customized disposable email addresses however there would be no cost incurred regarding registering a domain name and web hosting.


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