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You Can Not Find A Username For Plenty Of Fish? This Is Issue

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  • Reason #1 You Can't Find A Username On POF
  • Reason #2 You Can't Find A Username On POF
  • Once You Have Successful Created Your POF Account

Reason #1 You Can't Find A Username On POF

Image of Plenty Of Fish signup form showing the message 'This Username is Already Taken'.

So you are trying to create an account for Plenty Of Fish dating website and no matter what username you try (even asfiwer30w2r54sdf) you get the message This Username is Already Taken?

After about 12 tries it gets pretty damned frustrating. There are two possible reasons you can't find a username on POF and here is what to do.

You are just not getting creative enough. I know this seems unlikely as you would not be on this page unless you felt you have exhausted every possible option for trying usernames, but try this idea:

  1. Your first name.
  2. Followed by four random numbers.
  3. You last name (or part of your last name, for privacy reasons).
  4. Followed by four random numbers.

If this does not work then you should look to reason #2 you can't find an accepted username on POF.

Reason #2 You Can't Find A Username On POF

Did you account get deleted on Plenty Of Fish? What is probably happening is you have been blacklisted on POF, meaning that the website recognizes your IP address/browser/cookies and is simply not letting you create an account.

The way to get around this:

  • Create a new account on POF using a totally different browser that was not used for your prior account.


  • Totally clear your current browsers history.

If this STILL doesn't work then, in addition to the the above step(s) ...

  • Change your IP address. Your IP address is a unique number assigned to your PC/tablet/phone. It is one of the ways that POF recognizes who you are. There are instructions on this site for changing your IP address for all the major browsers. Use the search bar above.

Once You Have Successful Created Your POF Account

Once you have finally found a username that works and your create your account, there are a couple of really neat tools we have that can help you out with your dating on POF.

  • POF Username Search for when you get an email that says that usernamexyz wants to meet you but you don't want to pay to upgrade to see who it is and start talking with them.
  • POF Auto Message Sender which takes your advanced search settings and finds girls who are interested in you without you having to do any work or spend any time at it.
  • Plenty Of Fish Fast which sort of machine gun Wants to Meet Me on POF so that tons of singles get notified you are interested and a lot more women/men start looking at your profile.

POF can be a real pain in the ass with some things but they are 100% free and probably better than most paid or free dating sites. I hope this page has helped reduce at least one of your POF frustrations and you have been able to successfully find a username that sticks.



Feel free to submit your comment below. Anything that does not contribute and is just spam will automatically be deleted. Questions marked by * are required. Comments are checked by a human to make sure they are not spam/automated and are on topic and related to Can't Find A Username For POF Plenty Of Fish? ② Possible Reasons.
* I cant pick a user name. It says letters a-z, underscores, and etc. The username I want is loniwantstobethe1. It meets all the criteria but won’t let me move on to create an account. Please get back to me.
Loni, the problem is your email address. I kept having the same problem with your desired usernames and even mades changes and it would not let me proceed. I was using your gmail address. When I change the email address to it let me continue. I can only assume your gmail address is already associated with another POF account that is either currently active or has been deleted. Use a different email address. If that is not it, it means you already had a account that was deleted. POF is grabbing the cookies from your webbrowser to know that. Try clearing out your cookies and history and try creating an account on POF again. Still doesn't work, try a different browser.

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