This page is going to show you how to how to hide who you viewed on Plenty Of Fish dating.
This allows you to visit other singles profiles without them knowing you looked at their profiles giving you more privacy on
🧾 How You Can Be Invisible 👁 on Plenty of Fish 🐟
The default settings if Plenty Of Fish dating are that anytime a persons profile is looked at by another member, an image of that person is added to the library of all other people who have looked at your profile. Members of POF can see every and any one who has viewed their profile by:
- Clicking the Viewed Me tab/link at the top of every page of Plenty Of fish.
To me this is no big deal but to a lot of members this is considered a breach of privacy. Read on to learn several ways you can make it so that whose profile you look at remains your business and noone elses.
How to Hide Who you Viewed on Plenty of Fish the Legit Way
There are several ways you can view other peoples dating profiles on Plenty Of Fish without them ever knowing you viewed their profile(you won't show up in the on the page that appears when you click the Viewed Me
menu item at the top).
Although Plenty Of Fish documentation states that you have to be an upgraded user to hide who you viewed, at the time of this writing the features is still available:
- Go to Mail Settings by clicking that link ☜ or ...
- Click Edit Profile menu item.
- Click the Mail Settings tab/link.
- In the section labeled ADJUST YOUR MAIL SETTINGS look for where it says Allow a user to see that I viewed their profile:.
- From the dropdown box select
- Be sure to save these settings by clicking the Update Mail Settings button near the bottom of the page.
If you do not see the text that says Allow a user to see that I viewed their profile: with the dropdown box next to it then it means Plenty Of Fish has it hidden. You can actually make it visible and then set the setting. Instructions are a little complicated to provide in text so watch the video above at the 1 minute position for the video instructions.
How to Hide Who you Viewed on Plenty of Fish the Hacked Way
This method of being able to hide who you have viewed on Plenty Of Fish is probably more secure and better.
- Go to the View POF Profiles No Login tool.
- Select the options to view profiles of your preference. You can select the age, location and relationship type they are looking for.
- Press the
Create POF Search Links Below
button. This will create two links, one to view profiles as text results and the other to view images of profiles that match your search settings.
- Clicking any of the profile results returned in the search will take you to that profile. Because you are not logged in you will be totally hidden and not show up in the
Viewed Me
section of
How to Hide Who you Viewed on Plenty of Fish the Hacked Way
This method of being able to hide who you have viewed on Plenty Of Fish is probably more secure and better.
- Go to the View POF Profiles No Login tool.
- Select the options to view profiles of your preference. You can select the age, location and relationship type they are looking for.
- Press the
Create POF Search Links Below
button. This will create two links, one to view profiles as text results and the other to view images of profiles that match your search settings.
- Clicking any of the profile results returned in the search will take you to that profile. Because you are not logged in you will be totally hidden and not show up in the
Viewed Me
section of
How to Hide Who you Viewed on Plenty of Fish Another Way
Another way to be able to view peoples profiles without them knowing you viewed their profiles is to create a second, dummy POF account just for such purposes. When you view their profile with the dummy account they will have no idea who you really are so your true identity will remain hidden to those people whose profiles you have viewed.