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Text Transcript of Video Showing 🎬 Video Instructions About The Right Way To Hide Myself 👁 on POF 🐟
00:01 In this video I'm going to show you how you can completely hide who you have viewed on Plenty of Fish so people won't know that you viewed their dating profile.
00:11 On Plenty of Fish anybody can see who's looked at their profile by simply clicking the link Viewed Me
. This will show every single person that has looked at your profile which also means that any single persons profile you look at on PlentyofFish they're going to be able to see that you looked at their profile. I'm going to show you a couple of ways to avoid being visible on this Viewed Me
00:33 Log on to your Plenty Of Fish account, click on Edit Profile
, Mail Settings
and tweak where it reads Allow People to see that I Viewed their Profile
. Some Plenty Of Fish dating members report this feature is not available unless you are an upgraded member. I am not an upgraded member and I can edit and access this control feature on Plenty Of Fish so I am not sure why this is not available to some members.
01:02 If this control feature is not visible to you, it is very easy to fix. PlentyOf Fish, what they usually do when they want to have features hidden from users as they don't delete them from the HTML code, they actually just hide them so all you have to do is where it reads Within
, regarding distance, right click with the mouse and click the menu item inspect
and as the inspection screens open you'll see with that the part of the HTML code that is highlighted is where you right-clicked. Go down just a little bit, click to open these accordions that reveal more information.
01:37 And with just a little bit of searching here in the inspect window you'll be able to find the text Viewed Me
. Where the code reads display:none;
. Change the word none
to block
. Then click your Mouse anywhere away from the inspect window on the actual web page and you will see the ability to hide who you viewed becomes visible allowing you to toggle this setting so you can now view other people's profiles completely invisible to other Plenty Of Fish members.
01:56 In fact, 100% free browser add-on will allow you to unhide anything on any web page and they can be found at the View Hidden Content on Any Web Page web page.
02:15 There is a free tool on our website that allows you to browse POF without signing into Plenty Of Fish But unfortunately significant changes to Plenty of Fish as rendered this tool useless at this point.
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