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find us on: User Search Stopped Working Since 2016⁉ Here's The New Plenty Of User Search‼

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Plenty Of Member Search No Longer Available 2016⁉ New Plenty Of Member Search‼

Click to Play Video About Username Search Stopped Available 2016⁉ Here's The New Plenty Of Fish Search‼
  • Relationship Between Pof Meet Me And Pof Username Search
  • How to Perform Pof Username Search With Pof Username Search Gone?
  • How the Pof Username Search App Works
  • Download Pof Username Search App

Relationship Between POF Meet Me and POF Username Search

Many women use the 'Meet Me' feature on POF as an indirect and lady-like way to introduce themselves to a guy. An image of a guy would have three buttons below the image with the caption "do you want to meet [username]?". When a women clicks YES the guy would get an email indicating the girls interest. The email would say "[username] wants to meet you. Click here to upgrade to paid POF membership to see who it is. The guy could simply copy and paste the girls username in the POF username search page and visit the girls profile without having to upgrade.

Marcus Frind (owner of POF) and the marketing crew must have realized this bypass of paid membership was going on so they removed the username search from the Plenty Of Fish dating site in 2016. Its seems as though it is still available in some countries but not others which indicates the POF crew is doing some testing or marketing research on the effects of removing their username search.

How to Perform POF Username Search with POF Username Search Gone?

You can still perform unlimited username searches on Plenty Of Fish via our free software program POF Username Search. POF Username Search is a bare bones, fast and reliable software app that allows you to enter a username and instantly view the profile of that username and message them if you wish.

How the POF Username Search App Works

  1. Enter a username in the programs text box.
  2. Click the POF Username Search button.
  3. In a second or two, any profiles matching that username appear.
  4. Single click the username(s) to instantly view a preview of that persons profile so you can see what they look like.
  5. Double click the username(s) to launch the web page of the POF username in your default web browser so you can message them and visit their profile on POF.
Pof Username Search Main Screen.
Image of Pof Username Search Main Screen.
Pof Username Search Main Screen.

Download POF Username Search App

The POF Username Search program has been replaced by the web based version of the software program. This is because the software program only worked on Windows computers. The web based POF Username search is also 100% free but it works on any internet enabled device, including cell phones.

  1. Visit the POF Username Search page.
  2. Scroll about 1/4 of the way down the page and you will see the POF username search tool.
  3. Enter a username or partial username.
  4. Press the button with the text Search POF for Username.
  5. There are two sections of search results. The first sections displays any paid, upgraded member of POF that match search query. The second section are free members matching the username search.



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