Mass Messaging on Plenty Of Fish Dating
Mass messaging on Plenty Of Fish dating is mostly for men and means to send a message to multipe women at the same time. The point of this? To save time. Guys generally get a very low percentage of replies to first emails they send to women. This is because the attractive women on any dating site gets all the emails. In fact many women get dozens of emails every day. Unless you are extremely good looking or your profile really stands out, you probably are going to be overlooked a lot.
Sending out 10 emails and getting 1 or 2 replies is disappointing. Mass messaging allows you to send dozens of first time emails very quickly so if you only get 1 or 2 replies for every 10 emails sent out, no big deal.
Avoid POF Account Deletion Because of Mass Messaging and Copy & Paste Messages
Here is the big problem with mass messaging on POF. It can and will get your POF account deleted unless you do it the right way. Copy and paste is the wrong way. This is where you send the same exact message to multiple people.
Plenty Of Fish has strong anti-spam algorithms in place. Any of the following mass messaging behaviors will trip that alarm and get your account deleted:
- Sending too many messages too fast.
- Copy and paste or sending the same message more than 4 or 5 times in a day.
- Messages with links in them.
Proper and Most Efficient Way to Mass Message on POF
In order to get away with mass messaging on Plenty Of Fish you have to have a system that does ALL of the following:
- Every message that gets sent must be unique.
- There must be a pause between message sends. If you send 50 messages in 30 seconds, this is not normal human behavior that the POF anti-spam alarms will catch. You need to have a pause of at least 20 - 30 seconds between message sends.
- The pause between message sends must be varied. Again, it is not normal for a human being to sending a message exactly every 30 seconds. The pause between message sends has to be different. For example:
- 20 seconds pause after the first message.
- 29 seconds pause after the second message.
- 33 seconds pause after the third message.
- 27 seconds pause after the fourth message.
- etc.
POF Auto Message Sender Mass Messaging Settings To Avoid Account Deletion.
![Image of POF Auto Message Sender Mass Messaging Settings To Avoid Account Deletion. Image of POF Auto Message Sender Mass Messaging Settings To Avoid Account Deletion.]()
POF Auto Message Sender Mass Messaging Settings To Avoid Account Deletion.
POF Auto Message Bot has all kinds of features built in that make its mass messaging look like a human being and not a bot. In fact, as of yet, there has not been a single report of one single POF account being deleted from using the software to mass message girls. If you have another system in mind for mass messaging, we would love to hear about it in the comments below.