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POF 🐟 Tokens Hack - Better than Free Tokens on POF

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Plenty Of Free 🐟 Tokens Hack - Better Than Free Tokens On Plenty Of Fish

Click to Play Video About Plenty Of Fish 🐟 Tokens Hack - Better Than Free Tokens On
  • What Are Tokens for on POF Dating?
  • Avoid Free POF Tokens Scams
  • Better than POF Tokens Hack
  • Another POF Hack to Stand out and Get Noticed
  • POF Tokens Hack to Get Free Tokens?

This page is going to explain how to not actually get free tokens from Plenty Of Fish, but to get most of the benefits free tokens would give you without having actually pay for tokens.

What Are Tokens for on POF Dating?

Tokens, on Plenty Of Fish dating, give you added benefits and features free users don't have on POF. These added benefits that tokens provide on POF include:

  • If you bother with the POF Meet Me section, you can send a SUPER YES instead of just a NO, MAYBE or YES. This seems like a complete waste of time. Is someone really going to be more interested in you because you sent a SUPER YES. You could also use the Plenty Of Fish Fast software to say YES to hundreds of POF members fast.
  • Your profile gets highlighted. When you see a POF profile in the search results that has a beige background instead of the normal white background - that is highlighted profile. Again, is this going to get people to be more interested in that person? I don't think so.
  • Messages you send to POF members appear at the top of all other messages. This feature might have some value. While having your message at the top of all other messages gets your message seen first, if your headline is boring or your profile does not stand out at all, in a positive way, this benefit is pretty much negated.
POF Tokens Benefit Highlighted Profile.
Image of POF Tokens Hack Highlighted Profile.
POF Tokens Benefit Highlighted Profile.

Avoid Free POF Tokens Scams

If you do an online search for POF tokens hack or something similar, you will run into a few sites claiming to give you free POF tokens just by downloading their app to your cell phone. We have tried these and they are all BS. Either they ask you to fill out a survey, and once you do THEY will make a commission but you will NOT get free tokens, or when you click the link it leads you to some offer on some porn site or other dating site which the owner of the website will make affiliate commissions.

Better than POF Tokens Hack

While the following POF Tokens hack will not give you the benefits of #1 or #2 above, this is a simple message hack you can use that will be close to if not just as effective as having your messages appear at the top of the users inbox. Insert a lot of underscores _ into your username. For a username POF allows numbers, letters and underscores. So for example instead of JeffBeatham12 how about J_E_F_F__S_H_A_R_P_S? Because of all the underscores its highly unlikely the username is take and it really stands out. Remember, when someone gets and email from you they see your username and your picture in their inbox.

Now if you already created your profile, unfortunately your username is set in stone unless you upgrade. If that is the case, I think it would be worth your while to create a brand new POF account or pay to upgrade because this simple little hack WILL make your message in her inbox stand out and get attention as well as raise curiosity enought that it will be pretty tough for someone to not click on your message.

Inbox Attention Grabbing Username.
Image of POF Tokens Hack Inbox Attention Grabbing Username.
Inbox Attention Grabbing Username.

Another hack to have your message appear at the top or very close is to send a message to the POF member when they are ONLINE NOW.

Why? When a person first logs onto Plenty Of Fish, first thing they do is look at their messages. Isn't that the first thing you do when you log into POF. If you send a message to someone when they are online now, chances are their inbox has little to no messages (because they have already read their messages and deleted them) so when you send your message it will automatically be near or at the top.

Message People who are Online Now.
Image of Pof Stay Logged In Online Now.
Message People who are Online Now.

Another thing you can do is make your main profile picture extremely attention getting. Since your username and main profile picture will appear in their inbox, making your username and main profile picture really jump out and scream will work wonders at getting attention and getting singles on POF to view your profile. The more profile views the more people who will respond to your email. And as previously stated, when someone gets and email from you they see your username and your picture in their inbox. Make these two things stand out and your messages to singles will jump right out when compared to the other messages they get.

Another POF Hack to Stand Out and Get Noticed

  • Send a bunch of messages spread out over several hours. You want to be careful how you do this so you don't come off like a stalker. But the idea here is lets say you appear in her inbox as message #1, #5, #9 and #13, you are going to be remembered and stand out. She is going to see you in her inbox multiple times instead of just once. This repetition alone is going to make her think about and remember you.
  • Every day send her a message where you ask her about her day and tell her about yours. In other words, this method forces her to think about you every day. It also shows you are interested enough in her that you are persistant. Just pretend the girl is already a friend of yours and you are contacting her every day to give her a daily update on your life. She is either going to do one of two things:
  • Block you. If this happens then she probably never would have had interest in you no matter what, so nothing lost.
  • Make her think of you every day over a period of time. This will automatically make her begin to feel more comfortable with you and make her feel like you are a friend. Your chances of getting a response will increase every day. Remember most women on POF get emails from guys that just want a hookup. This persistance on your part shows you are there for the long term and you are really interested in her as a person.

POF Tokens Hack to Get Free Tokens?

If you do a Google search for this term, your going to see a lot of webpages but they are all bs. Most of them promise to expose a trick to get free tokens on POF but you have to perform a survey first which pays the website owner a commission but I guarantee you, you will not get free POF tokens. Use some of the methods above which will be much more effective and powerful than free POF tokens. Even if you do find a POF tokens hack that works, I am willing to bet it won't take too long for POF to delete your account permanently.



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