Why Does Plenty Of Fish Dating Ask for Your Income Level When you Join?
When you first join Plenty Of Fish, there are tons of questions you have to have answer that mostly seem pointless, and mostly they are pointless. One thing that POF.com asks you for, that is really none of their business, is what your income bracket is via a combo box where you can choose one of the following income levels:
- Less than $25,000.
- $25,001 to $35,000.
- $35,001 to $50,000.
- $50,001 to $75,000.
- $75,001 to $100,000.
- $100,001 to $150,000.
- $150,000+
Plenty Of Fish Income Combo Box Income Selection
![Image of Plenty Of Fish Income Combo Box Income Selection. Image of Plenty Of Fish Income Combo Box Income Selection.]()
Plenty Of Fish Income Combo Box Income Selection
The website SAYS the reason they ask for income is that it is used, in combination with birth order for behind the scenes matching. This may be PARTIALLY true in that two people who are at a similar income level are more likely to get along because one person isn't going to feel taken advantage of or used but there are few other reasons.
Income Level is Important to Plenty Of Fish Advertisers
Notice how there are ads all over Plenty Of Fish? When an advertiser creates a Plenty Of Fish advertising acccount, when creating a marketing project, the income of the people the ads target is one of the choices the advertiser has. In other words maybe an advertiser on POF is looking to advertise only to people with a higher level of income.
Plenty Of Fish advertisers pay for advertising one of two ways:
- Flat fee per click. This means every time a POF member clicks the ad, the advertiser gets charged.
- Flat fee per every 1,000 impressions. Impressions mean page views. Every time a page is loaded by any Plenty Of Fish member that causes the ad to display counts as an impression.
As you can see, by filtering who sees the advertisement based upon income, the advertiser hopes to avoid worthless clicks that cost them money and don't result in a sale.
Plenty Of Fish Income Campaign Targeting Section For Advertisers
![Image of Plenty Of Fish Income Campaign Targeting Section For Advertisers. Image of Plenty Of Fish Income Campaign Targeting Section For Advertisers.]()
Plenty Of Fish Income Campaign Targeting Section For Advertisers
Plenty Of Fish Builds its Own Marketing Profiles
Plenty Of Fish will use this income information for their own in house marketing. For example, Plenty Of Fish might want to know the average income brackett of people who upgrade to a paid membership. This helps THEM target their own marketing and advertising better.
Which Income Level Should I Choose
Your best bet, for both privacy, and matching algorithms, stick to middle of the road. Just lie and select an income level of somewhere between $40,000 - $75,000. It is really no ones business, including Plenty Of Fish's, and I can guarantee you choosing the correct or truthful answer to this question is NOT going to help you meet Mr. or Mrs. Right.