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Cloak 🕵 Affiliate Links on Facebook ⓕ

short url:
  • Hiding or Cloaking Affilaite Links on
  • Step #1 - Get a Domain Name
  • Step #2 - Get Web Hosting
  • Step #3 - Create Simple Web Pages that Redirect to Affiliate Links
  • Word of Advice About Posting Affiliate Links on Facebook
  • Need Help Hiding Affiliate Links on Facebook?

Hiding or Cloaking Affilaite Links on

Not only can affiliate links not be posted on Facebook, but you can't even use url shorteners because both affiliate links and url shorteners goes against Facebook community standards.

The first idea people give in regards to hiding or cloaking affiliate links on Facebook is the use of url shorteners which take your affiliate link and convert it into a shortened url from a url shortening service. This USE to work on Facebook but now when you try to post your affiliate link on Facebook you get the error message that you can't post the link because it goes against community standards.

Affiliate Links Go Against Facebook Community Standards
Image of How To Hide Affiliate Links Facebook Post Cant Be Shared Goes Against Facebook Community Standards.
Affiliate Links Go Against Facebook Community Standards

You still CAN post affiliate links on Facebook as long as you don't mind spending about $60 a year to pay for a domain name and web hosting. If this idea scares you don't let it. It is really not that difficult, especially if all you care about is being able to post affiliate links on Facebook and other online places that forbid affiliate links and/or shortened urls.

  • A domain name (the that you will be posting links to Facebook), costs about $10 per year.
  • Basic web hosting is about $3 - $4 per month.

How to Hide Affiliate Links on Facebook Step #1 Get a Domain Name

The basic method we are going to use consists of creating our own simple website strictly for the purpose of forwarding to our affiliate link from our own website.

For each affiliate product/affiliate url we wish to promote on Facebook, we will create a very simple web page that automatically forwards to our affiliate link. This is extremely easy to do and the following step by step instructions will allow you to perfectly hide your affiliate links on or any other website.

Think of a web address or domain name. The ideal domain name is one that is short and easy to remember. Your best bet is to stick to a .com domain name because it is inexpensive and it is what most people are use to.

  • If you are affiliate marketing a single product on Facebook, make the domain name closely related to that product. For example if you are affiliate marketing an acne cure perhaps
  • If you are affiliate marketing more than one product but all the products you are affiliate marketing and want to post url's for on Facebook are in a similar category, then think of a domain name that relates to the category. Using the above example you could use the domain name
  • If you are affiliate marketing different products that are not within the same category, then just think of any domain name that is short and easy to remember.

How to Hide Affiliate Links on Facebook Step #2 Get Web Hosting

To upload files to your new web host your are going to need a client ftp program like Filezilla, which is free.

Because our website is only going to be used to redirect our links to our affiliate links so we can post them on Facebook hidden, you don't need any complicated or special. Go with cheap.

Here is a list of a few of the cheaper web hosts so the ability to post affiliate links to Facebook is not expensive at all. While having your own website might seem like a daunting task, consider the fact that you are in full control of a website that you own so you can do as you wish, when you wish. You don't have to worry about your affiliate links being deleted by a url shortening service.

To keep things as uncomplicated and as simple as possible I recommend purchasing your web hosting AND domain name at the same company. Otherwise you will have to worry about changing your nameservers and a few other more complicated things like that. For the reason we have listed places that have BOTH a domain name and web hosting.

  • Godaddy: who hasn't heard of this one? Web hosting starts at around $6 per month.
  • Namecheap: Namecheap sells BOTH domain names and web hosting. Namecheaps web hosting starts at under $3 per month.
  • Name: web hosting starts at about $5 per month.

Keep in mind, for the purposes of your website being an auto redirect hub to your affiliate links, you are NOT going to need Wordpress or anything like that.

Tip: don't do a Google search for web hosting. Most of the search results will have the title in the search listing that reads something like 10 best web hosts or 7 most affordable web hosts, or something like that. These websites are not actually web hosting companies but website owners offering their recommendations when in reality they are getting paid affiliate commissions when you sign up. Instead Google search buy domain name, then visit the sites and look for the ones where you can buy a domain name AND they sell web hosting as well.

How to Hide Affiliate Links on Facebook Step #3 Create Simple Web Pages that Redirect to Affiliate Links

Creating web pages that instantly redirect to our affiliate links and can be posted on Facebook is so easy it is ridiculous. Here is the exact single line of code you will need to do this.

  1. Simply change to whatever your affiliate link is.
  2. Save the page as a .php page using a short page name. It could be as simple as 1.php. So for example if your domain name is the link you would post to Facebook would be
  3. To create a second page that redirects to a completely different affiliate link that you can promote on Facebook and hide the fact that it is an affiliate link, using the same php code above, again, replacing to whatever the second affiliate link is, and name the page 2.php.

You could even insert a pause into the script so that the redirection to your affiliate link does not happen until X number of seconds goes by. This would further disguise your affiliate links on Facebook because the web service built into Facebook that tries to determine where you link goes would not work because of the delay. Below is a slight alteration of the above code to take this pause into consideration. The example below uses a 5 second pause but you can change the 5 to any number of seconds you wish and of course, once again you want to change to what your affiliate link really is.

Word of Advice About Posting Affiliate Links on Facebook

While this method will work, if you start spamming like crazy, eventually Facebook is going to block your domain name and your time has been wasted. It is even possible Facebook will deleted your account depending upon how crazing you go with the spamming. In short, don't be a dick. Don't JUST post your link but post some helpful and useful information along with the link. That way other people on Facebook are much less likely to get annoyed and report you to Facebook.

The safest and most effective way to post your affiliate links on Facebook is to join Facebook groups that are related to where your affiliate link leads to. Then become a valuable contributor to these Facebook groups and not a spammer. Every once in a while, toss in an affiliate link from your new website.

Need Help Being Able to Hide Affiliate Links on Facebook?

If you have a few questions, feel free to contact us. For a nominal fee we will set the whole thing up for you and have you ready to post your affiliate links on Facebook in less than 48 hours. People on Facebook hate spammers but they love people who are helpful.


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