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🧾 Information of Methods To Ban 🛑 any Ebay Buyer

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This page will show you This page is going to show you how to ban an ebay buyer so they can no longer participate in any of your future ebay auctions or purchase any items you have for sale on ebay.

This page will also show you why you might want to ban certain buyers on

🧾 Information of Methods To Ban 🛑 any Ebay Buyer

To ban any ebay member, including and ebay buyer from being able to purchase anything from you in the future and prevent this ebay member from being able to participate in any of your future ebay auctions:

  1. Copy to clipboard the username of the ebay member you wish to ban.
  2. Go to the ban ebay member page at
  3. Paste the ebay username, you have copied to clipboard, into the textbox that holds the usernames of ebay members you wish to ban. Make sure you separated each user with a comma.
  4. Press the Submit button to save the changes.

All usernames you have saved to the banned ebay members textbox will no longer be able to purchase anything from you on ebay or be able to participate in an of your ebay auctions.

Ebays Unfair Feedback System

A major flaw with the ebay feedback system is that it highly favors the buyer to the point where ebay buyers can be dishonest and pretend there is something wrong with what they purchased from you simply because the buyer is aware of how vigorously ebay sellers wish to avoid negative feedback.

I have had several ebay buyers claim something was wrong with what they recieved from me when I know for a fact they were lying. These few people knew I don't want the negative feedback affecting my ebay reputation and these buyers knew they would get a refund and get my product free.

Giving Ebay Buyers Negative Feedback

Because the seller can't give a buyer negative feedback, the buyer has absolutely no repercussions to worry about. This is a major flaw in the ebay buyer/seller arrangement that has to be changed. It use to be that a seller can leave a buyer negative feedback but, for some reason, ebay has taken that ability away from the seller.

This biggest downside to this is any ebay buyer can make up a false complaint and request a refund and the buyer knows that 99% of the time the seller will give that person a refund just to avoid the negative feedback. Not fair to ebay sellers at all

The Next Best Thing to Leaving Negative Feedback For an Ebay Buyer

Although you can't actually leave negative feedback for a buyer you can leave feedback and make sure to include attention drawing ascii characters to the feedback you leave him or her.

When you leave your feedback for the ebay buyer, make sure to surround you feedback with lots of attention drawing ascii characters so when anyone looks at that buyers feedback they can't miss your feedback.

Here are a bunch of these characters you can use to surround your feedback that you leave for the bad buyer. Even though you can't leave negative feedback, using these attention getting characters will seriously draw attention to your feedback so it will have a similar effect. Simply copy any one of the attention getting characters below and repeatedly paste at the start and end of your feedback. You can find many more of these attention getting ascii characters to help accentuate feedback you want to leave for a buyer.

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