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Fantastic Keywords 🔑 for Google Adsense

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  • Fantastic Keywords 🔑 for Google Adsense
  • Adsense Shows you the Best Keywords 🔑 for Adsense
  • Best Keywords 🔑 for Adsense Instead of Highest Paying Keywords 🔑
  • List of Highest Paying Adsense Keywords 🔑 per Click
  • Boosting your Adsense Income Further
  • Trick to Getting Google Long Tail Keyword Search Volume

Fantastic Keywords 🔑 for Google Adsense

The best keywords for Adsense are NOT the highest paying keywords. The best keywords for Adsense are the keywords that will get you the highest percentage of clicks.

The reason you don't want to concentrate on the highest paying Adsense keywords are that the highest paying Adsense keywords have TONS and TONS of competition. If your web pages are on the fifth page of Google search results, nobody will see and visit your web page so you are not going to get any Adsense clicks.

Adsense Shows you the Best Keywords 🔑 for Adsense

If you already have a blog or website that already has Adsense ads on it, finding the best keywords for Adsense is simple and right there in front of you.

  1. Use a web browser that has no history or run your web browser and completely clear its history so the results of this are not skewed. You want to make sure that Adsense displays ads based solely upon the content of your web pages and not your web browser and internet activity and history.
  2. Visit any one of your web pages that has Adsense ads on it.
  3. Notice the ads that are being displayed. Make web pages that are keyword optimized for the exact content of the Adsense ads showing on your web pages right now.

For example, lets say you have a web page about cat food. You notice the Adsense ads are for a specific brand of cat food. Make a web page about that specific brand of cat food. As another example, you have a web page about radar detectors. You notice the adsense ads are for Cobra radar detectors. Make a web page about Cobra radar detectors.

Using the method above, your web pages will be so relevant to the Adsense ads that the clickthrough rate on the ads should be quite high resulting in great income.

You want to make sure that when you create the web pages that are super optimized and targeted to the Adsense ads already being displayed on your web pages that you target low competition, long tail keyword phrases.

Using our previous example of Cobra radar detectors, using your favorite keyword scraping or testing tool, input the root keyword phrase cobra radar detector. From the list of keyword phrases that get scraped, test them to find the keyword phrases that have the least amount of competition and create web pages targeted to these low competition, long tail keyword phrases related to radar detectors.

There is no reason you can't create multiple web pages highly targeted to the Adsense ads already being displayed on your website. Using the Cobra radar detectors example, you could create a separate web page for each model they have. If you have the right keyword tool, you should be able to come up with dozens of web pages you can create that have little competition.

My favorite keyword tool for the job is Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker, but then again, my opinion is biased because I created that software for scrapersNbots.

Best Keywords 🔑 for Adsense Instead of Highest Paying Keywords 🔑

I know all to well how alluring the highest paying keywords for Adsense can be. Keyword phrases like auto insurance or lawyer or credit and other keywords phrases like that that pay $5, $10, even $20 and more per click.

Forget it. That is not the way to go, I promise you. You are not the first one to come up with the idea of creating content targeted towards these high paying Adsense topics. The competition is so fierce you will be lucky to get onto page #10 of Google search results for the keyword phrase.

Just follow the instructions above for finding and using the best keywords for Adsense. If you merely double your clickthrough rate on the ads, you just doubled your income.

List of Highest Paying Adsense Keywords 🔑 per Click

For your amusement and fantasy, here are some of the HIGHEST paying keywords for Adsense (remember highest paying does NOT mean best). These keywords pay between $20 - $50 .per click.

  • Insurance.
  • Gas.
  • Electricity.
  • Loans.
  • Mortgage.
  • Attorney.
  • Lawyer.
  • Donate.
  • Conference.
  • Degree.
  • Credit.

Boosting your Adsense Income Further

You may not be aware that you can associate your Adsense account to your YouTube account. When you create new web pages using the best keywords for Adsense, don't forget to make a video about your new content. Link your Adsense account to your YouTube account and then enable advertising on your YouTube videos. The money your earn from ads on your YouTube videos will be credited to your Adsense account.

Of course don't forget to put a link in your YouTube video description that links back to the web page about the topic your created the video on. You might get clicks on ads both in YouTube and your web page.

Trick to Getting Google Long Tail Keyword 🔑 Search Volume

If you want to get accurate search volume in Google for a long tail keyword phrase, here's a little trick you can use.

  1. Create a Google AdWords account.
  2. Create a Google AdWords advertisement that gets displayed only when that exact long-tail keyword phrase is typed into Google search.
  3. Make sure you bid as high on the ad as you need to so the advertisement consistently displays on the first page of Google search results. Make the ad very unappealing and boring to make sure nobody clicks on it so it doesn't cost you any money. You want to know the number of Impressions the ad gets in a month without having to pay any money.

While this may seem like a very circuitous route to finding the Google search volume for a long-tail keyword phrase, it is the only real accurate way to do it. Of course you could also run multiple ads at the same time using different keyword phrases for each ad.

Google Adwords Trick to Find Long Tail Keyword Search Volume
Image showing Google Adwords Trick to Find Long Tail Keyword Search Volume.
Google Adwords Trick to Find Long Tail Keyword Search Volume


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