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Instantly Learn How Many Search Requests 🔎 Any Keyword Phrase Gets

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Discover How Many Search Queries 🔎 For Any Keyword Phrase

Click to Play Video About Find Out How Many Search Queries 🔎 Any Keyword Receives
  • Super Easy and Accurate Keyword Search Volume Data
  • Step by Step - the Youtube Method of Keyword Volume Search Data
  • a Faster Way to Get Keyword Search Volume Results
  • Forget Keyword Research Tools Like Wordtracker or Semrush
  • Keyword Research Has Changed Dramatically

Super Easy and ACCURATE Keyword Search Volume Data

The easiest and fastest way to get an idea of search volume for ANY keyword phrase is just go to and perform a search in the youtube search box.

Why is this a good indicator of the number of times a keyword is searched on Google ❓ Think about it for a second:

  1. Youtube is owned by Google.
  2. Youtube is one of the most visited and most popular websites there is, next to Google.
  3. Most searches on Google will display at least one youtube video on the first page of search results.

Because of these three facts, you can say that YouTube is a good reflection of of what is happening on Google. If a keyword phrase is getting a lot of traffic on Google and there is a YouTube video on the first page of search results, won't that YouTube video ALSO get a lot of traffic ❓

Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Google Search Results Include Youtube Video.
Image of Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Google Search Results Include Youtube Video.
Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Google Search Results Include Youtube Video.

Step by Step - the Youtube Method of Keyword Volume Search Data

  1. Go to
  2. Start typing your desired long tail keyword phrase into the youtube search box. As you begin typing you will notice a dropdown box with suggested keywords that youtube THINKS you may be typing. This information is based upon past searches by other youtube searchers. If, when you get to the last word or two of your keyword phrase, you do not see your keyword phrase in the drop down box, this means that keyword phrase is not getting sufficient searches to be put in the drop down box so right there is a pretty good indicator that keyword phrase has very low search volume so there is no need to proceed with this process. If you DO see your keyword phrase in the dropdown box, GREAT! Click it.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Youtube Search Dropdown Box Auto Suggest.
    Image of Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Youtube Search Dropdown Box Auto Suggest.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Youtube Search Dropdown Box Auto Suggest.
  3. Click the Filters button which will be at the top of the page right above the first video result from your search.
  4. Select Sort by ➩ View Count.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Youtube Filters Sortby View Count.
    Image of Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Youtube Filters Sortby View Count.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Youtube Filters Sort by View Count.
  5. Take note of the top 5 videos, the 5 videos on YouTube that are getting the most traffic for your keyword phrase.
  6. For each of these five videos, find out the date the video was uploaded.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Youtube Upload Date.
    Image of Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Youtube Upload Date.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Youtube Upload Date.
  7. Calculate the number of days ago that was.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Number Days Between Dates.
    Image of Date Difference Tool - Enter # Days Between Now and Upload Date.
    Enter # Days Between Now and Upload Date.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Number Days Between Dates.
    Image of Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Number Days Between Dates.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Number Days Between Dates.
  8. Take the number of days the video has been online and divide it by the total view count the video has received. This will give you the AVERAGE number of views per day that each of the top five videos is getting.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Number Video Views Divided By Days Since Upload.
    Image of Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Number Video Views Divided By Days Since Upload.
    Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Number Video Views Divided By Days Since Upload.

The average daily views, or popularity on YouTube, of these five, most viewed, videos is going to provide a very accurate reflection of the popularity of your keyword phrase on Google.

Although you are not going to get an exact number of searches per month the keyword phrase is getting, you will get enough information with this method to know if a keyword phrase is word going ahead with, in terms of creating content, such as a blog post, etc.

A Faster Way to Get Keyword Search Volume Results

You can perform the above steps for any keyword phrase but there is a much, much faster and more efficient way to do this and that is with the ViralYouTubeSoft program. Here is how to do it:

  1. Double click the software to run it.
  2. Click on the View Competition Link.
  3. Enter your keyword phrase.
  4. Click the View Competition button.
  5. In a second or two the top 20 YouTube videos for that keyword phrase are displayed showing the average number of daily views for each of the videos.
Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Viral Youtube Soft Average Daily Views.
Image of Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Viral Youtube Soft Average Daily Views.
Instantly Find Out How Many Searches Viral Youtube Soft Average Daily Views.

Forget Keyword Research Tools Like Wordtracker or SEMrush

The reason I say to forget about keyword research companies online, is how can any of these companies have ANY accurate idea of the type, direction, volume and scope of traffic Google is getting❓ It's absolutely not possible and on top of that, the accuracy of Googles own keyword search volume is questionable and often times way off so how can these other keyword research companies possibly offer accurate keyword volume data?❓ The whole concept of these online keyword tools giving you accurate keyword search volume is one of the biggest bullsh** scams going in SEO.

Keyword Research has Changed Dramatically

Over time, the ability to find information and statistics related to keywords has become tougher and this includes getting ACCURATE data on the popularity of a particular keyword phrase.

A popular search engine who once offered easy access to the most popular keyword tool in the world has made so that, not only do you have to create an account to get volume of searches for a keyword phrase, but you have to fund that account with money as well. The most likely reason for this trend is they received thousands of visitors to their keyword tool, daily, with most of these people never paying for advertising with the search engine, which is really why their keyword tool was created in the first place.

On top of that, their keyword tool had limited value simply because:

  • It provide very few long tail keyword phrases. Most of the keyword phrases this tool churned out were in the 3 - 5 word range which is not very long tail. The reason for this is there is no advertising money in long tail keywords because they get a lower volume of searches which means less ad clicks. Light bulb going off in the head yet ❓
  • Everyone and their grandmother targets these same exact keywords.


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