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How I Discover Which Keyword Phrases 🔑 Being Searched 🔍 Related To Your Core Keyword

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Discover The Exact Keyword Phrases 🔑 Being Looked Up 🔍 Related To Your Main Keyword

Click to Play Video About Learn Which Exact Keyword Phrases 🔑 Being Looked Up 🔍 Related To Your Core Keyword
  • Multiplying 1 Keyword into Thousands
  • Find Which Keywords are Being Searched
  • How to Harvest and Scrape These Related Keyword Phrases to Build a Huge Long Tail Keyword List

Secret to Turning 1 Keyword Phrase into Thousands

As an internet/affiliate marketer/website owner, you have three, critical, ongoing tasks, which I call - WHAT, WHICH, CREATE:

  1. Find out WHAT keywords people are searching for, related to your niche.
  2. Find out WHICH of these keyword phrases have little to zero competition.
  3. CREATE content (blog post, web pages, youtube videos, etc) tightly focused around the keyword phrases identified in the first two steps.

This page is going to show you how to easily take a root or starting keyword phrase and quickly multiply that into hundreds or even thousands of related keyword phrases that are being searched for on Google.

To Find Out What Keywords Are Being Searched

To find out what keywords are being searched on Google is easy and free. Google Autocomplete. (in the next section I show you how to harvest and scrape these related keyword phrases). In case you have never heard of it before, Google Auto Complete is the mechanism you witness when you begin typing a search query into Google.

Google Autocomplete Dropdown Suggestions.
Image of Google Autocomplete Dropdown Suggestions.
Google Autocomplete Dropdown Suggestions.

As you can see in the video at the top of the page, as you type, Google attempts to predict what you are searching for, to save you time. Do you think Google randomly shows these keyword phrases out of blue? Of course not. Google shows you these related keyword phrases in the dropdown box because other people have already typed what Google is showing you.

In other words, Google is showing you what keywords are being searched related to a root keyword phrase

How To Harvest And Scrape These Related Keyword Phrases To Build A Huge Long Tail Keyword List

Using our own Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker software (software both scrapes Google for long tail keywords AND tests the competition of each of the keyword phrases) you can see how fast and easy this process is of aquiring very long tail keyword phrases that other people don't have or know about and they all DO get searches from people every month (how many nobody except the search engines know and any other website that says they do is full of bs).

  1. Enter a starting or root keyword phrase.
  2. Select the options you wish including ...
  3. where (between each word of the keyword phrase or replacing words of the keyword phrase) to insert letters of the alphabet to invoke the auto complete.
  4. What to insert to invoke the auto complete (a,b,c,d ... z) and/or (aa,ab,ac ... zx,zy,zz - this option takes a lot long to complete but digs up some really hardcore, hidden keyword phrases that noone knows about or is using and this option is highly recommended) and/or (0-9).
  5. Select the county of Google you would like to scrape from. unless you are scraping keyword phrases for a local business, the United States is recommended as that is where most traffic comes from for most websites).
  6. Press the Start button.

As the auto complete is invoked, non duplicate keyword phrases will get saved to the programs keywords listbox. You can right click this list to:

  1. Sort and filter the keywords to get rid of the ones you don't want such as keywords that are less than X number of words, keywords that have or don't have particular words in them, etc.
  2. Save the keywords to file (txt,csv, or xls) OR send the keywords to the keyword tester part of the software.

Spend just a short amount of time with Long Tail Keyword Competition Checker and you will have TONS of the exact keyword phrases being searched by people that are related to your niche or root keyword phrase that have little to no direct competition online. Great some good quality and valuable content around these keyword phrases for online success with the least amount of effort.


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