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Text Transcript of Video Showing 🎬 Video Tutorial on 160+ Best Youtube Video Keywords Related to Hip Hop
00:01 This video I'm going to show you how to get the best tags related to Hip Hop.
00:05 If you scroll down this page just a little bit you're going to see 163 of the best YouTube tags for hip hop
at the time of the writing of this article however tags are dynamic meaning, what people are looking for and searching on YouTube changes over time so more importantly, you want to be able to get your own tags.
00:25 Go to YouTube. Type in a starting tag in the YouTube search text box. We will use the starting tag of hip hop music
for this example. Put the keyboard caret at the beginning of the keyword phrase. Type each letter of the alphabet, one at a time, and YouTube is going to show you tons and tons of tags as you go and the fact that these tags suggestions are showing up here means that YouTube is getting searches from people on YouTube using these exact tags meaning if you make videos about any of these tags you are going to have an audience for those videos.
01:04 You can move the keyboard caret in between each of the words of the keyword phrase and type each letter of the alphabet, one at a time, and get some really good tags that way. Finally, place the keyboard caret at the end of the entire tag in the YouTube search text box and do the same thing. Right now you are probably thinking to yourself 'this is great, you are showing me how to get all these tags but how do I save them?'.
01:23 Long Tail Keywords Competition Checker: this software finds, scrapes and saves tons of hip hop tags for you on YouTube, doing exactly what we just did but in a much faster fashion. The program also performs some tests on each of the scraped keyword phrases filtering out the tags that are too popular so you are left with just the tags that have very few videos on YouTube so you won't have much competition for your hip hop videos.
02:08 Viral YouTube Soft: lets you check competition for hip hop tags not, just on Google but on YouTube. It allows you to view the competition on YouTube so if there are other hip hop tags that are tags you want to use, you can get a bird's-eye view and see how much traffic those videos get reverse-engineer their videos, steal their tags, etc. This program also has a YouTube video description Builder which makes it a lot easier and faster to make good, long SEO optimized video description for your hip hop videos.
02:49 YouTube Auto Complete Keyword Scraper: scraping and saving tags from YouTube, this software program does exactly what we just did in YouTube. It inserts the keyboard caret at all the different points within your keyword phrase, just like we did, typing each letter of the alphabet. The software saves all of the scraped keyword phrases and removes duplicates.