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🎬 Video Tutorial on How Many Tags are You Allowed on a YouTube Video ⎚

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Text Transcript of Video Showing 🎬 Video Tutorial on How Many Tags are You Allowed on a YouTube Video ⎚

00:01 In this video I'm going to talk to you about the subject of how many tags you can use for a video upload and I'm also going to introduce you to What's called the Easy YouTube Tagger bookmarklet which provides the functionality, that is not already built into YouTube, where instead of having to manually type out each year tags separated by a comma, you can just enter a line by line list of tags, press a button and all your tags, comma separated, are automatically entered into the YouTube tags section.

00:35 At YouTube, when you upload a video, to insert tags you go to the bottom of the upload page, after you've uploaded the video and entered the title and the YouTube video description, click on the link here that says Show More and there is your tag section which is where you can add your video tags and it's not how many tags you can have its how many characters you can have. You can have as many tags as you wish that you can fit within 500 characters.

01:05 One feature about YouTube that doesn't already exist that is sort of annoying is a lot of people have access to a list of keyword phrases. Usually keyword phrases or tags are provided in a line by line format. Wouldn't it be great if you could take a line by line list of keyword phrases, copy them to your clipboard and just paste it in the YouTube video tag section? You can't because if you do that they all just get lumped together as one sloppy nonsensical tag.

01:36 This is why you may be interested in and I love with call the Easy YouTube Tagger bookmarklet. The way this bookmarklet is you click on the bookmarklet. You get this message box telling you to paste your line by line separated list of tags in this aqua colored text box. Double-click on the YouTube tags text box and your line by line list of tags automatically get pasted into the YouTube tags text box, comma separated.


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