Fixing CYLANCE Anti Virus False Trojan Alerts
If you know that a software program is safe, this page contains a tutorial on how to set file exclusions in CYLANCE anti virus.
If you know that a software program is safe, this page contains a tutorial on how to set file exclusions in CYLANCE anti virus.
When installing and testing Cylance anti-virus we found its interface is a little bit strange and the ability to customize the antivirus software seems pretty limited. Not an antivirus I would personally be comfortable with as my main line of PC defense.
Here are step by step instructions for telling Cylance to leave a software program or file alone and let it run normally, a process referred to as whitelisting or setting an exception.
If the file you wish to whitelist/allow show ups on the Device Detail
page, you can select the file/program and choose 'ALLOW' to allow it to run. If for some reason this is not possible ...
button. This will bring up a box that allows you to add the SHA256 of the file/program you would like to allow. Apparently, not many people know how to get the SHA256 for a file. If you do not, proceed to the next step. Keep in mind, the following steps will disable all auto protection against all files and not just the one you wish to whitelist, which seems like a real crappy anti-virus design so you should try your best to get the SHA256 of the file/program you would like to allow/whitelist.Settings
tab.Auto protect against suspicious files
.Auto protect against abnormal files