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🎬 Video Tutorial About The Right Way to Use Nested Spin Syntax ↺ Generator Tester Online Tool

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Text Transcript of Video Showing 🎬 Video Tutorial About The Right Way to Use Nested Spin Syntax ↺ Generator Tester Online Tool

00:01 In this video I'm going to show you all about the updated nested spin syntax generator tester online app and show you how to use it.

00:09 With this spintax generator tester tool you can either take content that's already in spin syntax, put it in this text box click the ↺ Spin ↺ button and it will reveal to you if there's any missing opening or closing brackets as well as revealing in these six bottom text boxes, how well that content is set up for spin syntax.

00:33 You could also use the spin syntax tool to create spin syntax formatted text out of regular text which can then be used in any application that supports nested spin syntax, which includes php code on a web server. I'm putting a random sentence in spintax generator tester tool now to demonstrate how to use this free tool to create spin syntax out of regular text. This tool also has a bare-bones built-in HTML editor which allows you to insert common html tags such as strong, em, code and create links.

00:49 When you select words and phrases with your mouse, just beneath the text area where you create spin syntax, you're going to see spin syntax suggestions, already in spin syntax format, that are being pulled from a library or database of thousands of spin syntax suggested replacements for the text selected with the mouse. You can very quickly and easily replace the selected word or words with the spin syntax suggestions.

01:11 If you want the spin syntax suggestions to be in Proper Case meaning the First Letter Off Each Word of each of the spintax suggestions is is upper case, for example if you're using the spin syntax for am article or web page title title or an H1 or H2 tag etc., you double click on the text box with the spintax replacement suggestions and the default lower case spin syntax format is instantly converted to proper case or title case.

01:27 You just keep going through the content you want to convert into spin syntax format, highlighting or selecting words and phrases, replacing them with the spintax replacement suggestions, as you go. This spintax generator tester tool is just really fantastic at allowing you to create spun content, much more rapidly than if you were to do it manually.

01:59 You can check the checkbox with the text that reads Insert { before text that's selected with mouse and } after selected text and what'll happen is any text that you select with your mouse is going to automatically get surrounded by left and right brackets to speed up your creation of spin syntax content. If you check the check box with the text that reads Insert | (pipe character) also the pipe character | will also get inserted in addition to the left and right spintax brackets. If you check the checkbox with the text that reads Do not insert bracketts { } if spin syntax suggestions found brackets will NOT surround the selected text. This way you don't have to bother erasing the brackets if you choose to paste in the spintax replacements found and suggested by the spintax replacement database.

03:36 Another spin syntax generator shortcut this spin syntax generator tool provides is that all words that are contractions will automatically get converted to spin syntax with the click of a button. For example doesn't turns into does{n't| not}, won't gets converted into w{on't|ill not}, can't will automatically be turned into can{'t|{n| n}ot}, etc.

04:03 At any time during the creation of your spintax content, click the large button with the text that reads ↺ Spin ↺ to have your content spun and output in six different output text boxes so you can thoroughly test your spintax for errors and/or spintax quality. There is also a basic HTML editor in the spin syntax generator tool so you can easily insert basic HTML tags in your spintax such as strong, em, code as well as insert links into your spintax content.

05:05 This 100% free spintax generator and tester is a must-try tool for creating and testing spin syntax. A common misconception these days is that spun content is bad for SEO. Wrong! In fact it is better for SEO than NOT using spun content because the search engines will perceive the regular change to your content as meaning that you regularly attend to and update your website. The key is to make sure the quality and thoroughness of your spin syntax is exceptional.

One can download the text transcript of this 🎬 video tutorial about the right way to use nested spin syntax ↺ generator tester online tool.

If these instructions are unclear to you, feel free to check out these other instructions (links open in new window so you do not lose your place on this page).

Here is the actual nested spin syntax ↺ generator tester tool.


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