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Snoop On Anonymous E-mail Accounts 📧 From Fake Mail Generator

short url:
  • Spying on Fake or Temporary Email Accounts
  • How to Spy on Fake Email Accounts From Fake Mail Generators
  • Search Syntax to Spy on All Possible Fake Email Generator Account Extensions
  • Lesson to be Learned with Spying on Fake Email Account Inboxes

Spying on Fake or Temporary Email Accounts

These days, tens of thousands of people, every day use fake email services like Fake Mail Generator, to register accounts online. Many of these people don't think about the personal information that may be revealed. They are so focused on not letting the online service they are registering with know their real email address that they don't even think for a second about the information that gets revealed to the fake email accounts where their emails go to. This page is going to show you just how easy and fast it is to spy on these email accounts.

NOTE: we only provide this article for learning purposes. We do not endorse or condone spying on anyone or anything.

How to Spy on Fake Email Accounts from Fake Mail Generators

To spy on these fake or temporary email accounts involves a simple search hack. For this example we will use the Fake Mail Generator service as an example as they are one of the most popular.

Fake Mail Generator has the following possible email account extensions:


The url Fake Email Generator uses to construct the inbox for each account conforms to the following syntax:


So to spy on any of the above email accounts, your simply use the following specialized internet search in your web browser:

  •[account extension]

So, for example, if you want to spy on emails coming into the account you simply enter this for a Google search:


and the search engine will reveal dozen peoples fake email account inboxes like the image below shows.

Spy Fake Email Inbox Search Results.
Image of Spy Fake Email Inbox Search Results.
Spy Fake Email Inbox Search Results.

Search Syntax to Spy on All Possible Fake Email Generator Account Extensions

Here are the urls to search all of the possible fake email account extensions for the Fake Email Generator service. The top textbox is in case you wish to copy them all to clipboard and launch them all at the same time with the Open Multiple Links at the same time tool. Beneath that is each one hyperlinked. Just click on any of them to open the proper search in your browser in a new window.

Lesson to be Learned with Spying on Fake Email Account Inboxes

If you use a disposable email service keep in mind that the information, in terms of the emails you receive, is not necessarily secure. Don't use a disposable email service if the emails you are going to receive will potentially contain private or sensitive information. An alternative to a disposable email services is use a Yahoo mail account and pay $19 per year for the pro account. The Yahoo Mail Pro account allows you to create unlimited email aliases so it will be like having your own fake, disposable email service where you can be more sure the information is going to remain private to you.


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