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Plenty Of Fish Auto Message Sender Free Bookmarklet Download 2025

short url:
  • POF Auto Message Bot Download
  • How to Install & Set Up this POF Messaging Bot Bookmarklet
  • How to Use This POF Message Bot Bookmarklet
  • Changing the Messages
  • Can't Drag and Drop the Bookmarklet Link to Bookmarks Bar?
  • What is a Bookmarklet?

POF Auto Message Bot Download

This bookmarklet code is to make sending that first message to Plenty Of Fish members a lot faster and easier. Clicking on the bookmarklet inserts a unique, non-duplicate introductory message to that Plenty Of Fish member. Certainly a lot easier and faster than having to type a message to each member.

Keep in mind that copying and pasting the same message over and over again will get your messages blocked by Plenty Of Fish and perhaps even get your account deleted. You can read POF messaging policy which discusses this. This message bot bookmarklet inserts a unique message each time to avoid this issue.

To Install and Set Up this POF Messaging Bot Bookmarklet

  1. Make sure the web browser you are using to view this page is the same browser you will be using to visit Plenty Of Fish.
  2. Drag and drop this link to the POF Message Bot Bookmarklet to your web browsers bookmarks bar.

How to Use this POF Message Bot Bookmarklet when your are on POF

  1. When you are on the send message page of a Plenty Of Fish member you wish to message (in other words, the page that has the textbox where you type a message to the POF member and the button to send them the message), click the bookmarklet (which is now in your web browser bookmarks bar).
  2. Click your mouse in the textbox where you would normally type a message to the POF member. You will see the message box fill up with your message.
  3. Press the SPACE key once. This enables the button to actually send the message.
  4. Click the Send Message button.
  5. Rinse and repeat with as many members as you wish.
Instruction on How to Use POF Auto Messaging Bot Bookmarklet
Image of Instruction on How to Use POF Auto Messaging Bot Bookmarklet.
Instruction on How to Use POF Auto Messaging Bot Bookmarklet

You will quickly appreciate the massive amount of time and effort you will spend on Plenty Of Fish dating using this auto message bot bookmarklet.

Changing the Messages this POF Messaging Bot Uses

To change the message that is sent to Plenty Of Fish members:

  1. Enter your desired POF introductory message(s) in the text box below. Keep in mind you are going to want to use spin syntax so you are not sending the same message over and over again. Click this link to learn about spin syntax and how to use it. You can use this spin syntax generator tool to assist you in the process.
  2. Click the Create POF Message Bot Bookmarklet with New Messages button.
  3. A link will be created that is your POF Message Bot bookmarklet with your new messages.
  4. Drag & drop that link onto your web browsers bookmarks bar.


Can't Drag and Drop the Bookmarklet Link to Bookmarks Bar?

For some reason, some web browsers don't allow you to drag and drop the new bookmarklet link to your web browsers bookmarks bar. If this is the case you can manually create the bookmark. Instructions will vary slightly depending on the web browser.

What is a Bookmarklet?

A bookmarklet is a portable section of Javascript code that is installed in your web browsers bookmarks bar. A simple click of the bookmarklet runs the Javascript code that makes up the bookmarklet.

The great thing about bookmarklets is they are portable, meaning the Javascript code that runs is not tied to any specific web page or website so you can run any peice of Javascript code you wish on any website you wish. You can do some pretty awesom and sneaking things using bookmarklets and creating your own bookmarklet is not that difficult.


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